Solved Rapier Change Art for Movies
I looked through the guide for Rapier, but could not see anything on how to change the movie artwork? I have a few movies I want ro change the artwork but cannot find a way to do it. Also I noticed that the Phantom Menace is in my library, but it has scraped it as a review of the movie from RedLetterMedia. How can I scrape it again to find the correct info? It already has the info for the review and it seems to take it as that's correct.
Didn't I just answer these exact questions in your other thread?

Go to the movie information window and click Manage.
In that dialog you can click Choose Art or Get Artwork.

How media is scraped and what info is scraped is not related to the skin.
That info is scraped from whichever scraper you use.
The best one in my opinion for movies is Universal Movie Scraper.

To scrape a movie again go to the movie information window, click Manage and click Refresh.
OK, so if I go to the Information Window I can see the Manage tab, however it does not allow you to highlight and select it. It jumps from Extra Info over on to Trailer. I can hold down Ex on the Nvidia controller and brings up a menu with Manage on it, which I can select, but after doing so there is no options related at all to artwork.

The information you gave on scraping before did help, but this issue persists, and it seems to have everything to do with the Skin as when I used Aeon Nox I could click on the Manage button easily and rectify the issue.
I have just looked at Add-Ons and it shows Artwork Downloaded status as Broken. How the hell do I download the Universal Movie Scraper Add on? I see it when I search Install from Repository, but it, but the top tabs for Configure, Install, Enable, Run, Update are not operational and it only allows me to select Dependencies.
You have enabled Kiosk Mode in the skin settings.

Skin settings > General
And another thing: if you can't ask politely I'm going to delete this thread.

I'm trying to help you here.
I didn't realize I was coming across as ungrateful? I see I said hell at one point, but it's not directed at you, but rather frustration with looking and keeping on coming coming to dead ends.

I do appreciate the help mate. As I said I am a newbie to this, so sorry for covering any of the same ground.
Ah I see. No worries. I guess I misunderstood. 😁

Did it help disabling kiosk mode?
You can manually install Artwork Beef. It's not in the official repo yet, but is an excellent replacement for Artwork Downloader.

Read here how to do that:

Or you can install my development repo to downgrade to a working version of Artwork Downloader.
But I recommend using Artwork Beef instead.
Disabling worked mate. Thanks so much as I was pulling my hair put trying to figure it out.
Cheers mate. I will look into the Artwork Beef. Much appreciated.
Really glad you got it solved.

I'll mark this thread as solved.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions. :-)

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Rapier Change Art for Movies0