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Hmm thanks, looks like echonest has removed their public API Sad


Gotta love takeovers in the industry!!

I'll look at using the spotify API now.

EDIT: nope its gone completely, so all biographies will have to be manually entered again.
Hi, I'm seeing that a lot of beautiful logos and banners are being added to TADB, but how can I scrape them? I don't see any option neither in Universal Artists scraper nor in TheAudiodb scraper...

If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, please click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :)
(2016-06-21, 12:29)manfeed Wrote: Hi, I'm seeing that a lot of beautiful logos and banners are being added to TADB, but how can I scrape them? I don't see any option neither in Universal Artists scraper nor in TheAudiodb scraper...


Since Logos are not supported in core at the moment... Sad this needs to be done with an add-on.

I've made a request in the cdart downloader add-on so maybe you could post in there to back it up?


There are also other possibilities such as the 3rd party MediaElch software.

Seems to be a SQL error when I report an album and typed the word "didn't". Using didnt sent through the report.
(2016-09-21, 02:03)Digital Vortex Wrote: Seems to be a SQL error when I report an album and typed the word "didn't". Using didnt sent through the report.

Thanks, silly bug on my part.

Also had a problem importing Sammy Hagar album Street Machine - brings an error stating something about release group. Maybe it's a Musicbrainz glitch. Fanart.TV already has this album art, so would be nice to see it added.
Added a new chart for Youtube top videos today


Its not API accessible yet, but let me know if it needs to be Wink
Been getting this error all day trying to access theaudiodb.com "General ErrorSQL ERROR [ mysqli ]Too many connections [1040]An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists." Thanks.
Yeh christmas seems to be a big time to use the API

16 million hits last night!

Should be fixed now, but I really need to look at upgrading the back end at some point.
theaudiodb.com =="The service is unavailable." Wink
Yeh sorry we are really feeling the pressure from increased usage at the moment and mysql is giving up randomly.

I'm working on a permanent fix.

Its backup for now.
(2017-01-14, 16:28)docwra Wrote: Yeh sorry we are really feeling the pressure from increased usage at the moment and mysql is giving up randomly.

I'm working on a permanent fix.

Its backup for now.

Just a heads up again...lol

Getting "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found." while trying it this morning. Confused
(2017-01-15, 14:28)woodside Wrote:
(2017-01-14, 16:28)docwra Wrote: Yeh sorry we are really feeling the pressure from increased usage at the moment and mysql is giving up randomly.

I'm working on a permanent fix.

Its backup for now.

Just a heads up again...lol

Getting "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found." while trying it this morning. Confused

Yep it was actually the Skin.Helper.Service Add-on causing all the issues. See this post


I've disabled their API key for now, so should be no more issues I hope Smile
Site has to go down for a week or so until next month begins, this was due to the unprecedented demand from the skin helper Kodi plugin.

This problem has hopefully been fixed for the future and we will work on some new features in the mean time.
(2017-01-22, 15:10)docwra Wrote: Site has to go down for a week or so until next month begins, this was due to the unprecedented demand from the skin helper Kodi plugin.

This problem has hopefully been fixed for the future and we will work on some new features in the mean time.

Seems that the theaudiodb.com website is back up but still unable to retrieve anything using API calls. Thanks.
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