Hey Mike,
Couple bugs in the Krypton branch...
#1 - The Default Color Icons don't seem to work. All other Color Icons work except the default ones. You can see them in file mode when looking at your sources or in the library section when you have to pick Movies, TV Shows, Recently Added, etc... This is in List View
#2 - All the dialogs are really big. It doesn't respect the "Smaller Dialogs" skin setting.
#3 - DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml is missing from the 1080i folder. It is a new dialog meant to replace what you saw when you pressed 'o' (CodecInfo)
I looked at the one made by Gade for his Rapier skin and it was nice and clean so i modded it for Aeon MadNox.
In Rapier, it looks like this:
I modified it to look like this in Aeon MadNox:
Here is the source for anyone who needs the functionality back right away:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<control type="button" id="5001">
<visible allowhiddenfocus="true">false</visible>
<control type="group">
<description>Player Process Information</description>
<visible>![Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Video Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(videodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(videowidth)]$INFO[Player.Process(videoheight),x, px]$INFO[Player.Process(videodar), (, $LOCALIZE[31154])]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(videofps),, FPS]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>PIXEL FORMAT:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(pixformat)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>DEINTERLACE METHOD:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(deintmethod)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Audio Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(audiodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>AUDIO CHANNELS:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiochannels)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiosamplerate),, Hz]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>BITS PER SAMPLE:</label>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(audiobitspersample),, Bit]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>System Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.CpuUsage]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.Memory(used.percent)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>CACHE LEVEL:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.CacheLevel,,%]</label>
I made the system decoder display
SOFTWARE so you can quickly see when hardware decoding is working but if you don't like it, just change
And it will be the same color as the other attributes.
Please note that i do not use the PVR function so i did not add that to this MOD.
original file has it but you will have to edit it to display properly in 1080i because it was coded in 720p. It also uses a lot of includes for fonts and animations so you will have to do some back and forth to figure out the translation to the MadNox includes. Lastly, most of the localized strings don't exist in MadNox so you will have to hardcode them in if you are not going add them to the strings.po
Hope this is useful for someone...