Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Global/CTV Canada addon
OK so I am going to try and build my own cause apparently there isn't a reliable one that does what I want.

I was hoping someone here could point me to a VERY beginner how to so I can get this to work and play with it. For all I know it may not be possible.

What I am looking to do is create an addon with settings that will allow me to enter my username and password to the website to start streaming on kodi.

This is the web Site : or

if I access it through google it asks for my cable provider and then I log in with the username and password that I have set up through that provider. So ideally I would like to enter this info into a setting for the add on so it just logs in automatically.

I know it is ambitous for my 1st add on but if someone can help me out or point me in the right direction to get me started I would really appreciate it!
It's apparent that the web site wants to log you in, so your add-on would have to keep that in mind. This link might help you out but looking through some of the other open-sourced code might give you more hints.
Thanks PatK... I will have a look and see if I can get this done
You may have infinite problems due to DRM on the video, which is illegal to strip in Canada.
I apologize for the stupid question here but I am VERY NEW and learning this stuff as I go.

How can I tell if the stream is DRM protected and I am wasting my time?
(2016-08-19, 22:11)Macbeth1975 Wrote: What I am looking to do is create an addon with settings that will allow me to enter my username and password to the website to start streaming on kodi.

This is the web Site : or

if I access it through google it asks for my cable provider and then I log in with the username and password that I have set up through that provider. So ideally I would like to enter this info into a setting for the add on so it just logs in automatically.
Just wondering if anyone has had a look at this lately, would be a great addition.
I just noticed where this got posted.  Can this get moved to the video addons thread
It was looking for support in creating an addon, so it's in the right place where it is.

Video addons is for existing released addons, which this one isn't yet.
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CTV has content available on its website without needing to have a cable login.  You still need one for live TV.  I don't know how or if this pertains to DRM but can someone check if an addon is possible.
I had a quick look and Global uses DASH with MSPR and CTV uses m3u8 with m4f DRM files so I would offer this will be a challenge.


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