Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
(2019-11-21, 03:28)Blurayx Wrote: I noticed that a few days ago, episodes airing dates showing on my Arctic Zephyr 2 widgets 
Maybe someone has an answer, or we'll just have to wait for TheTVDB to sort out all their issues.
(2019-11-21, 03:26)melons2 Wrote: In latts mod MQ7 are you using widget: "EPISODES AIRED TODAY" or "EPISODES AIRED TODAY (NEXT AIRED)".............?
Is there anything besides choosing the widget to make it work?
I believe I am using (Next Aired). I will have to double check tomorrow and let you know. It must be though because if I updated my TV Show N.A, then it does not work. Episodes Aired Today just gives me tons of TV shows I've never even heard of before. Latt's modded Aeon MQ7 worked perfectly before the skin was updated to use the updated versions of TV Show Next Aired, script.module.metadatautils and script.module.thetvdb.

As for anything else we can do to get it working. Well, I doubt it. I think we just have to wait and see. I am sure Karellen will keep everyone posted.


(2019-11-20, 17:17)melons2 Wrote: I just updated from version 6.0.15  to version 7.0.1 and then performed this edit:

in "addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p"

replace all "StringCompare" with "String.IsEqual"

I restarted KODI and it works now without any fetch failures!

I've done the same on a fresh build, I'm not getting a fetch failure error but my artwork is not working. This pretty much makes the add-on useless for now being I can't tell what's airing. TVDB recently updated it's API so I'm guessing artwork won't work till someone releases a fix.
Keep getting this message

ERROR returned by get_show_and_episodes(): "There is no item named 'en.xml' in the archive" in the log after checking when getting fetch failure.

I installed latest build as after moving a tv show from one hard drive to another it wouldnt find it anymore and still wont but i am running the new one in portable mode but next aired works fine on my very old build and that seems to pick it up fine but old one still cannot find "House" the doctor show.
(2019-11-21, 13:29)alphaomega16 Wrote: Keep getting this message

ERROR returned by get_show_and_episodes(): "There is no item named 'en.xml' in the archive" in the log after checking when getting fetch failure.

I installed latest build as after moving a tv show from one hard drive to another it wouldnt find it anymore and still wont but i am running the new one in portable mode but next aired works fine on my very old build and that seems to pick it up fine but old one still cannot find "House" the doctor show.

Changes to API have caused this. Instead of building a zip file containing en.xml, banners.xml and actors.xml, the zip file contains, banners.xml and actors.xml. A simple but (I susoect temporary) fix if you are using version 6.0.15 is to edit kodi/addons/ and replace the single instance of:
zip_name = '%s.xml' % self.language
zip_name = '' % self.language
(2019-11-21, 15:10)utiac Wrote: Changes to API have caused this. Instead of building a zip file containing en.xml, banners.xml and actors.xml, the zip file contains, banners.xml and actors.xml. A simple but (I susoect temporary) fix if you are using version 6.0.15 is to edit kodi/addons/ and replace the single instance of:
zip_name = '%s.xml' % self.language
zip_name = '' % self.language 
On Kodi 17.6 with Rapier Skin this does not fix the Addon. 
The update process starts with "Getting Information... Country.db" and then is still aborted due to fetch failures.
Romanes eunt domus
(2019-11-21, 15:10)utiac Wrote:
(2019-11-21, 13:29)alphaomega16 Wrote: Keep getting this message

ERROR returned by get_show_and_episodes(): "There is no item named 'en.xml' in the archive" in the log after checking when getting fetch failure.

I installed latest build as after moving a tv show from one hard drive to another it wouldnt find it anymore and still wont but i am running the new one in portable mode but next aired works fine on my very old build and that seems to pick it up fine but old one still cannot find "House" the doctor show.

Changes to API have caused this. Instead of building a zip file containing en.xml, banners.xml and actors.xml, the zip file contains, banners.xml and actors.xml. A simple but (I susoect temporary) fix if you are using version 6.0.15 is to edit kodi/addons/ and replace the single instance of:
zip_name = '%s.xml' % self.language
zip_name = '' % self.language 

The Temporary fix worked Smile

Setup: LG OLED65B7 | Onkyo TX-RZ50 | OPPO UDP-203 4K Blu-Ray player | Nvidia Shield TV | Dune HD Homatics Box R 4K Plus | KEF T205
My Favourite Skin: Arctic Horizon 2
(2019-11-21, 15:10)utiac Wrote:
(2019-11-21, 13:29)alphaomega16 Wrote: Keep getting this message

ERROR returned by get_show_and_episodes(): "There is no item named 'en.xml' in the archive" in the log after checking when getting fetch failure.

I installed latest build as after moving a tv show from one hard drive to another it wouldnt find it anymore and still wont but i am running the new one in portable mode but next aired works fine on my very old build and that seems to pick it up fine but old one still cannot find "House" the doctor show.

Changes to API have caused this. Instead of building a zip file containing en.xml, banners.xml and actors.xml, the zip file contains, banners.xml and actors.xml. A simple but (I susoect temporary) fix if you are using version 6.0.15 is to edit kodi/addons/ and replace the single instance of:
zip_name = '%s.xml' % self.language
zip_name = '' % self.language      

I shall give that a bash and see how it goes

That seems to have done the trick, much appreciated.

Now I just have to figure out how to get some other stuff done.

1. Get it on main bar next to TV Shows where it is in old install
2. Get it to all show in one window
3. All the shows are showing up 1 day early

I really miss the Neon skin.

Edit 2
Tried copying the country.db file from older install but didn't fix the shows showing up 1 day earlier than they usually do.

Edit 3 
nvm im an idiot, copied the wrong one lol, just have to deal with #1 and 2 now.

Still trying to find a skin I like but I look at every one of them and I cannot find the option to add next aired to the main bar and too many skins saying mouse not supported.
kodi.log says 

16:49:14.065 T:18446744072310320984  NOTICE: ### starting data update
16:49:14.066 T:18446744072310320984  NOTICE: ### grabbing a new country mapping list
16:49:15.962 T:18446744072310320984   ERROR: ### ERROR retreiving updates from File is not a zip file 

Do I read this right that my problem is not that the xml is now named zip.xml, but that the file provided by thetvdb is no longer a zip, which is expected by the Add-on? 

Does anyone have this problem too? 

Could I fix this by telling the Add-on not to expect a zip? If yes, where would I find the line(s)?
Romanes eunt domus
Look up a few posts for the answer.
(2019-11-22, 02:43)Hitcher Wrote: Look up a few posts for the answer.

I added the "zip" to the line of code, but it did not change the error stated in the log. 
Did I overlook another fix?
Romanes eunt domus
Did you restart?
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(2019-11-22, 04:06)Karellen Wrote: Did you restart?


Please note that my error warning differs, there is no mention of a missing en.xml. 

The update process starts with "Getting Information... Country.db" and then is still aborted due to fetch failures.
The log says that there is no zip.
Romanes eunt domus
Most likely it is relate to all the breakages at TVDB. But without a log, cannot say for certain. Have a hunt around the TVDB site for mentions about API v1 and zip files. There are a few there.
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(2019-11-22, 04:09)skippr Wrote: The update process starts with "Getting Information... Country.db" and then is still aborted due to fetch failures.
The log says that there is no zip. 
I too have this issue. So the TV Guide is working for some people?

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TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data8