Video window and modulating a diffuse texture to it
Hi all, i'm new in this all skinning part of things.

What i'm trying to achieve is having a video window and have a diffuse texture loading on top (hope i'm phrasing it right).
This is similar to the way that netflix plays auto on screen and have a black fading effect that
(a) makes the video window borders not seen and so it looks integrated with the background.
(b) making the background darker (depending on the diffuse color) so that text would be easier to read.
© look awesome.

Basically on titan skin, spotlight images are loaded through:
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[Netflix2_PanelColor]">special://home/addons/resource.images.backgroundoverlays.basic/resources/Side by Side.png</texture>

Is there a workaround to make that work with video control? I tried to add an image on top of the video window, but with no success thus far.

Couldn't edit the post - I uploaded the wrong syntax (but same idea)
<texture background="true" diffuse="special://home/addons/resource.images.backgroundoverlays.basic/resources/Right Corner.png">$INFO[Control.GetLabel(99004)]</texture>
Add your image control to VideoFullScreen.xml.
I've seen you already done something similliar here:
link to dropbox is not working, can u reup?
(2018-06-24, 23:04)Hitcher Wrote:!WmZghQpY!wWCtkZ0Z5zkiuz7ZRQmezg
 This is perfect! thank u so much.

I noticed when changing the file name it's not working anymore, does it have to be named as such? due to core functionality of kodi, if so does this overrides any native function of kodi or could clash with some func.?
What did you rename it? It needs the Custom_ part.
Yeah I've figured it out searching the kodi wiki, but for some reason can't edit the posts here.
My only issue now is dealing with different aspect ratios of videos that cause video window to change and then the image won't overlap properly, is there a way to make the video window fixed size, or at least adjust the image to be the same as the video?
put that in the window you want to use :-), hi, again


<!-- videowindow -->
                <control type="group">
                        <control type="videowindow">
                            <control type="image">
                            <texture colordiffuse="red" border="20">diffuse/Black-Border-Frame-PNG-Photo.png</texture>                         
also i edited your nice diffuse pic, so that can be use skincustomsolours.(need ab it more tweaks or, another diffuse (sharp edges, will not be visible , cause we set colordiffuse to $VAR[Netflix2_PanelColor])
just changed color for testing, pic by trailer playback, without use of Custom_1199_Scanlines.xml

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Video window and modulating a diffuse texture to it0