v18 Beetle PSX
Trying to get PSX rooms to play, but I am having trouble installing Beetle PSX. It keeps telling me a dependency (game.controller.ps.konami.justifier.ps)
Is unavailable. If I go into controllers I can see the controller it wants, and it is the only one of the group not auto installed. I assume there is a typo somewhere, but I can't figure out how to correctly point the add on installer to the correct controller. (Or tell it I don't care about the gun, I'll never use it)

I typically am able to fumble around the forums and web at large to fond work arounds, but my Google Fu is saddly letting me down this time.

I've tried hard and soft reset to start over but same problem.
Using libreelec x86 Milhouse 303 from March 9th

I am getting no error so I don't think a log will help (happy to be wrong about that I am sure I can figure out that process if need be)
Thank you for your time any one who responds.

If there is a reference out that I've failed to find it is ignorance not lazyness that has me asking, and please point me in the right direction.
(Just started using Kodi a few months ago so any problem I ran into in Krypton had been well flushed out and easy to find answers for long before I ran into a problem. Fumbling my way through Leia in honest attempt to learn.)
your not alone I cant get PSX to work either on Libreelec the screen just blacks out and nothing happens.
RPi3+ LE v9.0 (+ HDHomeRun ATSC tuner, Tvh, Comskip, zap2epg)

A95X LE v8.2 (kszaq)
That was originally happening to me while I was using rearmed. I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to be using that one unless I had an arm system (I think)
Got passed that when I realised I had to supply a bios.
Figured that out about the same time as I realized the controller problem and moved on for a while.
so, what exactly do i have to do, to get around the "game.controller.ps.konami.justifier.ps" error?

i'm waiting for an answer?

where do i get "game.controller.ps.konami.justifier.ps"?
Beetle PSX has listed the wrong id as dependency, correct would be game.controller.konami.justifier.ps.
Should be fixed here: https://github.com/kodi-game/game.libret...sx/pull/10
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2018-03-26, 19:59)cabbresson Wrote: your not alone I cant get PSX to work either on Libreelec the screen just blacks out and nothing happens.

Even though this is not related to this issue. For me there is an easy workaround. Frist time I run any game with rearmed, I get blackscreen (but I hear the sound). So I exit the game and run it again. Voila. The Picture is there.
A fix for blackscreen was just committed. It's included in my most recent test builds. Can you check to see if this is still an issue?
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Have another Problem with that, when i try to Open a bin File it doesnt ask about which Emulator to use. So nothing Happen, i have Installed beetlepsx and psx rearmed
(2018-09-06, 23:16)TobSt4r Wrote: Have another Problem with that, when i try to Open a bin File it doesnt ask about which Emulator to use. So nothing Happen, i have Installed beetlepsx and psx rearmed
 Try adding this to advanced settings:
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2018-09-06, 23:38)garbear Wrote:
(2018-09-06, 23:16)TobSt4r Wrote: Have another Problem with that, when i try to Open a bin File it doesnt ask about which Emulator to use. So nothing Happen, i have Installed beetlepsx and psx rearmed
 Try adding this to advanced settings:
In IAGL, there is a semi-workaround where you can preset which game addon to play the file with (Context menu to 'Set Default Game Addon').  It would be great if there was somehow a 'play using' context for file types that could be played by either a video player or a game addon, or in the future if a folder was defined as a game source it would assume to try a game addon instead of the video player.
Sorry for late response ...

@garbear i had allready set this to my advancedsettings.xml but nothing changed
@zachmorris thanks i will try this workaround on weekend
I have the exact same issue. Nothing starts when I try to open a PSX game. Weirdly enough beetle doesn't have a folder in userdata\addon_data like all the emulators have. So where exactly should I put the BIOS?
(2018-09-06, 23:38)garbear Wrote:  Try adding this to advanced settings:

garbear, this is precisely what I was looking for! When I attempted to try to open a .CUE file of a PS1 game after upgrading to any mainline beta build past your last Retroplayer build (which was Leia beta3), my screen would flicker black for a split second and Kodi would appear to do nothing - no prompt to install a compatible emulator from the binary repo, nor would it do anything if I manually installed Beetle PSX from the Kodi repo before attempting to launch the game. My debug log would show entries similar to the following:
18:05:05.079 T:8496   ERROR: Previous line repeats 5 times.
18:05:05.079 T:8496 WARNING: Repository teeedubb's repo uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
18:05:09.296 T:5260 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
18:05:09.296 T:5260   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error probing input format, D:\perfectly_legal\console_games\sorted_psx\Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA)\Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA).cue
18:05:09.297 T:5260   ERROR: VideoPlayerCodec::Init: Error creating demuxer
18:05:09.297 T:5260   ERROR: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file D:\perfectly_legal\console_games\sorted_psx\Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA)\Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA).cue
18:05:09.297 T:5260 WARNING: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder

It took much longer than I'm willing to admit (haha) for me to realize that Kodi was trying to play the cuesheet as if it were a standard media CD or DVD track, so once I understood that I needed to override that detection I immediately noticed that what you posted in this thread would probably help. So I went ahead and created advancedsettings.xml (thanks to the Wiki I got the location correct on the first attempt https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml) in my Kodi userdata folder, and trimmed your config snippet down to what I personally needed--

--and that did the trick! Now I can finally upgrade past Beta3 and retain full functionality! Thank you again for all the work you do.
(2018-11-22, 10:46)HerrSchiller Wrote: I have the exact same issue. Nothing starts when I try to open a PSX game. Weirdly enough beetle doesn't have a folder in userdata\addon_data like all the emulators have. So where exactly should I put the BIOS?

That sounds off, I think on first launch it should create a folder structure there - but you never know. Create a folder in your addon_data called "game.libretro.beetle-psx", make a "resources" folder inside of that, and finally make a "system" folder inside the resources folder. Your BIOS files - named exactly as noted in Libretro's docs here https://docs.libretro.com/library/beetle_psx/#bios belong in that system folder.

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Beetle PSX1