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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
(2019-02-20, 18:08)LostBrit76 Wrote: Don't these bat files have to be run from the location of xysubfilter itself?  I cannot find the dll anywhere, yet MPC-BE shows that it is registered and available.
 Looks like No, think it deletes it from the registry and it wont be seen I guess.

cd /d "%~dp0"
regsvr32.exe /u XySubFilter.dll

If I do a search for it, all I find is a dll here

C:\Program Files\Kodi\system\players\dsplayer\XySubFilter

worth a try anyway maybe.
(2019-02-20, 17:47)madjockxbmc Wrote: Its maybe because you have DXVA options ticked in the Trade for Performance, and thus its lowering the demand on the GPU as you are using DXVA (not 100%), I think its because you have your scaling settings so high, when you go to D3D11 and it does not have these trade for performance options then that could be the issue.

Select scale chroma separately if it helps performance in Trade for performance options then try D3D11 again.
 DXVA options unticked in Trade for Performance now. Also in LAV VIDEO Filter D3D11 and automatic. The result is video hangs.

If I change automatic to NVIDIA GT 1030 then works.

Scale chroma separately is ticket in both configs.

Thank you again.
(2019-02-21, 17:06)markrankin Wrote:
(2019-02-20, 17:47)madjockxbmc Wrote: Its maybe because you have DXVA options ticked in the Trade for Performance, and thus its lowering the demand on the GPU as you are using DXVA (not 100%), I think its because you have your scaling settings so high, when you go to D3D11 and it does not have these trade for performance options then that could be the issue.

Select scale chroma separately if it helps performance in Trade for performance options then try D3D11 again.
 DXVA options unticked in Trade for Performance now. Also in LAV VIDEO Filter D3D11 and automatic. The result is video hangs.

If I change automatic to NVIDIA GT 1030 then works.

Scale chroma separately is ticket in both configs.

Thank you again.  
 I guess the answer is "it shouldn't", but that is not really an answer. Could be a driver thing I guess, but if its working ok then why mess with it I suppose.

from madVR support forum

Basically (as of current madVR version; 'DXVA' here means either DXVA2 or D3D11):

- as per nevcairiel's advice, Intel QuickSync and NVIDIA CUVID are obsolete compared to DXVA copy-back and are not recommended
- native variants of DXVA prevent use of madVR's IVTC and black bar detection. They also consume a bit more VRAM (few hundreds MBs) which can be an issue if you have a discrete card with very small VRAM and you want a big decoder queue.
- copy-back variants of DXVA are not recommended for iGPUs for performance reasons. They can also have performance problems with discrete GPUs in rare situations like UHD on much older systems.
- DXVA2 native can have chroma quality issues on some GPUs
- D3D11 native prevents using hardware deinterlacing
- D3D11 copy-back is slower than DXVA2 copy-back and has no quality advantages, so you have no reason to use it really
- D3D11 native is slightly faster than DXVA2 native, and doesn't have the chroma quality issue, so is interesting if you're not using any of: IVTC, black bar detection, hardware deinterlacing.
Just in case someone is searching for the same solution - Kodi DSPlayer transcoding Dolby TrueHD to AC3 over SP/DIF for older receiver incompatible with TrueHD, while bitstreaming DTS, Dolby Digital AC3, DTS-HD, looks like I made it work. Here's what worked for me: I have installed AC3Filter, then set in DSPlayer settings audio renderer to Saenar, with internal filters, ignore system channel mixer, enable bitstreaming, and added AC3Filter as an external filter. In LAV Audio I checked "bitstreaming" for DTS, Dolby AC3, DTS-HD but NOT TrueHD. Mixing is enabled - that makes it decode TrueHD into 6-channel LPCM. Bitstreaming means that at that point everything that my older DENON receiver can handle goes to passthrough, but TrueHD gets decoded and passed on further in the filter chain - where it's picked up by AC3Filter - shown in the filter dialog as LPCM stream. In AC3Filter I ticked "enable SP/DIF" where possible, "encode AC3" is set for everything, I manually assigned matrix mixing, so side and back channels are mixed into L and R surrounds and LFE mixed in a bit into main L and R and to the sub. I'm not in front on that PC so I'm quoting from memory, but that's the picture. Now receiver recognizes truehd streams as "Dolby Digital" and it's so much better than Dolby Pro Logic it created from stereo stream before. Yay! I'm very fond of my 2002 DENON receiver, it sounds amazing with my JBL Studio series speakers, I have no intention of upgrading. It's difficult to find such a good amp for a reasonable price now. And I have projection home theater, so all the video routing is not relevant for me...
Hey everyone. Hoping I can get a little help here. I was using kodi v17.6 with dsp player and was absolutely loving it. Tonight I went to watch a movie and plugged my headphones into my av receiver and got no sound! I then unplugged them and continued to get no sound. Very weird glitch. When I switched the dsp player off (kodi default) I got sound again even with headphones like normal. Any idea what could be causing no sound over headphones when using the dsp player? I watch a lot of movies with headphones do hopefully is a easy fix!

sounds like you default audio device isnt selected in KODI, have you checked the DSPLAYER audio device settings?
yes I checked and tried all audio devices, no change.  Some of the settings caused a blank screen.  So I gave up put things back to default, rebooted and now it seems to be working, even with headphones.  Its really weird cause I spent 2 hours trying to get it to work, then Kodi crashed and after I rebooted it worked.  Almost as if the crash caused it to work.  very weird.  Anyways I hope it stays working cause I really like the dsp player version however it is quite buggy on my machine.  Perhaps I should give the 32 bit install a go, is it less buggy than the 64 bit version?

The 32-bit version could possibly be more stable, but not likely. What are the other bugs are you experiencing? The audio bug could simply be an issue with Windows WASAPI. Some Windows issues do require a reboot.
Hmm, ok thanks. Because my HTPC isnt quite powerful enough to playback 4k large 40+gig copies with madvr I need to turn off when playing.  I find after I toggle to Kodi default player I often need to reboot.  if I dont I either get blank screen or no audio.  Then sometimes after changing the dsp player when I exit kodi it goes to a black screen and doesnt flick back to windows desktop.  Because I cant see anything I need to remotely login from my phone and restart windows.  Sounds like a display driver issue to me but I dont like changing drivers in win 10 Sad
Any GPU with a 10-bit HEVC decoder is powerful enough to play 4K UHD rips. Your settings could be too high or your network is not fast enough for these rips. All of the network connections need to support Gigabit speeds, including Cat5e+ cabling.
I have a i3-6100 (skylake) with HD520. It will play 4K fine just not the larger files.  Im pretty sure its not the network - Skylake cant play 4k HDR 60 gig movies.
larger movies will have higher bit rates which your system will have issues with I'm guessing, feels like network or maybe both to me, you should invest in a dedicated gpu, if you are strapped for cash you're best choices are used RX460 or NVIDIA 1030, both should be able to grind through those movies with no trouble in MADVR with default settings.

to test my network theory, copy the 60 gig file to the desktop and play it locally, while you get to the bottom of this issue though i'd use MPC-BE so you can minise to see what you GPU and LAN are doing in taskmgr when a movie is playing.
(2019-02-22, 21:48)jeremy1 Wrote: I have a i3-6100 (skylake) with HD520. It will play 4K fine just not the larger files.  Im pretty sure its not the network - Skylake cant play 4k HDR 60 gig movies.
 The answer is that your HD520 has a hybrid HEVC decoder and not a full 10-bit decoder. So it can only handle files up to a certain bitrate:

i have a GTX 960 and can set to NGU medium without lagging. i changet the card to my GTX 980 from my gaming rig and could set NGU to very high without lagging but my 4k movies encoded with the HVEC codec were only software encoded with the 980. (960 can decode in HW)
my question: is the 1060 able to play NGU high or very high? does ist support HVEC.
The GTX 1060 will do up to high and does have an HEVC decoder.
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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47