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I have got my wireless keyboard, and started setting up keymapping.
Got Search (press s), Remind (press r) working, but I can't seem to find in the keymap editor m (for the categories), so I can re-map it to c.
Could you tell me where abouts it is located?
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 20:22)gillmacca Wrote: I have got my wireless keyboard, and started setting up keymapping.
Got Search (press s), Remind (press r) working, but I can't seem to find in the keymap editor m (for the categories), so I can re-map it to c.
Could you tell me where abouts it is located?

It is a new action that you'll have to add in by hand until it's patched. See here:
If you are using Keymap Editor you can also add in the menu mapping to m by adding this to:

<key id="61517">menu</key>

Don't forget the Kode in Kodi means you have to do some of your own coding too. Wink
Sorted. thanks
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 20:21)primaeval Wrote:
(2016-12-15, 19:55)Drt1989 Wrote: That's so refreshing to hear. I have read the readme again, studied the .py and....

I moved my ffmpeg to data/data in Android (with Root access) (simply using the .py as a template)

I have a folder on my sda1 named Recordings.

I have enabled autoplaywiths in settings. I am currently recording the end of bbc news as a test.

One question is - do I need to define my path to save the recording as it's written as comment in the .py

I haven't made any changes:

# Play with your own preferred player and paths
if url:
    name = "%s = %s = %s" % (start,channel,title)
    name = name.encode("cp1252")
    filename = xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/%s.ts" % name)
    #filename = "/storage/recordings/%s.ts" % name         <----------------- Should I have inputted this (or my own path) above?
    ffmpeg = r"c:\utils\ffmpeg.exe"
    ffmpeg = r"/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
    cmd = [ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", url, "-c", "copy", "-t", str(seconds), filename]
    p = Popen(cmd,shell=True)
    #p = Popen(cmd,shell=False)

Your path depends on your device. Have a root around in adb if it's not obvious from whatever file manager you're using.
One of the examples uses the Kodi temp directory which should be writeable by ffmpeg.

Write the value of any variable you're interested in in the log with:
where variable might be cmd or filename for example.

Make sure ffmpeg is working on the command line first. You won't be able to see any error values when you run it from Kodi.
It needs the full path for the output path.

I have no idea on how to rn in cmd prompt in android ?

Hmm I'll have to do a lot more work I think.

I'm not even sure I have done things correctly. I used the binary example that you linked too. If i needed to do anything to that file, then I need to research how to Huh

I did copy the wrong .playwith example.

Heres you android one:

# Play with your own preferred player and paths
if url:
    name = "%s=%s=%s" % (start,channel,title)
    name = re.sub(' ','_',name)
    name = name.encode("cp1252")
    filename = xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/%s.ts" % name)
    #filename = "/storage/external_storage/sda1/recordings/%s.ts" %name   <-------- My plan here is to change this special://home/recordings (for testing) (is this ok/will it work!?)
    ffmpeg = r"/data/data/ffmpeg"                                                               <------------------- To me this is the location of where i have put the ffmpeg file? I'll move it to special://home/
    cmd = [ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", url, "-c", "copy", "-t", str(seconds), filename]  <---------------- Need to read up
    p = Popen(cmd,shell=False)
    if p.wait() != 0:
        xbmc.log("There were some errors")
(2016-12-15, 21:32)Drt1989 Wrote:
(2016-12-15, 20:21)primaeval Wrote:
(2016-12-15, 19:55)Drt1989 Wrote: That's so refreshing to hear. I have read the readme again, studied the .py and....

I moved my ffmpeg to data/data in Android (with Root access) (simply using the .py as a template)

I have a folder on my sda1 named Recordings.

I have enabled autoplaywiths in settings. I am currently recording the end of bbc news as a test.

One question is - do I need to define my path to save the recording as it's written as comment in the .py

I haven't made any changes:

# Play with your own preferred player and paths
if url:
    name = "%s = %s = %s" % (start,channel,title)
    name = name.encode("cp1252")
    filename = xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/%s.ts" % name)
    #filename = "/storage/recordings/%s.ts" % name         <----------------- Should I have inputted this (or my own path) above?
    ffmpeg = r"c:\utils\ffmpeg.exe"
    ffmpeg = r"/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
    cmd = [ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", url, "-c", "copy", "-t", str(seconds), filename]
    p = Popen(cmd,shell=True)
    #p = Popen(cmd,shell=False)

Your path depends on your device. Have a root around in adb if it's not obvious from whatever file manager you're using.
One of the examples uses the Kodi temp directory which should be writeable by ffmpeg.

Write the value of any variable you're interested in in the log with:
where variable might be cmd or filename for example.

Make sure ffmpeg is working on the command line first. You won't be able to see any error values when you run it from Kodi.
It needs the full path for the output path.

I have no idea on how to rn in cmd prompt in android ?

Hmm I'll have to do a lot more work I think.

I'm not even sure I have done things correctly. I used the binary example that you linked too. If i needed to do anything to that file, then I need to research how to Huh

I did copy the wrong .playwith example.

Heres you android one:

# Play with your own preferred player and paths
if url:
    name = "%s=%s=%s" % (start,channel,title)
    name = re.sub(' ','_',name)
    name = name.encode("cp1252")
    filename = xbmc.translatePath("special://temp/%s.ts" % name)
    #filename = "/storage/external_storage/sda1/recordings/%s.ts" %name   <-------- My plan here is to change this special://home/recordings (for testing) (is this ok/will it work!?)
    ffmpeg = r"/data/data/ffmpeg"                                                               <------------------- To me this is the location of where i have put the ffmpeg file? I'll move it to special://home/
    cmd = [ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", url, "-c", "copy", "-t", str(seconds), filename]  <---------------- Need to read up
    p = Popen(cmd,shell=False)
    if p.wait() != 0:
        xbmc.log("There were some errors")

Only Kodi understands the special:// paths. You have to use the full Android path for filename.

I suppose a remote adb shell app would be easiest to get to the command line on an Android TV box.
Maybe this:

I would do some experiments on Windows first if I were you then you can watch the processes and work out how to run ffmpeg.
Would it be possible to add reminds to the lists views?
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 22:08)gillmacca Wrote: Would it be possible to add reminds to the lists views?

They should be there.
Either under
Menu \ Lists \ Reminders | Autoplays | Autoplaywiths
or with buttons 6, 7, 8 respectively.
Haven't explained myself very well....lol
If I (for example) search for a programme from the EPG, it shows me in a new view, when the programme is on and what channels. I would like to be able to set a reminder from that view, rather than having to go back into the EPG and finding the programme. I would like to be able to set the reminder the same way I would from the EPG (via key press)
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 22:17)gillmacca Wrote: Haven't explained myself very well....lol
If I (for example) search for a programme from the EPG, it shows me in a new view, when the programme is on and what channels. I would like to be able to set a reminder from that view, rather than having to go back into the EPG and finding the programme. I would like to be able to set the reminder the same way I would from the EPG (via key press)

You should be able to press c,context menu to get to the normal Menu with that Program selected from the List Views.
Then you can click on Remind.
I tried it on criminal minds. It's on now, but also on in 2 hours.
When I select the one on in 2 hours and go into the context menu, and set reminder, it set a reminder for what's on now
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 22:31)gillmacca Wrote: I tried it on criminal minds. It's on now, but also on in 2 hours.
When I select the one on in 2 hours and go into the context menu, and set reminder, it set a reminder for what's on now

I tried it and it worked ok for me on Sky Living HD.

Did you use a mouse or touch control at any point?
The program information is picked up by the program that is in focus when the context menu is pressed.
When you use a mouse it can get confused.
It is safer to stick to the keyboard.
Something must be setup wrong my end then.
I'm guessing it may have something to do with keymapping.
I wonder if it is because I was accessing the context menu by pressing the left mouse button

solved it. I have just remapped the context menu to m, and now it works fine
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
(2016-12-15, 22:50)gillmacca Wrote: Something must be setup wrong my end then.
I'm guessing it may have something to do with keymapping.
I wonder if it is because I was accessing the context menu by pressing the left mouse button

solved it. I have just remapped the context menu to m, and now it works fine

I expect so. The mouse cursor was probably over the next program.
Kodi was built to only really be controlled by a simple ir remote control.
Android was built to only really be controlled by a touch screen and a back button.
Trying to mix the two of them will drive you nuts. Wink
I have no problem driving myself nuts setting things up....lol.
Especially when it comes to keymapping....trying to make sure something I set-up in the TV Guide, doesn't mess up something else in the rest of kodi
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
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