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HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players ISO Menus
I see W10 is forcing NVidia driver update to the latest release.  I didn't even know it installed until I noticed playback was completely wiped out after booting my HTPC today.  We don't want to use the new driver.  HDR is broken.  We want to use 385.69 we've been using until the problem is resolved.  In case this is happening to you also, here's what I did:

I forgot a Windows setting to adjust after installing the FCU.  Type Advanced system settings into your search box.  Select View advanced system settings control panel.  Select the Hardware tab.  Select Device installation settings.  Select No and save changes.

Now go to Start button and right click.  Select Device manager/Display adapters/Nvidia/Driver tab/Roll back driver and click OK. 
After a bit, 385.69 will install and Windows should not try to update it again.

You'll need to reconfigure the driver color space settings.  All your other settings probably retained.
Select YCbCr422 and save.
Select 12bpc.
Select RGB.
Select FULL

You'll need to enable 3D again:
Right click desktop.
Select Display settings.
Turn 3D display mode ON.
Go to madVR folder.
Run 'enable nvidia 3d.reg'
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Fwiw, It appears 'Color Depth, 8,10,and 12 bits) do not work with custom resolutions.  They only allow 8bit at this time.  I won't be using custom resolutions anymore.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Thumbs Up 
Hi Brazen1,

I am just coming to this thread and want to thank you for all your efforts in creating and updating this thread.

I have just got myself a Samsung KS9000 and the 4K work is being taken care off by a HTPC with a Nvidia  Geforce GTX 1050 Ti, Whilst I am not particularly interested in the 3D side of things I will certainly be trying to follow your instructing for the 4K and HDR side of thing and hope it all goes to plan.
Are there any pointers you might want to give me?
at the moment I am still running version 17.0 of Kodi due to not wanting to mess up my skin which is Aeon MQ7 on Windows 10
Quote:You'll need to reconfigure the driver color space settings.  All your other settings probably retained.
Select YCbCr422 and save.
Select 12bpc.
Select RGB.
Select FULL
Sorry where would I find these settings? Should I be letting Nvidia control the colours etc.
These settings are in the NVidia Control Panel.  They set the color space.  Yes, you want to set the color space in your GPU, AVR, Display, Kodi, and what ever else you have.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
(2017-11-18, 18:59)brazen1 Wrote: I see W10 is forcing NVidia driver update to the latest release.  I didn't even know it installed until I noticed playback was completely wiped out after booting my HTPC today.  We don't want to use the new driver.  HDR is broken.  We want to use 385.69 we've been using until the problem is resolved.  In case this is happening to you also, here's what I did:

I forgot a Windows setting to adjust after installing the FCU.  Type Advanced system settings into your search box.  Select View advanced system settings control panel.  Select the Hardware tab.  Select Device installation settings.  Select No and save changes.

Now go to Start button and right click.  Select Device manager/Display adapters/Nvidia/Driver tab/Roll back driver and click OK. 
After a bit, 385.69 will install and Windows should not try to update it again.

You'll need to reconfigure the driver color space settings.  All your other settings probably retained.
Select YCbCr422 and save.
Select 12bpc.
Select RGB.
Select FULL

You'll need to enable 3D again:
Right click desktop.
Select Display settings.
Turn 3D display mode ON.
Go to madVR folder.
Run 'enable nvidia 3d.reg'

I've got a GTX1070, Sony 4k TV and Pioneer LX59 AVR capable of Ultra HD Pass-through with HDCP 2.2 (4K/60p/4:4:4/24-bit, 4K/24p/4:4:4/36-bit, 4K/60p/4:2:2/36-bit), using Windows 10 last update.

If in nVidia settings I set the desktop to RGB Full 8bit everything works fine. If I try to set it to ybcr 422 12bpc (or 10) the green on desktop looks really pushed and if I play Kodi (with Dsplayer+madvr) or MPHC+madVR fullscreen the movie looks black white and green, no other colours. If I don't play it in fullscreen but like windowed it's fine (but proprieties shows 8bit). 

I read that with my config and content (fullhd and 4k) it would be better to go with YBCR 4:2:2 12bpc but I got this problem and I'd like to solve it even if don't know why. Tried to change HDMI cable, that was already good, and nothing changed. 

Any idea? 

Hope so....thanks!
Funny you should ask.  I've seen the suggestions to use 422 instead of RGB 444 elsewhere and responded.  I will here too.  The 'fix' was suggested because the wonderful dedicated players simply were not too wonderful I assume.  They introduced terrible banding evidently and the only way to correct the problem was to use a lousy color space, 422.

You say RGB Full is working for you fine at 8 bit.  You say you read elsewhere that 422 would be better for you.  Why, you don't know?  Either do I.  You say when you tried it, everything went south except (I assume) HDR windowed.  Using any driver after 385.69 has this problem as has been noted here previously.  This includes yesterdays new driver release which I tested.  This would explain your funky colors and why HDR (I assume) looks sort of black and white.  Besides that, HDR color and advanced setting switch still does not turn off automatically even though it engages fine.  On top of that, it only works windowed and not FSE (Full Screen Exclusive) which is mandatory for 3D without creating custom rules for it and windowed mode within madVR.

It appears you are focusing on 8, 10, and 12 or higher bits.  Your 1st focus should be on Output levels.  I'll try to explain simply and excuse the analogy and the math which is in the millions. For the sake of simplicity, I'm omitting Gamut, Curves, etc. which is another subject and excuse me if you already understand all this.  I'm not astute, can be corrected and welcome it but here is my take: 

422 is only 16-235 aka limited.  Limited as in - if you imagine your output levels as a ruler, the 1st couple inches and the last couple inches get cut off.  This is your new range of colors and black and whites you get to work with.  RGB Full is 0-255 and you get the whole 12 inches of your ruler to work with.  Within that ruler are increments.  How many increments are added within that 12 inch ruler are called bit depths.  An 8 bit depth would increment say, a half inch.  So, you would get 24 increments of visible shades of color and black and white.  A 10 bit depth would increment say, a quarter inch.  That would increase your visible shades to 48.  12 bit would further increase to 96 shades and so on...

You set Output levels in everything either automatically or manually;  Kodi, your display, your Gpu, your AVR, etc.  Software and hardware clash with these levels at times.  So, we select a level that is acceptable for everything - RGB, which is what most sources eventually get converted to and the least amount of conversions from something else, the better.  This leads to limited vs full.  We want to start with a 12" ruler (0-255) so our workspace is entire and we capture as much as we can.  Then we want to break down that ruler of increments with the most rainbow spectrum we can - bit depth. 

Bit depth is dependant on Hz.  Bit depth is easily selected (automatically) at Hz levels such as 23, 24, 23.976 covering most movie titles FPS.  We select the highest bit depth our display is capable of RECEIVING no matter what our GPU's can OUTPUT.  Selecting the highest bit depth a GPU can OUTPUT will automatically dither down to what our display can actually accept.  So, what your stats show as what you are ouputting to your display does not necessaryly mean the same as what your display is rendering.  So we select the highest bit depth possible (dependant on Hz) and let the process happen.

Windows, a software, prefers a Hz of 60.  Anything less leads to problems most noticibly, mouse lag.  The same lag is introduced to software within Windows like Kodi GUI.  We know we need 60Hz set in the GPU but how do we get high bit depths at that Hz since the HDMI standard does not allow it?  We don't.  We suffice with 8 bit for the Windows desktop mode.  We are not so concerned about how windows appears and 8 bit looks very good especially on a calibrated display.  Our goal is not so much 'Desktop' mode.  Our goal is 'Video' mode for playback of our rips.  Our rips are usually 23.976 Hz.  This is the frame rate to match and how the title was originaly filmed and produced and how your display is intended to automatically switch its Hz to match it.  That is within the HDMI standard and opens the world of bit depth wide open.  So, we match frame rate and select the highest bit depth our GPU's are capable - 12 bit even though most displays and sources are limited to 10 bit and let it dither down.  In this thread I've already explained how to set RGB FULL @60Hz using 8 bit for Desktop mode - automatically switching to 12 bit output when Video mode engages.  So, RGB FULL at 8, 10, and 12 bit or higher is possible as long as our Hz is matched at 24 or thereabouts.  Using a higher frame rate Hz than the source will lead to big time motion problems and render TERRIBLE!  Match the frame rate and let tools in your display or tools in software automatically add frames (interpolate) for you.  It adds clarity and smooth motion.  This is why we purchased 240Hz model displays as opposed to common antiquated 60Hz or 120Hz ones.  Those stuck with that old technology are the 1st to pipe up how much they hate the label they've given this wonderful upgrade to our viewing pleasure - The Soap Opera Effect.  To each his own.  They hate it and want everyone else to also since their antiquated crap can't compete and emphasize how much they prefer the grainy look and machine gun motion look of panning scenes.  Trying to achieve the same thing by increasing your Hz in your GPU isn't anywhere near the same thing and is the leading cause of introducing more severe problems.

If you desire to run at 60Hz with a bit depth of 12 or 24 or 36 and want to accomplish it by switching to YBCR 4:2:2, have at it but imo, you're going backwards.

Fwiw, there is a new LAV filter update released today.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Does Kodi 17.6 change anything ? Or do the tools of #112 are right till now ?
(2017-12-03, 02:14)Sonopanic Wrote: Does Kodi 17.6 change anything ? Or do the tools of #112 are right till now ?
 The methods described in post #112 are from almost a year and a half ago.  I've since moved on and been using Kodi v.18 with x64 nightlies of everything involved.  I don't see any reason the method would not apply for some users still though.  Whether or not it applies to you, I don't know but using a newer version of Kodi will not affect anything.  If you're just upgrading from say Kodi 17.4 to 17.6, everything should remain intact.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
My bad. I don´t know that Kodi 18 is available.

But i see the official recommendation is 17.6.

You say, the beta 18 ist stable and good to go ?
No, it is in alpha or beta and is not exactly good to go but is stable enough for me and my use as far as everything I share in this thread.  Skins need to catch up now and they are in progress.  As an official release approaches, I anticipate skinners will accelerate their adjustments to code modifications but will hesitate until changes to the core are established so their time is better spent.  Also, I think Windows devs are in short supply and those donating their time are probably stretched as it is.  I recommend the average user always stay with official releases.  If a user would like to 'give a little something back' and experiment with alphas and betas, feedback helps development.  Alphas and Betas also add new enhancements that may be of interest to those looking for something specific that is finally being developed not available with official releases.  I like to place myself on the cutting edge, here for example, so when an official release comes out there is preparation ahead of time and ready go.  So, for instance when others say don't use W10, it's out of the question for me.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W


I do have an Intel based HTPC and i used it to playback all my stuff trough Kodi.
After some issues with the afedchin build and the lack of HDR capabilities i came across your guide to achieve 3D MVC and 4K HDR playback correctly.

If i understood all that i read correctly i do need the following for perfect 2D, 3D MVC and 4K HDR playback.
- Nvidia graphics card
- lav filter
- mad vr
- mpc be

As I'm a little unsure about please let me ask some questions
- will kodi automatically invoke the external player if an 4k HDR mkv is selected?
- is the Gainward GeForce GT 1030 SilentFX (2GB HDMI 2.0b HDCP2.2) sufficient for flawless 3D and 4K HDR playback?
- if i set the resolution to 3840*2160 as default for kodi and windows all will be upscaled but will it autoswitch colorspace for UHD and non UHD content?
- will 3D MVC playback autoswitch resolution to 1080p?

Thanks in Advance
(2017-12-17, 20:33)juras Wrote: @brazen1 


I do have an Intel based HTPC and i used it to playback all my stuff trough Kodi.
After some issues with the afedchin build and the lack of HDR capabilities i came across your guide to achieve 3D MVC and 4K HDR playback correctly.

If i understood all that i read correctly i do need the following for perfect 2D, 3D MVC and 4K HDR playback.
- Nvidia graphics card
- lav filter
- mad vr
- mpc be

As I'm a little unsure about please let me ask some questions
- will kodi automatically invoke the external player if an 4k HDR mkv is selected?
- is the Gainward GeForce GT 1030 SilentFX (2GB HDMI 2.0b HDCP2.2) sufficient for flawless 3D and 4K HDR playback?
- if i set the resolution to 3840*2160 as default for kodi and windows all will be upscaled but will it autoswitch colorspace for UHD and non UHD content?
- will 3D MVC playback autoswitch resolution to 1080p?

Thanks in Advance
Yes, to everything you asked except your GPU.  The 1030 2GB is not strong enough for UHD x265 rips but is probably sufficient for everything else.  I don't think it meets the minimum requirements for subscription streaming such as Netflix HDR either.  For flawless playback of anything, I recommend a 4GB or higher model beginning with inexpensive GTX 960 ( I use) or GTX 1050Ti (positive feedback).  I would also consider full size dual fan models but it is not a requirement.  Also be prepared to use W8 or W10 with or without Creators Updates (I use the latest Fall Creators Update, FCU).
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
My Gigabyte GeForce GT 1030 LP Silent 2GB has no problem at all playing UHD x265 rips or any other uhd files Smile
Been watching many uhd movies both discs and rips and all works perfect.

I have a question though, maybe it has been anwered already but i didnt fint any solution yet.
I use kodi 17.5 with dsplayer (i have followed this guide reading with one eye so maybe i have missed some settings) and every time i stop a UHD/4K file kodi returns back in top left corner of tv and very small.
I have to change to window mode and then back to fullscreen to get it back right again.
Also i cant start .iso files (dvdr) nothing happens after I press play.

Easy fix?
Happy to read your GPU is working fine for you.  From the feedback I've seen, 2GB is simply too little for most demanding users.  My 4GB is borderline but doable for all my demands.  I started this thread to share my experiences and provide a guide for those that want to use Kodi main core with components to enhance the complete experience with no limitations while always state of the art.  Offshoot builds will always have their own hurdles to tackle which leaves you out of complete control.  Whoever maintains those unofficial builds is where you'd need to go for answers.  I can only tell you I don't experience your complaints and have not seen others post here anything similar using the methods provided in this guide.  I know you're seeking answers but I can't provide answers for something I can't replicate nor want to donate the time to replicating.  This is why I use the methods I provide here instead of any others and I've tried some of them extensively.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
(2017-12-19, 18:16)sanity Wrote: My Gigabyte GeForce GT 1030 LP Silent 2GB has no problem at all playing UHD x265 rips or any other uhd files Smile
Been watching many uhd movies both discs and rips and all works perfect.

I have a question though, maybe it has been anwered already but i didnt fint any solution yet.
I use kodi 17.5 with dsplayer (i have followed this guide reading with one eye so maybe i have missed some settings) and every time i stop a UHD/4K file kodi returns back in top left corner of tv and very small.
I have to change to window mode and then back to fullscreen to get it back right again.
Also i cant start .iso files (dvdr) nothing happens after I press play.

Easy fix?
I am having the same problem has you regarding Kodi shrinking ,  HERE is a link to the DSPlayer thread
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HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players ISO Menus39