2019-02-09, 22:57
Hi everyone, recently I moved my pictures to webp format as it saves a lot of space, but in Kodi along with Gwenwiew I'm getting no exif information, however if I open my pics with xnview mp program I can see everything in exiftool section. I used my script with cwebp to convert jpegs and other pictures (https://github.com/sunhort/cwebpconv) with command
May be there is addon or something that can display data using exiftool?
Is there any way to fix that as I planning to use Kodi across my devices in homenet? (Probably the best way will be displaying metadata from Create date of exif/xmp section of exiftool?)bash:find . -name "*.jpg" | parallel --bar --eta cwebp -q 90 -m 6 -segments 4 -sharp_yuv -v -metadata all {} -o {.}.webp
May be there is addon or something that can display data using exiftool?