PM3.HD and FanArt under File-Mode?
Jezz X,

Is any chance that we can use Fanarts in each section like MediaStream ?
For the moment I have this two choice :

Image or this one Image

Okay, not easy to add Fanarts in the background of the first one, but I think
you can add Fanarts support on the second one (in background), no ?

I always use PM3 & PM3.HD & it will be great if we can use Fanart like this :

Image & Image

Thanks for the reply & for all you've done for the community.

If you get the Latest Atlantis version I added support for fanart in the show and season sections just after beta 2 it is int he same theme as the episode one though
Image Image
Jezz X,

Yes, but you are using the Library mode, but it will be great if we can use
Fanart also without the library. Any chance for this ?
(I don't really like the library mode)

Take a look at my fake's, it give you an idea for that I would like to have :
Image Image Image

I think it's not so hard for you to do this ;-)

ahhh well you didn't say filemode Smile
its on my "maybe todo" list
Fake look nice hey ? ;-)

Anyway this are only fake's. I'm sure you can do it better.
I guess it's possible when you change in list, the fanart change too.

Exemple :
when i'm on Lost folder, the background will be the "Fanart.jpg" in the Lost Folder.
The same if i'm on the Smallville folder, the default background will be the "Fanart.jpg" in the SmallVille folder.
If I press OK button to enter the Smallville folder, the default background will be the "Fanart.jpg" in the folder.

So, what do you think about this idea ?
Can you modify it into "to do" list ?
Guys I can't believe that fanart support has not been enabled in File mode, clearly there is enough people wanting this as its been requested and asked in multiple posts. Why is everyone so against this feature? A lot of people don't use liblary mode because no all media can be scraped properly. Surely there cant be too much coding involved to get this added.

Does anyone else feel the same?
I share the same media source between multiple machines on the same network, so the folder structure is already sorted into the the order we all want it to be, so library mode ends up making it just so much more confusing, with more setup/customizing after each build just to get to a movie view or a tv show view.

Regardless, am happy enough that someone is putting in the hard yards just to get to this point so am in no position to complain Smile

But yes, a file view with fan art would be awesome.
majorspawn Wrote:Guys I can't believe that fanart support has not been enabled in File mode, clearly there is enough people wanting this as its been requested and asked in multiple posts


naturaldisasta Wrote:I share the same media source between multiple machines on the same network, so the folder structure is already sorted into the order we all want it to be, so library mode ends up making it just so much more confusing, with more setup/customizing after each build just to get to a movie view or a tv show view.

Exactly the same as me. (+ I don't realy like Library mode)
Jezz_x : As you can see many people waiting for your great job ;-)
We hope you can do something for us asap.

Ok let me just say this the main reason I'm not adding this is I know that the whole video section and the way its interacted with is probably going to go under a major overhaul sooner or later. So I don't really see the need to do the same thing twice

- Because, lots of people don't use/like library mode ?
- Because, everybody don't use only XBMC as you ?
- Because, everybody have the same network config ?

3 good reasons to add fanart support in filemode ;-)
It is so hard to add fanart into filemode ?

Maybe you can make a PM3.FM (Filemode) skin.
The same as PM3.HD but without the library mode ?
As it, you give users the choice to use the skin they want but with the nice PM3 skin.

If I have the ability to do it, I will do it myself, but I don't know anything yet.
Do we have french speaking skinners on this board to explain the "how to" ?
Where to start ? What do I need ?

would anyone know the xml code necessary to add to the skin config to enable fanart in file mode. There was a related topic before but it did not work properly. Jezz X, would you be able to provide us with the code required and some steps so that we can do amend it ourselves?
majorspawn Wrote:would anyone know the xml code necessary to add to the skin config to enable fanart in file mode. There was a related topic before but it did not work properly. Jezz X, would you be able to provide us with the code required and some steps so that we can do amend it ourselves?

If I didn't misunderstood he said he doesn't want to make any changes in filemode.
So, if we want this we only have 3 solutions :

- Wait until he changes he's mind,
- Wait for someone capable to modify it,
- Change skin for MediaStream, Vision, or another one (unfortunalty & regrets).

as far as I know only AEON and Mediastream have fanart in filemode. I will lead the way for you but give me time its not as easy as you think to code it in unless you go the easy way about it but that would make it look bad
excellent news Jezz X, you will make a lot of people very happy indeed!
we will be holding our breath in anticipation until then
Indeed, excellent news for lots of people.
Thank you very much Jezzy_X.


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PM3.HD and FanArt under File-Mode?0