Hi, @
jurialmunkey. I have a couple of hopefully quick questions.
1. For some reason, ClearLogos are displaying for some titles in the default home screen widget (pressing the up key) even though that option is set to OFF in Settings. I tried turning it on and then back off, restarting, etc., but that didn't seem to help. Is there a way to get rid of them altogether? Or am I missing something else?
2. The way art is chosen is a bit confusing to me. In Eminence, I'm pretty sure I used to be able to get to the Choose Art option from the Manage context menu on all items - Individual Titles, Collections, etc. But, now in Arctic Zephyr, if I'm updating a Title, I can only get to Choose Art from the Manage icon on the Information screen, unless it is a Collection, in which case I DO get there from the Manage context menu. And in that case, there is no Manage icon on the Information screen. But on regular Titles, there is no Choose Art option in the Manage context menu. It's just a little confusing that you can't select art in a consistent way across items and also that there are different methods for Choose Art and for Set Animated Art, as Set Animated Art has its own option in the context menu outside of these others.
Is it possible to maybe put both options (Choose Art and Set Animated Art) under the Manage context menu from all places - the Individual Title, the Collection, and from the Information screen? It would be consistent and a little more organized, I think. Of course I don't know what goes into it, so it may not be something easy or even doable. And it's certainly not really a problem the way it is now. I just think it would be a bit more intuitive that way.
3. Also, is there a way I can make the Time font size a bit bigger? I tried to see if I could find out what font entry was used for that area, but I'm guessing maybe it is the same font as other parts of the interface. And in order to change that part, it may change something else along with it. If so, no big deal.
I hope this all makes sense. Thank you for any and all assistance. And thank you so much for all the hard work on this skin. It is hands down my favorite!