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Kodi 17 videos too dark/ high contrast
I'm running Kodi on an Android TV box with an s912 processor.
All videos are too dark and have too high contrast. Any areas not brightly lit are almost black with no detail. That goes for videos streamed and local. When I attempt to adjust the brightness and contrast in video settings it usually does nothing. Videos played through other apps like MXplayer look fine, so I know it isn;t the device. I emailed the developer at the address listed on Google play. I don't expect any response it's clearly stated most emails without a log will be ignored.
Any help to be had? I'm about to give up on Kodi as it's almost useless at present.
Kodi has no control over color space, so either your box is using the wrong color space or you TV is set to the wrong color space.

Check you TV settings and make sure that you don't have it set to RGB Full.
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I'm not a techie, just an average consumer who has general knowledge of Kodi. I don't know how to upload a log or where to find it in Kodi but I'll look into it at the link. As for my TV RGB setting and color space (what?), my TV doesn't have that advanced option. It allows adjustment to RGB per color, but I have never touched those settings.The Android box doesn't either. I just find it strange that adjusting the playback controls for brightness and contrast has absolutely no effect. It did in the past , so I'm wondering if it's an issue with 17.
In Settings, please disable "Mediacodec Surface" <- does that help?
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
fritsch, you're a lifesaver. It solved the adjustment issue with brightness and contrast. The first video I tried looks great, so hopefully that's the end of the issue. Thank you so much. I apologize for the cross-posting, but I wasn't sure which category was appropriate.
Surface does what it wants.gles goes through our renderer instead.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Are you using 1080p TV??I had that problem using my Beelink GT 1.It was to dark .I found If you play a 4k video it adjusts it.I just downloaded a 4k movie trailer and keep it on usb stick.Just play 4k .I have to do it every time I reboot but If you dont reboot it holds
stratotak, yes I am. I may need to do what you suggest. I just rebooted my device and it's back to being dark , and theMediacodec (Surface) option is disabled. This is beyond frustrating.
At this point in proceedings we :

1) Tell you to send the unsupported, rubbish AMLogic Firmware S912 device back to the seller immediately if possible OR

2) Send you over to the Freaktab Website for you to investigate installing 3rd party, bug busted Firmware.

And then advise anyone that cares --->>

Bleeding edge AMLogic Android (S912) Boxes should only be bought by the very brave and those that want to do a LOT of DIY.
They are not Plug N Play. There are simply too many Firmware bugs with Shiny, New AMLogic Android devices.

Thanks for the information. I've got about five days to return it, and it's likely I will. As I disabled the Mediacodec I found I'm at least able to manually adjust the brightness, but who knows what will happen next. It's a shame as the box is lightning fast. If anyone has a suggestion what fast processor would be supported I'd greatly appreciated it. Would most s905 be ok, perhaps a Tronsmart?
No need to return it-just do what stratotak suggest.
Use Aeon Nox 5 SiLVO skin for auto play short 4k startup video.
Replace the default video with any short 4k clip.
@TopherS, it really depend what you want out of a device.

If its Kodi only you need ditch AMLogic Android on Cheap S912 boxes all together and simply get a S905(X) and run LibreELEC Kodi on it.

If it is Android you need. The decently supported Xiaomi Mi Box will very likely do all you want at speed, with a far far better remote than any cheap Android device. It will actually work properly as well. Smile

The AMLogic S912's CPU is no faster than a S905 or S905X. It has a slightly improved GPU for 3D games and that is about it. Don't be fooled by the bigger S912 number and fancy tech specs.

Simply looking at Tech Specs with cheap Android boxes is all smoke and mirrors and bullshit marketing designed to fool customers into thinking everything works. Its all Crap without bug busted Firmware support.

You need to be looking at after sales Firmware and Kodi support on these devices.

The START HERE sticky thread in the Hardware section is a very good place to start.

Thanks for all the help and information, everyone. I've got some thinking to do. The Minix box is looking pretty good right now since they update firmware. Either that or theMi Box if I can deal with the lack of multiple USB.

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Kodi 17 videos too dark/ high contrast1