(2016-12-01, 11:36)KOPRajs Wrote: Well, that is what I am asking. Since the libretro core for RetroPlayer is compiled the same way as for RetroArch I believe it should be able to achieve more or less the same performance. The question is what features of RetroArch are possibly missing in RetroPlayer? I've seen there is GL support being worked on? Is there also GL ES support? Is there some kind of feature status page? What works? What is in progress? Are there any other missing features that can possibly improve performance? It would be nice to have some kind of hardware support page similar to the Lakka so people know what they can expect on which hardware (what works now and what is possible to work in the future). Maybe expand the table on wiki (http://kodi.wiki/view/Game_add-ons) and add minimum hardware requirements for every core? Some cores seems to be better suited for x86 while others are better optimized for ARM etc.
I don't know if there is anyone who will ever be able to answer this.
For the things I can talk about:
- Yes RetroArch has a features that are still missing in kodi (I have no idea about the full feature set of RetroArch, so I can't name them)
- There is work happening on OpenGL support
- Maybe there will be OpenGL ES support at some point in the future
I see that lakka has info about supported hardware, but for n64 for example there are 3 or 4 gfx plugins, that work for some games while fail for others and vice versa.
IMHO adding minimum hardware requirements for every core isn't possible, because maybe one gfx plugin has more requirements than the other while still being the same core.
You see, this is a complex topic and can't be addressed easily.