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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin for XBMC
My bad. I was expecting him to be using a setup like mine where the video link on the home screen takes me directly to the coverflow video library folder. he would need to hit his backspace buttownon windows ort the back button on his controller
these are the values I can add for a new share:

-dvd drive
-hdhomerun devices
-home folder
-replaytv devices
-sap streams
-upnp devices
-video playlists
-windows network (SMB
- add network location

im running SVN17375

btw, initially I added the plugin to the .xbmc/../plugins folder, but then i read that was the most common mistake, so i deleted whatever i added before running xbmc.
Motherboard P5N7A-VM, E8400 C2D 3.0 processor. NVIDIA 9300 graphics card. OpenELEC Stable - Generic x86_64 Version:3.2.4
ok, now I see it. I added it to my .xbmc/plugins folder. However when I ran the script I did not get anything. here is what was in my xbmc.log file.

Motherboard P5N7A-VM, E8400 C2D 3.0 processor. NVIDIA 9300 graphics card. OpenELEC Stable - Generic x86_64 Version:3.2.4
is there a way to let the commercials play for hulu and cbs plugins? because i feel like i am gipping them out of money .
Have them open up their API and I'm sure the plugin makers will quite happily include the adverts.
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

ok so is it illegal to watch it or is it legal? seeing they ccan't put commercials on it
Yes there is "a way". Have a look through the plugin's code, if you can figure it out a patch would certainly be welcome.

The xbmc forums aren't really a good place to ask about the legality of doing something like this. The plugin isn't bundled with xbmc, and it isn't hosted by servers xbmc owns. Do it somewhere else please.

If you have legal or moral concerns, feel free to not use it.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search and search the forum before posting.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please read how to submit a proper bug report.

If you're interested in writing addons for xbmc, read docs and how-to for plugins and scripts ||| http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-addons/
ok thanks for the help Smile
Hi all, Fitrst, I'd like to say that really like the plugin and so does my family. We've been watching Friday Night Lights. It's much better if you watch a few at a time(as with most shows out there). Just wanted to drop a line and mention that there are many episodes that do not show in the plugin for several shows. Anybody else having this difficulty?
This may be a backwards way of getting the feeds I want, but it seems to work for me. As I understand by reading the threads, I also got a feature working, so go meSmile

I got the feeds to appear in the plugin by creating a new directory that leads to my rss hulu queue(which is not protected by authentication). I just log into hulu on my pc and queue up the items I want and then open the plugin to watch 'em.

I uploaded my edited plugin here:


Be sure to delete your previous install of the plugin before using this one as lingering .pyo files can cause it not to work.

If you want to link the new queue directory to your queue, just edit the file "common.py".

In the variable "RSS_MY_QUEUE", I have left my username at the end of the URL(rcurtiss). Just replace it with your hulu username and you should be in business. Now that you can watch all your favorites, just be sure to take some time out from watching as to avoid the cottage cheese brain condition Mr. Baldwin described in the latest HULU comercial.

-Randy Curtiss
in regards to speeding up the plugin on the mac/atv platform, there is discussion and a fix to the delay of scripts running here:


by default, the python libs are zippped up, so it takes extra time to intialize... kudos to m_lopez_h for getting us looking in the right direction and davilla for finding it.
I recently started having trouble with this plug-in when I start viewing content from Hulu. Previously, this worked fine, but I can't figure out what has changed. Basically, when I go to play a video, it is changing video modes, putting the view in the bottom left corner of the screen. I also tried a copy of the "Hulu2.zip", but it does the same thing.

In my case, XBMC is running on my AppleTV. I did have an issue where XBMC locked up on me the other day and I unplugged/replugged the AppleTV to recover. I didn't have to make any settings changes in XBMC, so it didn't seem that the config was hosed.

I'm thinking of:
1. Trying other episodes, to see if it's just the content that I've recently tried
2. Reinstalling XBMC via the AppleTV interface

Any suggestions would be most appreciated...
Would it be possible to have a sub-forum for very popular plugins (similar to in the Skins forum)? This is becoming a pretty daunting thread to pore through.
dbldown768 Wrote:ok, now I see it. I added it to my .xbmc/plugins folder. However when I ran the script I did not get anything. here is what was in my xbmc.log file.


I was wondering if anyone had any information to lead me in the right direction?
Motherboard P5N7A-VM, E8400 C2D 3.0 processor. NVIDIA 9300 graphics card. OpenELEC Stable - Generic x86_64 Version:3.2.4
webmaven Wrote:As a Flash programmer I would guess that the commercials were not intentionally removed. The Flash files has Cue marks and the Flash player in Hulu would read the Cue marks and ActionScript would pause the video for 30 seconds play another video then restart you main movie. Since the XBMC player is not a Flash player the Cue marks are ignored. I would say this is by accident and I hope this is not an issue in the future.


Thanks for the response. The only reason I ask is because boxee does not ignore these cues. Seems like they are just embedding the Flash files or something along those lines... What that does for control and UI, I am not sure since I haven't really test drove boxee to much though I am an Alpha user. I am just thinking adoption and support from Hulu will be limited if the commercials are not viewed... Who knows if they may try to find a way to block platforms that ignore the cues.
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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin for XBMC1