Video Big Info won't go on windows PM3.HD
I've setup eventghost to allow me to control XBMC and it works perfectly well for everything but this.

I'm running the latest EG, and XBMC 8.10 on Windows XP MCE.

The XBMC control problem is that pressing info in video playback brings up the big info at the bottom of the screen, but pressing info again does not clear this. I need to press previousmenu (back on the remote) to clear this.

It looks like it's going to go when you do the 2nd press but it comes back. It works fine in music so I'm assuming it's an XBMC or skin problem? I tried changing the initial repeat timeout to 1000ms but that didn't help.

Is this intentional behaviour?


2 x ATV2 with XBMC
1 x Win Vista with XBMC
XBMP/XBMC user since 2002!

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Video Big Info won't go on windows PM3.HD0