[Release] Charge! TV
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Add-on for the live stream from Charge! network is available in the kodi.org repo under "Charge! TV Live"

Programming is mostly action shows and movies. Seem to have a strange fixation with Burt Reynolds movies this month.
Charge! TV Live addon no longer works.
(2017-08-07, 21:57)Lasar3 Wrote: Charge! TV Live addon no longer works.

Works fine for me. If you're still having issues, post a debug log to xbmclogs.com or pastebin.com and post the link here.
My bad.

I changed my router dns server to google dns.

Now it works.
Is there a way to time shift this stream by recording it?
My Charge TV addon streams live TV just fine.  But the program guide is wrong.  It only lists the following:

China News Report
Weather Report
World Perspective

This does not in any way line up with what it actually being livestreamed.  I'm currently watching "World's Dumbest Crimminals," not "China News Report."
(2018-03-30, 16:56)Dennis_D Wrote: My Charge TV addon streams live TV just fine.  But the program guide is wrong.  It only lists the following:

China News Report
Weather Report
World Perspective

This does not in any way line up with what it actually being livestreamed.  I'm currently watching "World's Dumbest Crimminals," not "China News Report."
Thanks for reporting. I realized I'm missing out on old The Avengers programs.
Version 3.0.3 fix program listing - pains me to fix this because the idiot clown plagurist will have the fix as well, he's certainly not capable on his own.
A pull request has been issued for the kodi.org repo.
The add-on should update in a few days.
Thanks for fixing it so quickly!

I'm running it thru Lunatixz's PTVL (Charge! is on a low-power station that I can't pick up in my area) and it works perfectly there.  Works properly in the EPG too! Big Grin
Version 4.0.0 released to Kodi v19 repo.
PLEASE NOTE: This add-on is native Py3 and will only run on Kodi v19 or above.

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[Release] Charge! TV0