(2019-07-12, 12:31)sualfred Wrote: @chrissix
I've backported everything to Krypton, too. Both versions will have the same features now. So you can use the same skin hack. I was sick of the cherry picking
A big thank you @
sualfred ! I hope if you come up with any improvements or changes that would be also backported to Krypton.
I tried the version of yesterday with cherrypicking, installation and first function test was successful.
If I understand correctly, then your "skin hack" solution presented today can be used exactly the same, but is a little resource-saving than previous solution yesterday?
So in the current EmbuaryHelper version, are both variants possible ("skin hack" today, cherrypicking yesterday) or just the newly introduced one of today and have kicked cherrypicking out?
I hope the function is as far possible in Krypton as in Leia.
Unfortunately, I have problems porting codes to Krypton using EmbuaryHelper written by @
This is not due to EmbuaryHelper problem (all logs are clean) more to Krypton itself. The codes are so nested that Krypton have problems to handle that.
I know you might ask why I still use krypton ... quite simply: never change a very good running system.
There are many people who only participate in every second product or version cycle (for example, i only use straight numbered iphone versions and odd numbered kodi versions)
Long talk short,
i'm pretty sure a lot of skinner will benefit from this and also use this! Over the years i saw several requests of reading out single data of combined InfoLabels, I'm really wondering why nothing was released over the last years.
Very good, now i can enable scrape with multiple studios again cause the studio logos resource addon will then also work, and also playing a lot around with the other avaiable resource addons making working with multiimage (genre, country, director, actor...)
Please stay tuned for your good work - really a benefit and much appreciated!