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@mclingo I sent ya a PM regarding something I discovered about the red crush!
(2018-11-01, 00:56)spencerjford Wrote: @mclingo I sent ya a PM regarding something I discovered about the red crush!
 i've logged a support ticket to AMD about this, and logged it on their forum, i've also logged it again on MADVR to see if MADSHI has a contact at AMD that will have a look at it, see my posts for more info (wont be of interest to non AMD card users)


Are you certain your display is set to the correct gamut? The issue is the wrong color gamut is being sent to the display (BT.709 rather than BT.2020 selected in madVR, or vice-versa).
Yes warner, it's set correctly.   I confirmed all this, with a fresh install (of everything, windows, madvr, lavfilters (and not forgetting to copy them to dsplayer folder) and not changing anything in defaults in madvr) (due to buying new bigger SSD) and discovered something.

On 8 bit everything works as expected, no red color blown out, but set amd control panel to auto switch to 10 bit SDR material gets blown out reds.
So the AMD control panel changes the result or madVR? If changing the setting in AMD causes it, it is the driver doing strange things.
Additional troubleshooting:

- What happens if you set the GPU to 24 Hz and play something? Is refresh rate switching involved in any way?

- What happens if you output at 8-bits and set madVR to output to BT.2020. Is the oversaturation the same or similar?
(2018-11-02, 15:36)Warner306 Wrote: Additional troubleshooting:

- What happens if you set the GPU to 24 Hz and play something? Is refresh rate switching involved in any way?

- What happens if you output at 8-bits and set madVR to output to BT.2020. Is the oversaturation the same or similar?
 HI, I haven't tried 24hz, i'll look at that, 60hz only works as it forces whatever is playing to 8bit due to bandwidth restriction with HDMI 2.0

Do you mean setting native bit depth to 8bit in MADVR and leaving MADVR calibration to BT2020 on so see what that looks like?, I can try that but not sure what that tells us, what are you thinking it might be?
It would be helpful to know if actual BT.2020 output looks the same as the bug you are seeing. Is the image corrupt at one setting, or you are actually getting BT.2020 when you are supposed to be getting BT.709?
ill have a look over the weekend.
ok, so if I set MADVR to 8 bit and leave BT2020 on its looks very washed out, very beige tonally, not correct. 

What does this tell though Warner?
feck, that little experiment seems to have completely shafted my HTPC, i'm getting frame drops all over the place and massive screen glitching, reinstall of MADVR which is the only thing I changed hasnt fixed it, was just about to sit down and hammer some movies as well.

FFS, not your fault though mate.
well thats very interesting, my TV was causing that, tried several MADVR reinstalls, drivers reinstalled and rendering swap changed nothing, did a cold boot of my TV, all back to normal, wouldnt have thought the TV iself could caused such erratic and horrific behavour in MADVR alone - normal rendering with madvr turn off was fine.

All kinds of weird but i think that sums up my system, i'm always having these minor gremlins, I live right behind a graveyard though - there are 100 year old dead people less than 50 yards from my HTPC !

Ghosts in the machine.

it broke again straight away, i'm lost here now, no idea whats going on, ive reinstalled LAV/MADVR and movie plays, question, what composition rate should MADVR be showing for a 23.976 movie, its currently show 60 and playing at 23.976 and losing frames and glitching to hell, if I switch to standard render all ok even at 23hz so ive managed to trash madvr some how but no fix works.

any ideas anyone?
thats the issue i'm sure, MADVR is stuck at 60hz composition rate, anyone any ideas?

fingers crossed its fixed, had to totally wipe MADVR, install it in a new location and completely set it up again from scratch, very odd, even system restore didnt fix it, i'm surprised system restore worked at all, i havent had a system restore work for over 12 months, looks like 1809 fixed that, so thats a good thing at least, silver cloud and all that.

now back to the vodka and movies

Sorry to bore you all again with my problems.

I don't know why you are always blowing your top over these bug reports. I was just trying to be helpful. You could simplify your explanation to AMD as to what is wrong.

Can you run the following quick tests:
  • Direct3D 11 + madVR (8-bit) + BT.709 + AMD (8-bit) =  normal/not normal
  • Direct3D 11 + madVR (10-bit) + BT.709 + AMD (8-bit) =  normal/not normal
  • Direct3D 11 + madVR (8-bit) + BT.709 + AMD (10-bit) =  normal/not normal
  • Direct3D 11 + madVR (10-bit) + BT.709 + AMD (10-bit) =  normal/not normal

This should tell you whether madVR is involved at all. The media player and GPU will operate independent of each other.
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