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Release User Rating - Easy rate your media
Hi here,

I am pretty new here at Kodi and I need you help I am trying to get the addon running but I succeeding. I was able to download the file and have it installed in Kodi but i don´t see/can´t find the interface to rate the movies.

I know that I have to setup/modify the the keyboard.xml file like described here.

But it does not work for me because I don´t know which file it is (there are 2) and also which line I need to modify and what needs to be the exact spelling.

Could someone please help me and make it running for me.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Jarvis gives us the opportunity to rate the media. User Rating addon enhances this possibility.

To show rate box. Use keymap and assing to it RunScript(script.user.rating). Addon also have option to show rate box when video will be marked as watched (when the playback is completed or manually marked in library view).

keyboard.xml example:
Hi have just tried this addon with Jarvis. When rating a TVshow through TMDB I get can't find ID in your database.
For movies this works great but for TV episodes it has never worked for me. I have entered the correct login details for TMDB and have only enabled movies. I have entered my correct login details for TVDB and enabled both "submit tvshows" as well as "submit episodes".

When submitting an episode I get a login error or a "can't find ID in your database".
Any chance for visual support of 5 stars instead of 10? So that it moves 0.5 > 1 > 1.5 (moves to 2nd star), and so on? The scale remains the same (10 points), just the way it's displayed is different.
(2018-08-05, 09:17)firewater Wrote: Any chance for visual support of 5 stars instead of 10? So that it moves 0.5 > 1 > 1.5 (moves to 2nd star), and so on? The scale remains the same (10 points), just the way it's displayed is different.
 Kodis core does support that, it's just a matter of sending something different to tmdb then inserting into the database
Personally I'm only interested in rating things within Kodi, but for this and the case you mention, I'm wondering what would have to be changed in script-user-rating-rateDialog.xml to reduce the stars from 10 to 5, and go by halves.

edit: nevermind, I get how it'd be done now. There are many ways to go about it, but basically just move the <left> of the button/image items and put them in pairs (so 0.5 and 1 star would be placed at the same <left>, same for 1.5 and 2, and so on)
(2018-08-06, 01:20)firewater Wrote: Personally I'm only interested in rating things within Kodi, but for this and the case you mention, I'm wondering what would have to be changed in script-user-rating-rateDialog.xml to reduce the stars from 10 to 5, and go by halves.

edit: nevermind, I get how it'd be done now. There are many ways to go about it, but basically just move the <left> of the button/image items and put them in pairs (so 0.5 and 1 star would be placed at the same <left>, same for 1.5 and 2, and so on)
 If you only want to rate in kodi, it should be enough to use what kodi brings. This addon isn't needed then. Open the info dialog and hit "Your rating"
Well, right now there are 10 discrete controls in the dialog that uses to determine what rating the user wants.  You could display the current / desired rating with half-stars, but then you would need something like the core select dialog listing out the 10 possibilities.  An alternative would be an increase/decrease rating pair of controls which the user would then have to select repeatedly to get the desired rating.

scott s.
(2018-08-06, 22:52)Razze Wrote: If you only want to rate in kodi, it should be enough to use what kodi brings. This addon isn't needed then. Open the info dialog and hit "Your rating" 
Yeah, but the skin I use doesn't have a rating button - or any button at all, actually. Would there be any way to access the built-in rating dialogue without the use of this script? Via keymaps, I mean.
(2018-08-07, 00:41)firewater Wrote:
(2018-08-06, 22:52)Razze Wrote: If you only want to rate in kodi, it should be enough to use what kodi brings. This addon isn't needed then. Open the info dialog and hit "Your rating" 
Yeah, but the skin I use doesn't have a rating button - or any button at all, actually. Would there be any way to access the built-in rating dialogue without the use of this script? Via keymaps, I mean. 
I would prefer to encourage your skinner to include the button Smile
This little add-on worked great on my Kodi running on my TV. After the movie was ended, the add-on would pop up allowing me t select the number of starts to highlight. On my Kodi 18 Beta install, it doesn't come up at all. I've doubled checked the settings and everything looks correct. {Though there isn't much to configure.}

Is this plugin broke on Kodi 18?
Figured it out. Just a simple setting I overlooked. Thank you.
User Rating has been unreliable with Kodi 18, which I have been using since before Beta1. I am currently running last night's build  (18.0-BETA3 Git:20180924-3238e00) and it is still failing.

The first problem is that the prompt to rate a movie after it has finished playing usually does not occur. My sense is that it is most likely to occur for the first movie played after Kodi starts.

The second problem is that even when prompted for a rating, the rating frequently is not sent to themoviedb, it only updates the local db. On occasion the rating is sent, but probably less than 25% of the time.

You can reliably get the movie rating dialog from the Movie Information window or Context menu, but the rating is infrequently sent to TMDB.

Setting the rating through the Extended Info dialog is most  reliable (perhaps 100%, I haven't done a lot of testing with it).

Logs can be found at:

kodi.no_rating_script is the log showing that the script is not automatically run after playing a movie
kodi.Info.notsent is the log demonstrating what happens when you manually rate a movie from the Movie Info window: the local rating is set, but not sent to TMDB.
kodi.Context.sent is a log demonstrating that you can set a movie's rating locally and at TMDB from the ExtendedInfo dialog
I keep getting errors when trying to submit a rating after the popup. Maybe the plugin needs to be updated for Kodi v18?
20:54:05.753 T:1812 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\JoScha\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.user.rating\", line 118, in <module>
File "C:\Users\JoScha\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.user.rating\", line 28, in __init__
File "C:\Users\JoScha\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.user.rating\", line 72, in main
self.sendToWebsites(item, True)
File "C:\Users\JoScha\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.user.rating\", line 109, in sendToWebsites
File "C:\Users\JoScha\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.user.rating\resources\lib\", line 55, in sendRating
ret = self.sendRequest('series/' + tvshowid + '/episodes/query', 'GET', get={'airedSeason': str(episodeData['season']), 'airedEpisode': str(episodeData['episode'])})
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
-->End of Python script error report<--
A quick look at the code suggest to me that if the series doesn't have a tvshowid the call to searchTVshowID is returning interger 0 while the sendRating is expecting tvshowid to be a string (which it would be if the tvshowid exists I guess).  I would probably test for tvshowid == 0 before trying to run the faulting ret = self.sendRequest instruction.

scott s.

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User Rating - Easy rate your media1