2017-09-03, 12:27
maybe stupid question but, is it possible to active more than just 1 scrapper for the same movie folders? My problem is that one scrapper recognizing 130 movies and another one 135 for example, so each scrapper misses some movies which the other can find but it seems like its not possible to scrapp the files with different scrappers same time? i tried to add the folder 2 or 3 times just selected different scrappers but it looks like kodi just uses ONE and ignores the others then
maybe stupid question but, is it possible to active more than just 1 scrapper for the same movie folders? My problem is that one scrapper recognizing 130 movies and another one 135 for example, so each scrapper misses some movies which the other can find but it seems like its not possible to scrapp the files with different scrappers same time? i tried to add the folder 2 or 3 times just selected different scrappers but it looks like kodi just uses ONE and ignores the others then