Titan skin version 3.8.x (Kodi 18 Leia)
There's no Titan 3.8 for Leia in the !important threads section so I'm creating a normal thread version until one is created. I've been using v3.8.3 for 2 weeks until today on Nvidia Shield's Android OS. So far it has worked well considering it's a beta and Leia is only on alpha 2. Today a Titan update appeared and so I updated to v3.8.4. Unfortunately it is unusable with most textures(?) and highlight colors non existent or transparent. Changing color themes doesn't fix the issue. It's also quite laggy. There doesn't seem to be a way to downgrade back to a working v3.8.3. Thankfully, mardukL's Titan MOD still works properly. Is anyone else experiencing this with v3.8.4?
Same problem here but I installed mod version for fix it.
Also imdb rating are lost.
(2018-06-24, 00:53)wsx1 Wrote: Same problem here but I installed mod version for fix it.
Also imdb rating are lost.
 Its more a probalem to leia, only default ratings (setup in scrapper ) working.
it seems skinhelper , wich is used to show ratings outside of the videoinfodialog , isnt working as fast as before.(they are independed to the scrapped retings.)
i could test now and noticed it needed a bit more time to show up.

so, i used scrapped ratings in my videoinfo dialog and they show up.
(2018-06-23, 23:29)jsnj Wrote: There's no Titan 3.8 for Leia in the !important threads section so I'm creating a normal thread version until one is created. I've been using v3.8.3 for 2 weeks until today on Nvidia Shield's Android OS. So far it has worked well considering it's a beta and Leia is only on alpha 2. Today a Titan update appeared and so I updated to v3.8.4. Unfortunately it is unusable with most textures(?) and highlight colors non existent or transparent. Changing color themes doesn't fix the issue. It's also quite laggy. There doesn't seem to be a way to downgrade back to a working v3.8.3. Thankfully, mardukL's Titan MOD still works properly. Is anyone else experiencing this with v3.8.4?
Theres a thread


It seems theres something missing,that it cant load/set the skintheme, did a quick lookup , and just noticed that panels and borders are missing.

,oh. And thanks.
(2018-06-24, 01:50)mardukL Wrote:
(2018-06-23, 23:29)jsnj Wrote: There's no Titan 3.8 for Leia in the !important threads section so I'm creating a normal thread version until one is created. I've been using v3.8.3 for 2 weeks until today on Nvidia Shield's Android OS. So far it has worked well considering it's a beta and Leia is only on alpha 2. Today a Titan update appeared and so I updated to v3.8.4. Unfortunately it is unusable with most textures(?) and highlight colors non existent or transparent. Changing color themes doesn't fix the issue. It's also quite laggy. There doesn't seem to be a way to downgrade back to a working v3.8.3. Thankfully, mardukL's Titan MOD still works properly. Is anyone else experiencing this with v3.8.4?
Theres a thread


,oh. And thanks.      
 I saw that thread but it was mostly void of usability reports. It was mainly to ask if one exists and thanking marcelveldt for making one. Found a couple other threads regarding Leia but they are only found if you do a search. Their thread titles don't specify Leia. Looking at github it shows that v3.8.4's changes were coded May 14th. There have been no forum mentions of v3.8.2, v3.8.3, v3.8.4 as far as I can tell. Hopefully this thread or even the aforementioned will become one main place to post usability issues, bugs, new releases etc... I know there are more people using it besides me or use to use before v3.8.4. Now yours is the only working version. Wink
Ah, ok.i get it.
If you want go back previous beta.

Dl this

And put anything but addon.xml into
kodi /addons/skin.titan.leiabeta/skin.titan.leiabeta
Folder and overwrite.
(2018-06-24, 04:32)mardukL Wrote: Ah, ok.i get it.
If you want go back previous beta.

Dl this

And put anything but addon.xml into
kodi /addons/skin.titan.leiabeta/skin.titan.leiabeta
Folder and overwrite.
 Thanks. Couldn't find that location before for some reason. Just installing from zip file within Kodi is simple & sufficient enough. No need for File manager(internal or external) usage. Kodi overwrites it even if it's a newer version.
(2018-06-25, 21:57)jsnj Wrote:
(2018-06-24, 04:32)mardukL Wrote: Ah, ok.i get it.
If you want go back previous beta.

Dl this

And put anything but addon.xml into
kodi /addons/skin.titan.leiabeta/skin.titan.leiabeta
Folder and overwrite.
 Thanks. Couldn't find that location before for some reason. Just installing from zip file within Kodi is simple & sufficient enough. No need for File manager(internal or external) usage. Kodi overwrites it even if it's a newer version. 
yep, but you need to disable notification and/ or auto update of addons- unless you want a popup frequently ;-)
(2018-06-26, 07:39)mardukL Wrote:
(2018-06-25, 21:57)jsnj Wrote:
(2018-06-24, 04:32)mardukL Wrote: Ah, ok.i get it.
If you want go back previous beta.

Dl this

And put anything but addon.xml into
kodi /addons/skin.titan.leiabeta/skin.titan.leiabeta
Folder and overwrite.
 Thanks. Couldn't find that location before for some reason. Just installing from zip file within Kodi is simple & sufficient enough. No need for File manager(internal or external) usage. Kodi overwrites it even if it's a newer version.   
yep, but you need to disable notification and/ or auto update of addons- unless you want a popup frequently ;-)  
Disabling auto updates should be default Kodi behavior IMO. That's the first thing I do with any software. Updates are still the number one cause for software getting messed up somehow or changes implemented that you may not desire. The popup doesn't happen very frequently and definitely not during video playback. It's actually valuable so I can remember to check for hopefully a v3.8.5 that may fix the issue. I'm enjoying some features of your MOD BTW especially the slick Netflix changes(despite the smaller posters)Tongue  But I'll save any requests or usability for your thread. Thanks for making it..
(2018-06-23, 23:29)jsnj Wrote: There's no Titan 3.8 for Leia in the !important threads section so I'm creating a normal thread version until one is created. I've been using v3.8.3 for 2 weeks until today on Nvidia Shield's Android OS. So far it has worked well considering it's a beta and Leia is only on alpha 2. Today a Titan update appeared and so I updated to v3.8.4. Unfortunately it is unusable with most textures(?) and highlight colors non existent or transparent. Changing color themes doesn't fix the issue. It's also quite laggy. There doesn't seem to be a way to downgrade back to a working v3.8.3. Thankfully, mardukL's Titan MOD still works properly. Is anyone else experiencing this with v3.8.4?
 I had to downgrade back to 3.8.3. Same symptoms you mentioned and mouse cursor is gone too. I'm using it with core elec 8.90.3 on s905w box.
Running Kodi on Arch 64bit Linux (Leia 18.9) ,  Android Nougat (Leia 18.9) CoreELEC (S905 community builds Leia 18.9)
i looked at the 3.8.4 package, seems the whole texture folder is missing by accident.

you should backup them from 3.83. and copy paste them over after uptdate to 3.8.4
Yes that fixes it. thanks
Running Kodi on Arch 64bit Linux (Leia 18.9) ,  Android Nougat (Leia 18.9) CoreELEC (S905 community builds Leia 18.9)
So is that it for Titan then, it won't work with the latest alphas and onwards? Hope not, it's the only one I can fid with a vertical home screen and that can be highly customised.
(2018-07-03, 00:12)Finchy Wrote: the only one I can fid with a vertical home screen and that can be highly customised
Aeon Nox:Silvo Mod
Estuary Mod

Just to name a few
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Can anyone recommend any other skins with vertical menus that are cusomisable, ideally as similar to Titan as possible? The above don't really do it for me, and I couldn't find out how to set up Aeon Nox:Silvo Mod with a vertical menu. 

Is there any chance Titan will be resurrected for Leia? It's the best skin by far IMO

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Titan skin version 3.8.x (Kodi 18 Leia)0