Can I create a movie category filtering movies from a certain folder only?

Under Settings / Skin Settings / Main Menu, there is this Edit Category

* Is it possible to create a category and access it directly from the Main Menu, similar to Movies, Videos, Weather etc?
* Say I have three sources for my movie library. Is it possible to create a category that only lists movies from one of the sources?

Thank you
(2018-04-17, 19:27)Josefin Wrote: * Is it possible to create a category and access it directly from the Main Menu, similar to Movies, Videos, Weather etc?
not in Estuary the Edit Category will create a new video node those are the boxes along the top under movies
(2018-04-17, 19:27)Josefin Wrote: * Say I have three sources for my movie library. Is it possible to create a category that only lists movies from one of the sources?
Yes with video_nodes (wiki)
Quote:not in Estuary the Edit Category will create a new video node those are the boxes along the top under movies
Do you know a skin that does support this?
Quote: Yes with video_nodes (wiki)
I know this Wiki page but it is still hard for me to understand. Could you please guide me step by step how this can be achieved?
Basically all other skins offer that ability that I know of.

If you post the path to all three sources I will write you a video node if not I will create a step by step tomorrow morning
best you can do is add a row in movies
306688 (thread)
to create a custom node
Step 1 install the addon library node editor form program addon section. Run it select video library then select Movies this will create all the files that you need

Step 2 create a file under /userdata/library/video/movies/ with a .xml extension on it. I called mine test.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<node type="filter">
<rule field="path" operator="contains">
<order direction="ascending">sorttitle</order>
Step 3 edit the above file to meet your needs
is what the name you see when in kodi this will show test
this is what is unique in each of the three paths. my paths are:
(2018-04-29, 13:20)the_other_guy Wrote: best you can do is add a row in movies
306688 (thread)
this can de done on 18 ?17
first create a play list

it will be saved in kodi \AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata
you will need to copy this to theme \playlists
this is an example of Blu-ray <value>your:\path\</value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="path" operator="contains">

now edit home.xml
       <onclick condition="Library.HasContent(movies) + Skin.HasSetting(home_no_categories_widget)">ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://movies/,return)</onclick>
       <onclick condition="Library.HasContent(movies) + !Skin.HasSetting(home_no_categories_widget)">ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://movies/titles/,return)</onclick>
       <onclick condition="!Library.HasContent(movies)">ActivateWindow(Videos,sources://video/,return)</onclick>
       <property name="menu_id">$NUMBER[5000]</property>
       <property name="id">movies</property>

NOW add this
       <property name="menu_id">$NUMBER[22000]</property>
       <property name="id">Blu-Ray</property>

then for the widget screen find
 <control type="group" id="11000">

AND paste above the <control type="group" id="11000">
<!---blu-ray -->
          <control type="group" id="22000">
    <control type="image">
     <texture border="2" fallback="special://skin/extras/home-images/movie1.jpg" background="true">$VAR[FanartImageVar]</texture>
     <aspectratio align="center" aligny="bottom">scale</aspectratio>
    <control type="label">
     <include content="Visible_Right_Delayed">
      <param name="id" value="Blu-Ray"/>
     <control type="grouplist" id="22001">
      <include content="WidgetListCategories">
       <param name="content_path" value="library://video/movies/"/>
       <param name="widget_header" value="$LOCALIZE[31148]"/>
       <param name="widget_target" value="movies"/>
       <param name="list_id" value="22900"/>
      <include content="WidgetListPoster">
       <param name="content_path" value="special://skin/playlists/bluray.xsp"/>
       <param name="widget_header" value="Blu-Ray"/>
       <param name="widget_target" value="video"/>
       <param name="list_id" value="22100"/>
            <include content="WidgetListPoster">
       <param name="content_path" value="special://skin/playlists/random_br.xsp"/>
       <param name="widget_header" value="Random Blurays"/>
       <param name="widget_target" value="video"/>
       <param name="list_id" value="22200"/>
      <include content="WidgetScrollbar" condition="Skin.HasSetting(touchmode)">
      <param name="scrollbar_id" value="22010"/>
 <!---blu-ray -->

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Can I create a movie category filtering movies from a certain folder only?0