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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC
That looks like the error caused by an incorrect settings file. If xtradetails sort is enabled but the sorting list isn't being read from the settings file - it would return blanks and just leave the , separators.

There is definitely something not right about the way the add-on is functioning on your build. Tomorrow I can test a clean install under Ubuntu virtual machine and see if I have a similar issue.

In the meantime - try setting the add-on settings to default and rerun the grabber.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
(2017-08-10, 05:14)edit4ever Wrote: That looks like the error caused by an incorrect settings file. If xtradetails sort is enabled but the sorting list isn't being read from the settings file - it would return blanks and just leave the , separators.

There is definitely something not right about the way the add-on is functioning on your build. Tomorrow I can test a clean install under Ubuntu virtual machine and see if I have a similar issue.

In the meantime - try setting the add-on settings to default and rerun the grabber.

After going back to the Default Settings, my plan was to add them back one at a time until zap2xml.py failed again, although your Python Script completed at each step! Therefore I was unable duplicate the same Error Condition experienced yesterday (even with a full 14 Days of EPG Data)?

2017-08-10 07:38:06.173 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml"
2017-08-10 07:49:57.249 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: grab took 711 seconds
2017-08-10 07:49:57.478 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: parse took 0 seconds
2017-08-10 07:49:57.480 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: channels tot= 8 new= 0 mod= 0
2017-08-10 07:49:57.480 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: brands tot= 0 new= 0 mod= 0
2017-08-10 07:49:57.480 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: seasons tot= 3934 new= 3934 mod= 3934
2017-08-10 07:49:57.480 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: episodes tot= 4061 new= 3732 mod= 3741
2017-08-10 07:49:57.480 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2xml: broadcasts tot= 4061 new= 3205 mod= 3205
Glad to hear it!

The userdata settings file probably get a little messy with the upgrade/downgrades - there were some changes between earlier versions.

Now that you have 14 days of data - just keep in mind if you want to add in the program xtra details or program icons downloads - you should start back at three days once you turn those on and build back up to 14 days. Once you get to 14 you'll be fine keeping it that way as it wil lonly download the new data every 12-24 hours depending on how you set your tvheadend cron setting.

Speaking of which - you might want to consider slightly changing the cron setting - right now (default) it grabs data twice a day at 00:04 and 12:04 - maybe just change the 4 to another number between 0 and 59 - that way you're not grabbing data at the same time as people who have not changed their setting. :-)

Now I just need to sort out why the grabber is not installing to the /usr/bin folder on its own.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
(2017-08-10, 15:29)edit4ever Wrote: Glad to hear it!

The userdata settings file probably get a little messy with the upgrade/downgrades - there were some changes between earlier versions.

Now that you have 14 days of data - just keep in mind if you want to add in the program xtra details or program icons downloads - you should start back at three days once you turn those on and build back up to 14 days. Once you get to 14 you'll be fine keeping it that way as it wil lonly download the new data every 12-24 hours depending on how you set your tvheadend cron setting.

Speaking of which - you might want to consider slightly changing the cron setting - right now (default) it grabs data twice a day at 00:04 and 12:04 - maybe just change the 4 to another number between 0 and 59 - that way you're not grabbing data at the same time as people who have not changed their setting. :-)

Now I just need to sort out why the grabber is not installing to the /usr/bin folder on its own.

Good Point changing the Time of the EPG Grab, reducing Peak Loads for Zap2it. I remember having received a similar request from Schedules Direct!

Although this Virtual Machine was just a Test, still I find it amazing to have TVheadend running within a Virtual Machine: Downloading "Free" EPG from the Internet, Capturing TV Shows from a HDHomeRun Connect located a few Rooms Away and those Recordings being "Viewable" on any variety of Kodi/TvhClient Players (which can also be located a few Rooms Away)!
Just as an FYI - the schedules direct data is way better - and I believe totally worth the $25/yr.

Once you get off the virtual machine and just run the linux os - you can push it even further to even edit out commericals from your recorded files. I don't actually bother with this as skipping ahead is easy - but some people love that feature.

BTW - depending on what your "players" are - if you haven't done so yet - take a look at LibreELEC. Makes installation and setup very easy!
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
(2017-08-10, 20:12)edit4ever Wrote: Just as an FYI - the schedules direct data is way better - and I believe totally worth the $25/yr.

Once you get off the virtual machine and just run the linux os - you can push it even further to even edit out commericals from your recorded files. I don't actually bother with this as skipping ahead is easy - but some people love that feature.

BTW - depending on what your "players" are - if you haven't done so yet - take a look at LibreELEC. Makes installation and setup very easy!

Actually for me cutting recurring cost were possible is important and so far obtaining EPG Data directly from Zap2it seems very promising!

I am already using LibreELEC on my Raspberry Pi, where the recently added TVheadend is still under "Evaluation"!
I was the one who help with a few lines of Code to handle those cases where TV Guide was sometimes included Trailing Letter to their Digital Channel Numbers: (V0.7.2 - fix for non-standard channel numbers).
right - thank you again!

Let me know if you find any other issues.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
Any idea what this means? From the zap2xml.log file

2017-08-12 22:29:57,965 [49/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503612000000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:29:58,878 [50/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503633600000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:29:59,866 [51/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503655200000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:00,820 [52/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503676800000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:01,757 [53/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503698400000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:02,657 [54/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503720000000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:03,665 [55/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503741600000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:04,516 [56/56] Parsing: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/cache/1503763200000.html.gz
2017-08-12 22:30:04,516 Downloaded 0 bytes in 0 http requests.

2017-08-12 22:30:04,517 Writing XML file: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.zap2xml/xmltv.xml

2017-08-12 22:30:04,520 Exception
2017-08-12 22:30:04,523 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 2112, in main
  File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 1293, in printChannels
    for key in sorted( stations, cmp=sortChan):
  File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 1230, in sortChan
    tmp = float(ma.group()) - float(mb.group())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

And then this is the contenst of my xmltv.xml file
kodi:~/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml # cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.zap2xml/xmltv.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">

<tv source-info-url="http://tvschedule.zap2it.com/" source-info-name="zap2it.com" generator-date="2017-08-12 22:30:04.518763" generator-info-name="script.module.zap2xml" generator-info-url="https://github.com/edit4ever/script.module.zap2xml">
Are you having an issue? The first log indicates that it is reading the time segments (parsing) from the guide data that it downloaded.

The second log looks like the header info.

I assume you have set the preferences on your zap2it account to have your favorite channels and the 6 hour grid enabled?

I'm not sure what problem you are asking about.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
Yes favorite channels and 6 hour grid are enabled in zap2it. I know zap2it is set up correctly because I was previously using osmc and pulling guide data successfully with the perl script

Sorry I guess I'm not describing the issue clearly
Should the xmltv.xml file have more than just a header in it?
In tvheadend web access under channel/epg, when I try to edit a channel and add "EPG Source" the drop-down menu is empty.
The tv guide in kodi is not populating, anyway.

I should add I'm using Tvheadend 4.2.2-32

Thanks for any pointers you can give!
It looks like the system is crashing on sorting your channels for print (to the xmltv.xml file) - I had this happen recently with someone's channels that had letters in the channel name.

Can you try installing the 0.7.1 release and see if you get the same error? 0.7.2 has the fix for weird numbers - but maybe that's not working for you.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
Looks like in Libreelec Add-ons -> Services there is a choice between Tvheadend 4.0.9-12 or 4.2.2-32
I'll try the 4.0.9-12 tonight and post the results
The latest version of Tvheadend appeared to break osmc as well..!
Thanks again
Definitely stay on 4.2 - 4.0 is very different and you can't upgrade-downgrade between the two.

If you're on an RPi, you can donwload other versions from http://build.mycvh.de/

I meant download my zap2xml version 0.7.1 version instead of the newer 0.7.2 version.

If that doesn't work - I'll make a test version for you without station sorting.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
Doh! Apparently I need to improve my reading comprehension. Will have time to try zap2xml 0.7.1 tonight I hope

Here is the link to the zap2xml versions if anyone else is reading this

Thanks again
Thank you very much edit4ver! Your zap2xl 0.7.1 works beautifully with our channels in Southern Ontario. Wife and kids are very happy.
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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC4