where can i find transparency for KODI 18 on a PI3 ?
Hi all, 

When i try to download skin, transparency is not proposed list of skin in my KODI 18 (i have just updated it from 17).

Many thanks to explain me if it's possible to install (otherwise i will downgrade to 17, cause i love KODI with this skin..)

Nb:  have tryied whitout succes to read other post about it .. Sorry 

Many thanks for your help
Not all skin developers are equally quick to bring out new versions during the Alpha stage of Kodi for various reasons. One possibility is that changes to the main system of Kodi can be made, affecting skin development. So they prefer to wait until beta or final releases of Kodi are available.
lack of spare time, in my case ;-)
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where can i find transparency for KODI 18 on a PI3 ?0