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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
(2018-10-15, 18:30)Cynwrig Wrote: I don't know what it is but dsplayer started to be very unstable... Everytime it's idle and I go back to play an episode it crashes... In progress episode disapear from the unwatched widget and I never get him out of the screen saver unless I minimize and maximize the screen from window to fullscreen...
The 1809 Windows update made Kodi in general less stable. I've had the occasional crash when trying to do things quickly while background processes are happening, but not any problems when idle. If it isn't the Windows update, a fresh install of DSPlayer might help. I would start with a portable installation before I tried this, though. I would also look for add-ons that may be running in the background through System settings.
(2018-10-15, 19:13)wints Wrote: Ok thanks guy's, I'd already tried all the things you guy's suggested before I posted, all except for "disabling passthrough for it in the Dsplayer settings" which I'll try later on tonight. Cheers for the help.
 It does sound like a bitstreaming issue. I would have thought a new version of LAV Filters might cure it. It could also be the fault of Sanear.
I find DS does get a bit unstable from time to time, for me I usually get KODI dropping to a small window or a movie playing squashed, or sometimes a black screen when KODI DS starts, a quick reinstall over the top always sorts for me.

This may not work as well for non portable installs, this is why I always use portable.
(2018-10-14, 18:02)mclingo Wrote: not has this issue either, have you updated you LAV filters recently, worth a try, make sure delete everything in there first.
 actually, you don't have to delete anything in there, I never have.  I just copy and paste it in there.  The old files mean nothing, as the new files are hardcoded to load the correct files, ignoring the others left over.
Hi @Warner360,

Hope your well .. I have been doing RGB FULL 444 and madVR 0-255 and the JVC in Auto mode all this time but looking at the Kodi DSplayer wiki page it seems that the correct way to do it is:

Limited Full Limited and apparently this way there is no scaling and the video colours are all correct.. What's your thoughts on this?

When they say Limited ---> Full ----> Limited do they actually mean Kodi/madVR -----> GPU----> Display?

Would appreciate if you could shed some light on this.. Thank you.

I would stick with Full -> Full -> Full. There is one extra conversion (16-235 to 0-255 by madVR), but dithering cancels out any errors and the rest of the computer remains usable. The other way will give you a crushed desktop and likely wouldn't improve image quality.
some have found very slightly better near black performance on OLED with GPU 4:4:4 FULL RGB, MADVR 16-255 and TV set to LOW compared to MADVR 0-255 and HIGH. I have noticed this myself but the advantage of not having a crushed desktop outweighs the advantages for me as my HTPC is my daily driver.

Those are the two best ways to setup so its your choice which works best for you.
Thank you for your responses guys.. Tbh with you my HTPC is only for movie viewing and not my main computer so I am not bothered about crushed desktop.. I want the purest video signal I can have with no conversions.. If this is the case than am I correct in doing this :

Desktop RGB 444 FULL

madVR 16-235


Also do I need to check the 16-235 box in kodi settings page when using dsplayer or shall I leave that unchecked? Sorry for the questions and thanks for all your help @Warner306 and @mclingo
(2018-10-17, 21:18)mclingo Wrote: some have found very slightly better near black performance on OLED with GPU 4:4:4 FULL RGB, MADVR 16-255 and TV set to LOW compared to MADVR 0-255 and HIGH. I have noticed this myself but the advantage of not having a crushed desktop outweighs the advantages for me as my HTPC is my daily driver.

Those are the two best ways to setup so its your choice which works best for you.
Madvr 16-255 or 16-235? Thanks
sorry, 16-235
thanks @mclingo and @Warner306
(2018-10-17, 21:46)mkohman Wrote: JVC AUTO, STANDARD OR ENHANCED?

Also do I need to check the 16-235 box in kodi settings page when using dsplayer or shall I leave that unchecked? Sorry for the questions and thanks for all your help @Warner306 and @mclingo

Set the JVC to Standard and Kodi to 16-235.
(2018-10-18, 17:25)Warner306 Wrote:
(2018-10-17, 21:46)mkohman Wrote: JVC AUTO, STANDARD OR ENHANCED?

Also do I need to check the 16-235 box in kodi settings page when using dsplayer or shall I leave that unchecked? Sorry for the questions and thanks for all your help @Warner306 and @mclingo

Set the JVC to Standard and Kodi to 16-235.
Thank you.. I actually set madvr to 16-235 rather than kodi as madvr is my video decoder and I set the JVC to standard and my desktop to RGB FULL 4.4.4.. Thanks again.. I think this is the only way to get correct video with zero conversion.. Much appreciated
Kodi still has to output 16-235 to look accurate when the display is set to 16-235. It is not the video renderer, but it is a program that should also have the correct levels. You can't adjust the desktop this way, but you can adjust Kodi.
Sorry but you kind of lost me.. Are you saying my setup isn't correct? Should I be checking the 16-235 within the Kodi settings as well as madvr or not? When I do check the 16-235 I kodi the video is the same but the menu in kodi becomes washed out... I think I'm confusing the matter more now can you please just advise me what I have done wrong or what I need to do if anything.

Currently desktop RGB FULL 4.4.4
madVR 16-235 and JVC on Standard mode.. What else need to be done please? Thanks
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