Hey Janbar, I recently noticed that season and episode info is showing up for tvshow recordings. I don't know if it's always been there and I didn't notice it, or if it's result of some recent upgrades I did (Mythtv 0.28, etc.). Example:
Regardless, that got me looking to see if I could enable trakt scrobbling from recorded items. At the moment, however, it seems that info isn't getting passed through to the video player which prevents the trakt addon having enough info to scrobble. Is this something that would be possible to change? If so, would you be open to doing so? If you can setup the right player infolabels then I can make it work. At the moment this what I see:
{u'item': {u'type': u'unknown', u'id': 4, u'label': u"The People's Court"}}
Player.GetItem is the default means the addon uses to get the movie/episode info of what's playing. Note, I couldn't correlated DBID 4 with anything in my library? If that lookup fails the addon fallsback to VideoPlayer.InfoLabels:
[traktPlayer] info - ids: , showtitle: , Year: , Season: , Episode:
The infolabels used are VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle, VideoPlayer.Season, VideoPlayer.Episode, VideoPlayer.Title, and VideoPlayer.Year. As you can see, those are all blank. For episode, TVShowTitle, Season and Episode are used. For movies Title and Year are used.
If it's possible to enable either of these options, I can make the changes necessary to the trakt addon to enable scrobbling.