Req Renamer + Sub directories
Hi !

For the next renamer module, could we replace some characters with anothers (example : ' with _) ?

The current release does not scan sub directories : it could be interresting to activate/desactivate it ...

Keep on for your good job !
hmm.. we already replace ": " to " - "
When does this not happen, can you give us an example? (or logs)

What do you mean with we're not scanning subfolders?
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Hi myron !

Yes, it's already done for :
. ":" to "-"
. " " to "_"

But not for " ' " (apostrophe) ... and it could be interesting to allow having other characters ("#" or others ...)

For subfolders : if you have C:\folder1\folder2 for instance with a single film only in folder2, tMM will not see it.
ah ok, will think about a replacement.
But it shouldn't getting too complex; every user has own preferences...
We currently only replace those, who cannot be saved on filesystems like "\:<>|/?*

regarding scan:
I doubt that ^^
We scan folders unlimited deep for movies.
Can you send me the logfile of your last scan?
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Proposal for remplacement :
a field where the user enters several characters side by side and a field in front where he enters the replacement character
Do this at least 3 times to allow 3 remplacement characters
Example :
"<> ?*' _ (underscore character for me ; Note: even space is a character (here between > and ?))
\:/| - (hyphen character for me)
. (no character for me)

Subfolder scan :
After several tests, I find that if the DIR folder contains only 1 MOV movie, then tMM does not see MOV but DIR (problem)
On the other hand, if there is 2 movies in DIR (MOV1 and MOV2), then tMM sees correctly MOV1 and MOV2 (great)

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