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v18 QUARTZ - Leia
File manager fix pushed to github. Thanks for the heads up.
(2019-02-11, 17:33)ozzyman Wrote:
(2019-02-10, 02:28)nonJon Wrote: For my case, teletext feature crashes kodi on Estaury skin also
2 more report
- Teletext/Videotext (with v button) on Windows pc (PVR or supported other video addons) crashing the program in quartz skin. It's not having any issues with estuary.
- If I open Visualisation / Fanart is open or close is no different music and specially radio addons is crashing sometimes. 
Hey guys,

Just added the option to activate teletext from the video OSD options menu. Would appreciate some feedback since I have no way to test this in the USA. Grab the latest from my git repo here. Thanks.
Tinkering with video info dialog with respect to actors.

Current window looks like so...

Something like this would be the new look...

Better? What do you think?
I'm liking it.
I tried to send a private message to you, nonjon, but you have no contact details specified.  No worries.  Posting here ...

I noticed in DialogVideoInfo.xml, for the line which contains [ListItem.Art(season.poster], you are missing a closing ")" parenthesis, yes?

I checked in github, and this is still an issue in unreleased commits.

I was only looking there because I was trying to find out why I am not getting a poster displayed for the episode video info.  For the image in the lower left corner, all I am getting is the default png.  I have a local file present, in form 'seasonXX-poster.jpg' for the correct season.  But no joy.  So I checked the xml and found the missing parenthesis.  I thought - great - fixed!  But no ... even after correcting the missing parenthesis, I am still not getting a season poster displayed.
Is this skin going to be updated to show proper icons for 4K videos?
Hey folks.

I’m out of the country atm so don’t expect my usual thoughtful responses until I return from vacation next month! Big Grin
(2020-01-10, 04:53)TamaraKama Wrote: Is this skin going to be updated to show proper icons for 4K videos?

Eventually. Yes. Probably coinciding with the quartz/matrix release.

Edit: Well it looks like eventually is coming early in 2020. The next update, coming soon, will include badges for 4K/8K media. Smile
@bfgane, are you seeing the season poster using the default skin? If yes, please describe the layout of your library.

Edit: nvm. Just did some testing using the layout described here. Works fine for me. hth
(2020-01-27, 00:24)nonJon Wrote: @bfgane, are you seeing the season poster using the default skin? If yes, please describe the layout of your library.

Edit: nvm. Just did some testing using the layout described here. Works fine for me. hth
Hi nonjon

For this particular tv series, the layout is to have all files in one folder.  Hence the seasons are not separated into a separate subfolder.  But if that will fix the problem, then I can move the episodes into a specific season folder.  Thank you for your assistance!

Love your skin!
(2020-01-28, 08:25)bfgane Wrote: For this particular tv series, the layout is to have all files in one folder.  Hence the seasons are not separated into a separate subfolder.  But if that will fix the problem, then I can move the episodes into a specific season folder.  [...]

Shouldn't be necessary. One bucket each is also how I organize my tv shows.


The above also works for me. I noticed while testing that the images had to be sufficiently poster-like. Otherwise scraper would ignore them and pull from tmdb. Is it possible yours are not up to snuff and the scraper is not finding a suitable alternative? Just thinking out loud. Good luck.

PS - thanks for the tip on the typo. As you observed, it seems to make no difference but will be corrected stat.
FYI, skin version 5.4.9 has been submitted to the kodi repo.
(2020-01-29, 23:51)nonJon Wrote: FYI, skin version 5.4.9 has been submitted to the kodi repo.

Hi nonJon,

i like your Skin very much, but there are 2 little issues in Live-TV Mode:
1.) As i use Xattoo PVR there is no button for replay (other Skins have that option)
2.) in the Channel-List View the "preview" window always remains empty

Is it possible to fix that?
I was very happy to find this Skin, the first one without any nonsense and perfect for my needs.

Thanks from Germany
Welcome to the forum. Happy to help but need a bit more info.

nluebke25 Wrote:1.) As i use Xattoo PVR there is no button for replay (other Skins have that option)
In what window would I expect to find this button? If you could post an image of said button from another skin that would be helpful.

nluebke25 Wrote:2.) in the Channel-List View the "preview" window always remains empty
Not sure what you mean by preview window. Are you referring to the mini video player that defaults to a static image of a chair in front of a TV? Again, a picture is worth a thousand words. ;-)
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