Ok, I think all caps for PYTHON --VERSION was causing it to fail. I can see it is installed from the error message for pip.
The short answer is it is a permissions issue. Your Python is installed in /Library which means you need to run the command as an admin user.
It is tricky to know what to recommend, there is a very simple answer which is run the
pip install lambda-deploy
command as a root user by putting "sudo" in front of it
sudo pip install lambda-deploy
Using sudo is very risky and especially if you do not know what you are doing. So I advise against it as you do not want to be installing anything in the system version of Python, though I think you may have already done so with pip.
You should not have to use sudo for python etc on mac. You do this by running "local" versions that are kept separate from the system version.
The easiest way to do this is by using homebrew
Follow the instructions on the homepage, you only have to copy and paste one line, but DO NOT use sudo to run it. Homebrew does a great job at keeping separate at a user level, so you should never use sudo.
After installing you run
After you have done that and followed the instructions, close terminal and open it again. Try
What this does is ask "
which is the version of python/pip ready to use?" and "
where are the versions of python/pip on my system?"
You should see something like:
If "which python" and "which pip" are both reporting
/usr/local/bin/python then you can install lambda-deploy using
pip install lambda-deploy
Then fingers crossed, when you cd into your kodi-alexa-master folder, you should be able to run
python deploy-to-lambda.py