ok, i really like the skin, simple, effective, elegant, im using it!
that being said, there's some stuff bugging me a bit
so these are my 22 findings / recommendations.
[01] Is it possible to allow the submenu items to have their own widgets?
would be the 1st skin to have that correct me if i'm wrong
and would definitely set your skin apart from others!
also, it would speed up the widget loading time which
i dunno why but it's real slow with this skin.
Faster in other skins like Phenomenal, Nox Silvo and so on :/
So having submenu items load their own widget would help alot
because only one widget needs to load at a time on screen
instead of having like 5 different movie widgets loading each time.
I'm really digging this feature hope you make this possible
[02] Talking about widgets,
is it possible to also boost up the allowed widgets from 5 to 10 at least?
I'm missing needed widgets on my build and i'm sure other users would like this too.
[03] The custom color theme feature,
could you allow us to choose 2 different colors?
example, i really want to have the FONTS in RED but have the backdrop overlay in BLACK.
and overall would be a nice addition to your skin to allow further customization to users!
[04] I know your in the works for the fonts,
so far, i'm having a hard time with the current one, hard to read stuff most of the time
and depending on the backdrop we use, can be even harder...
i think the font is really too small...
I'm not a pro on fonts but i'm pretty sure you'll figure out something!
like when your browsing your movie library,
maybe have a sort of backdrop overlay with desired transparency on the highlighted item.
example only
that's easy to read this way and easier to visually see the highlighted item.
And isn't this font good looking
https://i.imgur.com/0ZdGerw.png ??
[05] Talking about highlighting,
specially on the home screen, when navigating widgets,
i see the selected item appears lighter then the other on the widget but,
i strongly think it's not enough...
Have at least a little graphic thing on posters to further distinguish the highlighted item
example like this
skip video to 2min56sec
See the green graphic on the widget
Helps alot and is pretty.
[06] Might as-well add,
just like the video again
is it possible to have the Fanart backdrop appear on the highlighted item?
Many skins have that when cycling widget items
[07] Dunno if i'm the only one but the spinning disc art is always empty. i always get a silver spinning disc.
if i switch to Penomenal skin, disc art shows at least a fake disc art so not empty anymore.
if i switch to Titan skin, real disc art appears and if not found, titan will at leat show fake disc art.
but still shows something.
So i disable this feature in Andromeda until it's better implemented.
Because it looks akward if no art is on spinning disc
[08] Add a setting for Global Background.
I know there's kinda one, but it's not acting like a real default global background.
I want to be able to just use 1 background image and use that for every section.
So far Live TV has its own backdrop, pictures and so on...
Would be faster then having to edit each one 1 by 1...
Set a Global backdrop and the rest is history.
And why not like some skins, since most users will replace the backdrops probably,
make your skin backdrop less by default, that's my suggestion
[09] To appeal to even a wider audience,
an option to switch the home menu from horizontal to vertical would be awesome!
[10] I see from your post that you've tweek'd the INFO screen,
i'll try it out when i'm done writing this post if update is pushed to the repo,
but we need a trailer button as it's missing.
how to watch trailers?
[11] Make possible to hit the INFO (i) button
on home screen widgets. this is a Must!
How to watch the trailer from widgets on home screen
if we can't make the INFO screen appear?
This would definitely set your skin apart from others again!!
[12] And at the same time,
just like in titan skin, have a setting to have the Extended Info Script addon
appear when pressing the INFO (i) button on a movie or tv show.
[13] Add a way to show the movie and tv show logos
either on home screen if possible and in different viewtypes.
example like in titan skin again
[14] Could you add in your 1st post the different viewtypes numbers for the views?
that's a valuable information to have and hard to dig :/
[15] I know it's an initial release and more views are coming,
but some current views aren't really intuitive...
I think we need a good Thumbnail view like in confluence skin
[16] And don't be afraid to make movie posters bigger in your views,
example, the size of the posters on the widgets is awesome!
Show it off!
[17] Also in OSD (i) when movie is playing,
Poster way too small in my opinion...
[18] Dunno if it's only me but,
the episode thumbs don't appear on screen. tried different views but no go...
like this here
http://i68.tinypic.com/1zo9evl.png ...
So far it only displays poster art no matter what...
[19] Oh and, in the customize home menu,
when adding let's say a movie widget,
At the end it asks to input a widget name,
but if you miss typed,
then There's no way to edit just the widget name
without having to redo the whole shortcut again just to change the name.
Possible to have that feature?
[20] Add a way to re-order not just submenu items
but also the home screen widgets.
I sometimes feel the need to re-order things but right now,
Its too much work because i need to delete widgets and
recreate them again just to get proper order.
Unless till you implement that each submenu item can have their own widget
Then i wouldn't use main menu item widgets!!
[21] Same as in post #39
I agree, cursor behavior currently is a bit weird.
We need to be able to press up on on the top item
to have the cursor go straight to last item listed at bottom.
[22] About the info that appears
when cycling through movies or tv shows
located complete right of the movie or tv show poster (video quality, audio and stuff..)
i suggest allowing us to hide those infos in viewtypes.
but still keep them in OSD when media is playing!
Well, that sums it up for now
Hope you'll find this post constructive
and have you tweak Andromeda even more to make it THE BEST SKIN EVER
If you could please, let us know what you think about those 22 findings / recommendations!!