Release Order Favourites

Order Favourites
This is a simple & lightweight program add-on that lets you quickly reorganize your Kodi favourites by using a popup dialog.
Github repo w/ download and instructions:
plugin.program.orderfavourites (Github)
Preview (from 1.1.0):
The numbered thumbs below are just to give an idea of what's going on. The add-on uses your actual favorites posters.
In the latest version the dialog looks a bit different, and there's a "How to use" button with all the instructions you'll need.

That's actually pretty useful; does it a bit quicker than moving items one position at a time Smile
@Atreyu exactly, if you want to move something several steps further, this way is much quicker.
Well I actually move favs around quite a bit, so will be using your little addon Smile

Thanks for sharing !
lol, me too.

Update v1.0.4:
- Safer handling of unicode text.
- Optimizations, simplified the code even more.

For anyone interested, please use v1.0.4 as it has better handling of the 'Save & Close' button (showing a confirmation dialog before reloading the user profile, so that Kodi doesn't lock on slow devices).
I mostly use slow devices (arm/*elec) and I can confirm there's no freezes with 1.0.4 on these anymore.
It is rather sluggish still when saving though
One other observation: when the home screen is rebuilt, one is dropped in the programs add-ons section (with only program add-ons showing)
It would be nice to be dropped back to the homescreen instead.

Maybe take out the confirmation popups altogether and handle everything in the background after saving for ease of use?

Great little helper addon in any case, very nice!
Okay, the 'dropped to program addons' is an '*elec' -thing. Not something add-on specific.
Updated to 1.1.0. 
It was crashing on Kodi 17.6. I believe it's because when it finishes, it reloads the user profile while the dialog is still on, and this must cause a leak or something similar. Now the profile reloading is done after the dialog is completely closed, for safety.

Updated to 1.1.1:
- Added a main menu to the add-on, for a more familiar UX.
- Using a different way to reload the user profile after saving, with xbmc.executebuiltin().
Updated to 1.2.0: 
- Fixed a case when the add-on wouldn't start (it failed to read the favourites.xml on some unicode strings).
Hi, could you please update the add-on to make it compatible with Matrix.
Thanks, excellent complement.
When wanting to install the add-on "", Kodi returns the following error message:

Cannot satisfy dependency on xbmc.python version 2.20.0.

Please can you help me, thank you.
Your first post is actually the answer to the second.

From the error message, the addon version you're trying to install is written in Python 2 (the 2.20.0 bit in the error), and so is not compatible with Matrix.

As you already requested in the first post, the addon will need to be updated to Python 3 to work with Matrix.
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@juan010101 @DarrenHill I don't personally use Matrix, so I hope someone else can test this for me and see if there's any bugs.

Here's a version for Matrix:
Thank you very much, the add-on works perfect.
Great, thanks for the follow-up.

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