Lyrics not finding non-syncronized lyrics

I'm running a newly installed Kodi 16.1 with the cu lrc lyrics plugin enabled. The lyrics work perfectly when it is able to find synchronized lyrics. However, if it doesn't find synchronized lyrics, it never displays the non-synchronized lyrics, even though i'm able to find the lyrics on and When I looked at the debug log, it even finds the correct link to the lyrics, but it always says lyrics not found.

Here is a debug log:

Any suggestions?
thanx for the heads-up!
turns out that 3 scrapers were broken..

all fixed now and the update is on it's way to the addon repo.
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Awesome, thanks so much. That was super quick.

Great job on this addon.
no problem. ;-)

i also found out there were two broken lrc scrapers.
one i've managed to fix (baidu), the other (gomaudio) might be a bigger pain in the arse to get working again...
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Lyrics not finding non-syncronized lyrics0