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Release script.skinshortcuts
sorry i hit post by accident
I am not sure why the hostility but the add-on is broken, i am merely trying to help when i looked at my log, it doesnt show anything, but yet on 3 different builds its not working. by reverting back to an older version fixes the issue, and my first post was welcomed with your hostility Bob? And sunny go to the add-on and uncheck update auto and then install and when promted use an older build
debug log for the underlying issue
Thanks for providing a debug log. Whilst I can only reproduce the issue indirectly, I believe it will be fixed by this branch. If you are in a position to test whether the fix works for you before I merge it into master, that would be appreciated.

To manually install a version of Skin Shortcuts, download the zip from the page linked above, manually extract it and replace the contents of addons/script.skinshortcuts with the contents of the zip file. The addons folder is normally found one level 'up' from the userdata (wiki) folder.
ok ive downloaded the fix.zip file, replaced all files the skinshortcuts directory on my pc, restarted kodi, seems to have fixed the issue
Thanks for testing.
I think I'm losing my mind. Where do I find skin shortcuts in the Kodi official repo? All I can find is skin shortcuts-add to menu. Are they the same?
It is only listed under dependencies. Where that is varies depending on your version on Kodi. On Jarvis it's under the Addon Browser > System > Dependencies, under Krypton its in Settings > System > Dependencies.
(2016-11-21, 17:49)BobCratchett Wrote: It is only listed under dependencies. Where that is varies depending on your version on Kodi. On Jarvis it's under the Addon Browser > System > Dependencies, under Krypton its in Settings > System > Dependencies.

Thank you
Hi Bob!

Thanks again for your support of this script, your tips in the other thread prompted me to add widget sorting. Now I'm trying to change the label color of menu items that are disabled in the management dialog. I was looking at the docs and tried using the following as the condition in a fade animation, but it didn't work as I was hoping.


Any other ideas for determining if a menu item is disabled?
I don't know what to tell you, braz. I just tried it in a fade animation (to fade out the various gui elements such as select shortcut, change background and so on) and it worked fine for me.

<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="50" time="200" condition="String.IsEqual(Container(211).ListItem.Property(skinshortcuts-disabled),True)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="50" end="100" time="200" condition="!String.IsEqual(Container(211).ListItem.Property(skinshortcuts-disabled),True)">Conditional</animation>

If it's of any use, my actual use is to add a red 'x' before the label when disabled.

The only suggestion I have is to double-check where you're using it - if it's within the layouts of gui 211 itself, you probably don't want to be including Container(211)...
Ah, I like your actual use better. Smile

Yeah, it was using Container(211) in the itemlayout that was causing the labels to disappear. Will implement something like the red x. Thanks!
I said in a few posts back I would work on creating a post regarding the rules for this thread, as it has been used as a general support thread far too often recently. The truth is that the rules I posted at that time were actually pretty comprehensive, but for the record:

* This is a thread primarily aimed at discussing skin integration and the development of the script
* If you have a general issue with the script you should first post in the relevant thread for the skin that you are using. Most issues will be solved there, and - if not - you may then be referred to this thread
* If you are reporting a bug with the script you must include a debug log (wiki) - just telling us there is a bug is of absolutely no use in actually fixing it
* If you do post in the thread about an issue with the script and don't include a debug log - or have a general usage question and haven't first posted in the relevant skin thread - you won't receive a warm welcome

Just so you know - and with huge thanks to flhthemi as the singer and re-writer of the lyrics - anyone posting about an bug with the script without including a debug log will now be referred to a nice song about how there's a Big Bug Somewhere, rather than receiving actual assistance.
Hi Bob,

Had a 2nd instance of installing Titan Beta destroying all my Madnox shortcuts, see here where I've asked Marcel about it?

Bob, what file would actually need to be changed / destoryed for my menu and widgets to all be reset back to original which it seems is happening?

Sorry I don't have a logfile as forgot this happens when installing Titan, I'll look at setting up my Dev machine to try and replicate again if a log file is needed.

EDIT: if it helps I've found that in the skin.shortucts addon_data folder that every single file was deleted, all xmls etc. etc., they only thing that existed was skin.aeon.madnox.hash. I copied all the files from my Dev Jarvis instance over to the Kprypton folder and after a reload everything is back now? So for some reason installing Titan seems to wipe out my skin.shortcuts addon_data folder?
SKIN: Aeon Madnox
RIP Schimi2k, we miss you.
When I grow up I want to be a skilled skinner
Thank me by ⬇ adding to my + reputation
It's only the wiping out of the contents of that folder that would do it. Skin Shortcuts will only do that if it's told to, so I doubt that it's the culprit but obviously can't be certain without a debug log. The only other script I know which ever touches it is the Skin Helper Service and its backup/restore functions.

If you're able to reproduce the issue then grab a debug log (wiki) with both Skin Shortcuts and Skin Helpers own debug logging options enabled. (As it seems to be a Titan-specific issue, perhaps removing the skin.titan folder from addon_data might help in reproducing it...?)
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