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Release Unfussy
Hi Hermann,

1a) is no problem, will be included in the next version

Regarding 1b) and 2): what screen resolution are you running on your windows machine? The skin is developed for 16:9 resolutions like 1920x1080. Non 16:9 resolutions are not supported. 

Cheers Louis
(2019-07-08, 20:27)louis Wrote: Hi Hermann,

1a) is no problem, will be included in the next version

Regarding 1b) and 2): what screen resolution are you running on your windows machine? The skin is developed for 16:9 resolutions like 1920x1080. Non 16:9 resolutions are not supported.

Cheers Louis
1a) Thanks !
1b) 2b) my Windows PC runs at 1920*1080 - so this should be fine. But for me it does not matter anymore as I can confirm that on my Shield TV (which is the platform I actually watch TV, the PC Kodi is only for testing) these two errors do not occur...

But, I already have another small request: Can you include the lastPlayed Date and playCount in the info screen ? Not very important but would be nice to have ...
Hi , very classy smooth skin , thanks. 
I set up a TV Show smart playlist,( shows added after a certain date ) , as the default widget is newly added "episodes", I always prefer series rather than episodes in home screen widgets.
However , am only able to use the poster option , there is no landscape option for my "tv show" smart playlist ?
I have a couple of questions regarding Live TV  , as you can see in pic 2 , if I press the OK button while watching a stream , I get double  OSD navigation bar one on top of the other.
When in TV Guide , to access "Groups", I have to exit Guide, enter TV Channel view and press left , I can't access groups from the guide.
Also when I press the OK button with  the "Group" panel highlighted , it shows the next group and so on , however I have 29 groups and there is no way to scroll backwards so if I am in group 3 for example and want to switch to group 2 I have to scroll thru the full list( I can only move forward one clk at a time  , the button doesn't move when long pressing on OK. Could Groups be presented as a list so you could scroll up or down rather than a single heading ?
Am using PVR simple client and as you can see in pic1 , I have a blank screen above the egg grid, is there a way to set up "fanart" to populate that space ? or is there a setting to increase the grid from "4" items to fill that space ? The pic below is with "use alternative guide with groups " enabled.
I love the clean look of this skin btw.

(2019-07-09, 01:02)ontap Wrote: Hi , very classy smooth skin , thanks. 
I set up a TV Show smart playlist,( shows added after a certain date ) , as the default widget is newly added "episodes", I always prefer series rather than episodes in home screen widgets.
However , am only able to use the poster option , there is no landscape option for my "tv show" smart playlist ?

I could add a 2nd "landscape" widget type and use the tvshow fanart image for that...this would be possible also for other smart playlists (movies for instance). Would that meet your idea?

Cheers Louis

the double OSD with IPTV simple TV client is definitively a bug...will be fixed soon.

Regarding tvguide...first about the wording: you have to differentiate between "TV Guide" and "Channel Guide". The channel guide is called with "c" during watching live tv and is completely independend of the tv guide. 

To change the number of displayed channels in the tv guide, you have to navigate to the most left epg entry so that with an additional click on left the configuration bar of the tv guide is shown (same bar where you choose the different view types for movies for instance). There you can select between 4, 6, 8 and 10 channels to be displayed in the tv guide. If live tv is active and the tv guide is called, it is displayed on top of live tv, so for me there is no need for some static fanart as background.

Some words about channel groups: i don't like the implementation in Kodi that as soon as a channel group is selected (in tv guide or any other live tv window where it is possible to select channel groups) it is only possible to switch between the channels of this currently selected channel group, even if (for instance) the tv guide window is already closed. Because of that i didn't implement the list of channel groups in the tv guide. Additionally i've implemented an alternative channel guide via python (this window is meant by the according setup option). In this channel guide channel groups are used, but without the described behaviour that it is only possible to switch in this group after the window is closed. 

But...i could add the optional possibility to directly select channel groups in the tv guide, if you like Wink

Cheers Louis
(2019-07-09, 13:00)louis Wrote:
(2019-07-09, 01:02)ontap Wrote: Hi , very classy smooth skin , thanks. 
I set up a TV Show smart playlist,( shows added after a certain date ) , as the default widget is newly added "episodes", I always prefer series rather than episodes in home screen widgets.
However , am only able to use the poster option , there is no landscape option for my "tv show" smart playlist ?

I could add a 2nd "landscape" widget type and use the tvshow fanart image for that...this would be possible also for other smart playlists (movies for instance). Would that meet your idea?

Cheers Louis

Sounds good tx
Big Grin 
(2019-07-09, 13:28)louis Wrote: @ontap 

the double OSD with IPTV simple TV client is definitively a bug...will be fixed soon.

Regarding tvguide...first about the wording: you have to differentiate between "TV Guide" and "Channel Guide". The channel guide is called with "c" during watching live tv and is completely independend of the tv guide. 

To change the number of displayed channels in the tv guide, you have to navigate to the most left epg entry so that with an additional click on left the configuration bar of the tv guide is shown (same bar where you choose the different view types for movies for instance). There you can select between 4, 6, 8 and 10 channels to be displayed in the tv guide. If live tv is active and the tv guide is called, it is displayed on top of live tv, so for me there is no need for some static fanart as background.

Some words about channel groups: i don't like the implementation in Kodi that as soon as a channel group is selected (in tv guide or any other live tv window where it is possible to select channel groups) it is only possible to switch between the channels of this currently selected channel group, even if (for instance) the tv guide window is already closed. Because of that i didn't implement the list of channel groups in the tv guide. Additionally i've implemented an alternative channel guide via python (this window is meant by the according setup option). In this channel guide channel groups are used, but without the described behaviour that it is only possible to switch in this group after the window is closed. 

But...i could add the optional possibility to directly select channel groups in the tv guide, if you like Wink

Cheers Louis
Again thanks for your quick response, personally when looking at the channel guide it will be much better to be able to open the group "list" and change group , without as it is now , having to close the guide go to home screen , select tv then press rt and select channels then press left and see the box with the current group listed.
But further to that, as it is now , because there is only one group thing in the box and by pressing OK the next group shows, for those people who have multiple groups in their pvr list this just won't really work imo , e.g.. lets say I am in group2 in either the guide or channel list and i want to open group1 to select a channel, because I have 29 groups, I have to press 'OK" 28 times to get from group3 to group2 .
Ideally that box that shows the current active group. If the action ( currently set to show the next group in the hidden list onclick ) was set so that on click, it opens a group list that one could scroll up and down to select a new croup ( similar to the shutdown menu ?), that would be much smoother and quicker to navigate ?
Also , the "alternative channel guide" option when enabled for me doesn't appear to look any different to when it is disabled ? , I still cant see any group/groups listed ?
my screenshot above of the guid is shown with "alternative guide" enabled in skin settings.
(2019-07-09, 15:21)ontap Wrote: Also , the "alternative channel guide" option when enabled for me doesn't appear to look any different to when it is disabled ? , I still cant see any group/groups listed ?
my screenshot above of the guid is shown with "alternative guide" enabled in skin settings.

Read my post above again...the CHANNEL guide is a different window, it's not the tv guide Wink tv guide is opened with "e" on your keyboard, channel guide with "c" (or may be "g", i always mix this up Wink ).

I have to check what kind of customizing is possible in the tv guide window.

Cheers louis
(2019-07-09, 13:00)louis Wrote:
(2019-07-09, 01:02)ontap Wrote: Hi , very classy smooth skin , thanks.
I set up a TV Show smart playlist,( shows added after a certain date ) , as the default widget is newly added "episodes", I always prefer series rather than episodes in home screen widgets.
However , am only able to use the poster option , there is no landscape option for my "tv show" smart playlist ?

I could add a 2nd "landscape" widget type and use the tvshow fanart image for that...this would be possible also for other smart playlists (movies for instance). Would that meet your idea?

Cheers Louis 
Hi Louis,

I think that would generally a good idea...

Btw.: the new sort order for the next episodes works just like I wanted...Many thanks !

best regards, Hermann
Version 0.3.3 available. Changes:

- fixed pvr osd for iptv
- added "ends at" in video osd
- added widget type "landscape" with fanart image for some movie and tv show widgets

Cheers Louis
Hi Louis, have updated to 3.3 , just trying to set the landscape view as the  widget on my "new tv shows" smart playlist , it can only be enabled on episodes , not on series.
My tv show smart playlist ( as I posted this morning), if I set the widget as TV show smart playlist poster, then select smart playlist, my playlist shows and I can set it as a widget, I cant set as a landscape widget because the landscape options are all for episodes not shows/series ?
(2019-07-09, 22:44)ontap Wrote: Hi Louis, have updated to 3.3 , just trying to set the landscape view as the  widget on my "new tv shows" smart playlist , it can only be enabled on episodes , not on series.
My tv show smart playlist ( as I posted this morning), if I set the widget as TV show smart playlist poster, then select smart playlist, my playlist shows and I can set it as a widget, I cant set as a landscape widget because the landscape options are all for episodes not shows/series ?

Hi ontap,

in widget setup menu you have to select "TV Show Widget" as category and "smart tvshow playlist (landscape)" as widget type as shown in the screenshot:


Is this option not available for you?

Cheers Louis
Yep , got it now , perfect , thanks.
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