2016-08-26, 08:42
Count me in if you need more testers!!
(2016-08-26, 20:09)sabrex Wrote: @dmdsoftware ... I'm curious. Since the only public APIs available seems to be for PicasaWeb and Google Drive, are you thinking of fixing the issues with the existing PicasaWeb add-on, adding the albums functionality to your gdrive add-on, or creating a Google Photos add-on from scratch?
I haven't been able to use the PicasaWeb add-on properly after installing it and associating my google account, likely due to the changes in API starting May 2016. It installs and associates the Google account easily enough, but the search and browse functions simply don't work.
(2016-08-26, 20:50)dmdsoftware Wrote: After all the research I've been doing into Google Photos and what direction Google is taking, I don't believe they will ever release a replacement for Picasa API. They updated the Google Drive API this year to v3, and the major differences is leveraging more of the photo elements that wasn't available in Google Drive prior. They even reference "albums" in the API spec but that is it... a single reference, no explanation or detail on how to load them.
The intention in May is clear from communication from Google that those who have already setup a OAUTH2 token will be able to continue to use it until it expires, but they don't want anyone developing new apps on the API, and they are not allowing users to log into apps if they haven't already.
To get an KODI app that does everything Google Photo does will take time since you have to emulate the web app rather then implement an open API. Until all that work can be accomplished, the intermediate would be to update the Google Drive plugin with hacks to get people the albums and search support.
Quote:There was an announcement posted on February 12, 2016 stating that the work to retire Picasa would begin on May 1, 2016. As part of that work, Picasa Web Albums will be deprecated. However, the Picasa Web Albums Data API will continue to work with some changes. These changes are detailed in the release notes of the new version of the API.
Quote:On February 12, 2016 we announced that Picasa Web Albums and the Picasa desktop application would be retired. As part of that announcement, there were also changes to the Picasa Web Albums Data API. Specifically, the API would no longer support the following functionality:
- Flash support
- Community search
- Mutation operations other than uploads
- All support for tags, comments, contacts, and featured photos
(2017-10-28, 23:52)sasadangelo Wrote: Hi,If you scroll through the thread you will find the problem that led the plugin to get depreciated was fact that the API stopped allowing people to authenticate. If you have a token already, it continued to work. If you were using the API for the first time, then you couldn't get past this entry point of getting authenticated. Maybe Google finally decided to fix this.
I investigate a bit on Picasa Web Album API 3 and my understanding is that not all API are deprecated. According to FAQ:
Quote:There was an announcement posted on February 12, 2016 stating that the work to retire Picasa would begin on May 1, 2016. As part of that work, Picasa Web Albums will be deprecated. However, the Picasa Web Albums Data API will continue to work with some changes. These changes are detailed in the release notes of the new version of the API.
In the release notes I read:
Quote:On February 12, 2016 we announced that Picasa Web Albums and the Picasa desktop application would be retired. As part of that announcement, there were also changes to the Picasa Web Albums Data API. Specifically, the API would no longer support the following functionality:
- Flash support
- Community search
- Mutation operations other than uploads
- All support for tags, comments, contacts, and featured photos
So basically it's still possible see albums, photos stream, photos in albums, upload image and download image. Tags are not supported but this is not a drama.
The only thing probably that cannot be done (and the plugin does not use it) is to update a photo and is useful when you have a synchronize thread that keep remote photos in sync with a local folder a feature that I would like to have.
However, here the main issue seems to be that the author is not interested any more in maintaining this code. Hope someone else want to continue this work.