(2016-10-31, 23:20)primaeval Wrote: (2016-10-31, 23:16)ProjectUltra Wrote: ...
Hope that helps!! Those are the channels that I have chosen btw
We must be close now.
What does the log say?
[ ]
[ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V1.57
[ ]
[ ] Jan van Straaten
[ ] Francis De Paemeleere
[ ]
[ ] thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
[ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]
[ ] Job started at 31/10/2016 20:43:52
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Running on: Unix
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.17020
[ Debug ] Mono version: 4.2.1 (Debian )
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Loading timezone data
[ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: WGconsole.WG.Common.timezonesdata.txt
[ Debug ] Reading config file: WebGrab++.config.xml
[ ] Job finished at 31/10/2016 20:43:58 done in 5s
[Critical] SiteIni syntax exception:
[Critical] file: tv.com.ini
[Critical] line: 20
[Critical] message:
[Error ] Cannot find timezone=GTM-4:00
[Error ] Correct the timezone=GTM-4:00
[ Debug ] use any of the following zone names:
[ Debug ] UTC offset: DST date: zone name:
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Africa/Casablanca
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Africa/El_Aaiun
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Antarctica/Troll
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Atlantic/Canary
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Atlantic/Faeroe
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Atlantic/Faroe
[ Debug ] UTC+00:00 26/03/2017 Atlantic/Madeira
[ Debug ] UTC+12:00 02/04/2017 Antarctica/McMurdo
[ Debug ] UTC+12:00 02/04/2017 Antarctica/South_Pole
[ Debug ] UTC+12:00 02/04/2017 NZ
[ Debug ] UTC+12:00 02/04/2017 Pacific/Auckland
[ Debug ] UTC+12:00 06/11/2016 Pacific/Fiji
[ Debug ] UTC+12:45 02/04/2017 NZ-CHAT
[ Debug ] UTC-02:00 no DST Brazil/DeNoronha
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 06/11/2016 America/Miquelon
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 19/02/2017 America/Sao_Paulo
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 19/02/2017 Brazil/East
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 25/03/2017 America/Godthab
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Araguaina
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Catamarca
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Cordoba
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Jujuy
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/La_Rioja
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Mendoza
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Salta
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/San_Juan
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/San_Luis
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Tucuman
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Argentina/Ushuaia
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Bahia
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Belem
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Buenos_Aires
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Catamarca
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Cayenne
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Cordoba
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Fortaleza
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Jujuy
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Maceio
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Mendoza
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Montevideo
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Paramaribo
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Recife
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Rosario
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST America/Santarem
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST Antarctica/Rothera
[ Debug ] UTC-03:00 no DST Atlantic/Stanley
[ Debug ] UTC-03:30 06/11/2016 America/St_Johns
[ Debug ] UTC-03:30 06/11/2016 Canada/Newfoundland
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 America/Glace_Bay
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 America/Goose_Bay
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 America/Halifax
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 America/Moncton
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 America/Thule
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 Atlantic/Bermuda
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 06/11/2016 Canada/Atlantic
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 14/05/2017 America/Santiago
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 14/05/2017 Antarctica/Palmer
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 14/05/2017 Chile/Continental
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 19/02/2017 America/Campo_Grande
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 19/02/2017 America/Cuiaba
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 26/03/2017 America/Asuncion
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Anguilla
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Antigua
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Aruba
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Barbados
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Blanc-Sablon
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Boa_Vista
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Caracas
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Curacao
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Dominica
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Grand_Turk
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Grenada
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Guadeloupe
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Guyana
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Kralendijk
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/La_Paz
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Lower_Princes
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Manaus
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Marigot
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Martinique
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Montserrat
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Port_of_Spain
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Porto_Velho
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Puerto_Rico
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Santo_Domingo
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/St_Barthelemy
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/St_Kitts
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/St_Lucia
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/St_Thomas
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/St_Vincent
[ Debug ] UTC-04:00 no DST America/Tortola
[ Debug ] UTC-05:00 no DST Jamaica
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 02/04/2017 America/Bahia_Banderas
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 02/04/2017 America/Merida
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 02/04/2017 America/Mexico_City
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 02/04/2017 America/Monterrey
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 02/04/2017 Mexico/General
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Chicago
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Indiana/Knox
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Indiana/Tell_City
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Knox_IN
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Matamoros
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Menominee
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/North_Dakota/Beulah
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/North_Dakota/Center
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Rainy_River
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Rankin_Inlet
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Resolute
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 America/Winnipeg
[ Debug ] UTC-06:00 06/11/2016 Canada/Central
[ Debug ] UTC-11:00 no DST Pacific/Samoa
[ Debug ] UTC-11:00 no DST US/Samoa
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped
**I removed half of it as it took up too much of the page. The parts i removed just says [debug] UCT etc - basically stating the time zone & location..
If you want the full code let me know.