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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread
My summary currently with build 17261:

Working as external player (switching correctly into external player and back into XBMC):
* mplayer

Not working as external player:
* Windows Media Player (plays "behind" XBMC GUI)
* Zoom Player (plays "behind" XBMC GUI)

I would be happy with mplayer, totally, but cannot get it to work with reclock. When launching mplayer from the OS reclock detects the launch of mplayer and sync to the video. If mplayer is launched from XBMC reclock does not start up. I'd burn to see this working as WITH reclock i get totally jidder- and tearingfree playback with 24p...
XBMC Equipment:
Nvidia Ion + Atom 330, HDMI out
Panasonic TH-42PX80FV
Windows Server 2008 R2
Nightyy, I'm using XP SP3 with ZoomPlayer and it plays in front with no problem. Care to post your advancedsettings.xml?

Also, when you speak of mplayer, you are referring to MediaPlayer Classic?

I'm French, so sorry for my bad translation Rofl

I've just tried to install XBMCSetup-Rev17272-jester.exe 22-Jan-2009 20:51

and i've not understand if i must make the file "advancedsettings.xml" or not. So i've make it (on XP with notepad ++).

<filename>C:\Program Files\Mpc HD\mplayerc.exe</filename>

I start XBMC. OK.
But i cant start in the menu the "play with" it doesnt appear. I've just TongueLAY.

And another problem, this version (and the olders jesters too) with the skin Horizonz (aeon Mod) doesn't work on my comp, it make "flash screens" (difficult to explain in another lang) with all the .ico and background, they change one & one all seconds...

Where are theses bugs ? Can you answer to me with an easy english please ? :p

Thks so much.
ashlar Wrote:You need to post logs if you need significant help (beyond standard program usage).
Advanced Settings XML
  <filename>C:\Program Files\HTPC\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe</filename>

21:21:11 T:348 M:3020173312  NOTICE: Loaded advancedsettings.xml from C:\Documents and Settings\Master\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\advancedsettings.xml
21:21:11 T:348 M:3020165120  NOTICE: ExternalPlayer Filename: C:\Program Files\HTPC\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe
21:21:11 T:348 M:3020156928  NOTICE: ExternalPlayer Tweaks: Forceontop (true), Hideconsole (false), Hidecursor (false)
21:21:11 T:348 M:3019948032  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
21:21:11 T:348 M:3019948032  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
21:21:11 T:348 M:3019964416  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 3
21:21:11 T:348 M:3019915264  NOTICE: Default Video Player: externalplayer
21:21:11 T:348 M:3019915264  NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
21:21:40 T:348 M:2970607616   DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.98ms (0.00 ms skin load, 0.07 ms preload)
21:21:41 T:348 M:2968776704  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer::OpenFile: D:\My Movies\My DVDs\HOT_FUZZ\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968764416   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968760320  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Filename: C:\Program Files\HTPC\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968760320  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Args:
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968760320  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Default Audio Player: paplayer
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968760320  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Default Video Player: externalplayer
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968760320  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Process: Start
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2968743936  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer::ExecuteAppW32: C:\Program Files\HTPC\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe "C:\Program Files\HTPC\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe"  "D:\My Movies\My DVDs\HOT_FUZZ\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2972864512  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer::ExecuteAppW32 - Failure: 0
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2972860416  NOTICE: CExternalPlayer:Stop
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2972860416   DEBUG: Playback has finished
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2972860416   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:21:41 T:3024 M:2972860416   DEBUG: Thread 3024 terminating
21:21:43 T:348 M:2969452544    INFO: Resuming from suspend
I'd like to post a working setup for those struggeling:

Windows XP SP3 32bit
Starting XBMC (build17272) with -fs -p switches
Using Zoom Player as external player, in its settings set 'close after playing'
Use this xml code:
  <filename>c:\Programme\Zoom Player\zplayer.exe</filename>

Also try using Reclock for 24p material, in its settings activate 'don't restrict app loading'
XBMC Equipment:
Nvidia Ion + Atom 330, HDMI out
Panasonic TH-42PX80FV
Windows Server 2008 R2
Thanks for the good work on the external player patch.

Is there any way to force xbmc to not look inside rar files? just parse a rar file directly to the external player.
Thanks to RARFilesource direct show filter(http://www.v12pwr.com/RARFileSource/), we are now able to watch rar material directly in external players. like zoomplayer and MPC-HC that most of us use.

But the problem is since xbmc unpacks the rar volum, things get fucked up.
FYI, the very same configuration that works on Windows XP SP3 32bit does not work on Vista 64bit. Handling of windows focus seems to be different there...
XBMC Equipment:
Nvidia Ion + Atom 330, HDMI out
Panasonic TH-42PX80FV
Windows Server 2008 R2
nightyy, thanks for confirming the issue with vista. My HTPC is a vista 32 box and, no matter which player I use and which options that I choose, the media player is always started in behind XBMC. XBMC will always SHOW in the foreground even if the program behind as focus (as when I alt-f4 it closes the newly launched media player and not xbmc).

My only thought to this would be having external player launch an autohotkey script which will minimize or hide xbmc and then launch the specific player and media file. My issue is that I'm not sure which variables xbmc passes to the exernal player. I've seen reference to %1 to %4 but am not certain which is the path, arg, filename, et cetera.

Call me confused..
Same here, can't get external player to work on vista with xbmc on full screen (works perfectly with xbmc on windowed mode). I tried on two computers, with 3 different players.

My workaround is to launch a script that kills xbmc, and then launch the player:
taskkill /F /IM XBMC.exe
"C:\Program Files\mpc\mplayerc.exe" %1 %2 %3 %4

Then xbmc is automatically restarted when mplayerc is stopped (with eventghost)

ps : sorry for my poor english
are you using the same build of XBMC on both the XP & Vista machines?

@manxam, @antalm
you need to run one of Jester's builds which includes my patch (the -ext ones should), it's not in SVN and not in all of Jester's builds (nightyy cites build17272 but it looks like Jester's latest to include the patch is XBMCSetup-Rev17261-jester-ext.exe). Then the setting <hidexbmc>true</hidexbmc> should work for you on Vista, my development machine is Vista and it works for me there.

Can we look at getting the patch into SVN? I was holding off in case CapnBry came up with a way to get vsync working on Intel without XBMC being TOPMOST. It may yet only be TOPMOST on Intel boxes but the patch should still be good for non-Intel with; they should hopefully just not need the forceontop and hidexbmc flags.
moby-uk Wrote:@nightyy
are you using the same build of XBMC on both the XP & Vista machines?

@manxam, @antalm
you need to run one of Jester's builds which includes my patch (the -ext ones should), it's not in SVN and not in all of Jester's builds (nightyy cites build17272 but it looks like Jester's latest to include the patch is XBMCSetup-Rev17261-jester-ext.exe). Then the setting <hidexbmc>true</hidexbmc> should work for you on Vista, my development machine is Vista and it works for me there.

Can we look at getting the patch into SVN? I was holding off in case CapnBry came up with a way to get vsync working on Intel without XBMC being TOPMOST. It may yet only be TOPMOST on Intel boxes but the patch should still be good for non-Intel with; they should hopefully just not need the forceontop and hidexbmc flags.

i'll do my best to get this in the SVN, in the mean time i'll build an updated version with the patch
Thanks for the response Moby. To answer your question, I'm running 17261-ext built Jan 21 and the following advancedsettings.xml :

  <filename>c:\Program Files\mplayer\mplayerc.exe</filename>

This is running vista 32bit on and AMD/ATI machine. While mplayer starts and plays the video, it is always set active but not foreground.

I have attempted this with and without the forceontop and hidexbmc.

I'm going to try another player (such as zoom) and see what happens.

manxam Wrote:Thanks for the response Moby. To answer your question, I'm running 17261-ext built Jan 21 and the following advancedsettings.xml :

  <filename>c:\Program Files\mplayer\mplayerc.exe</filename>

This is running vista 32bit on and AMD/ATI machine. While mplayer starts and plays the video, it is always set active but not foreground.

I have attempted this with and without the forceontop and hidexbmc.

I'm going to try another player (such as zoom) and see what happens.


I have the same setup and problem. Had no success using zoom player, mplayerc (home cinema) and kmplayer. Alt-tab works as long as I don't start external player. Hope this information help a bit.
I tried to create an AutoHotKeyScript to run external player (without Killing and restarting xbmc) and it won't minimize XBMC either. I may just make a script that kills XBMC and then restarts but it'll always end up at the main menu, not where you left off in My Movies/TV/Videos...

Also, AHK doesn't appear to like the %1 - %4 variables as in the batch file example in the above. I'll have to figure that out.


IfWinExist, XBMC

    Run "C:\Program Files\mplayer\mplayerc.exe" %1 %2 %3 %4
    WinActivate, Media Player Classic
    WinWait, Media Player Classic

    WinActivate, XBMC

@antalm, manxam & highfish

I'm going to PM you a link to a test-build. Could you all try this out for me with the settings you have right now and let me know if it works.

Also, try the following, which _I think_ should give you best user experience when using MPC-HC on Vista:
1) Set the forceontop and hidexbmc options to false in advancedsettings
2) Set MPC-HC to be always on top (View->On Top->Always) and "Launch files in fullscreen" (View->Options->Player)
3) Start XBMC in windowed mode
4) Go to Settings->Appearance->Screen and change the resolution so that XBMC covers your display even though it's start started windowed (the right resolution should say "(Full Screen)" after it), it will remember this on a restart
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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread11