Posts: 21
Joined: Apr 2013
2020-05-09, 01:00
(This post was last modified: 2020-05-10, 23:37 by jsegovia612.)
Hi, I've been using this addon for a while now, and I haven't been able to add content to my library. It's just not available from the context menu, on any release.
So, I've been using Osmosis for that matter. Is a better tool than the Library Integration Tool addon, but you have to access the Amazon Vod addon from within Osmosis in order to be able to add content to your library. It was working well with no issue at all, until a recent version (the one that changed the Watchlist menu item for My stuff) , where some things changed in your addon.
The thing is listing shows in a different way within Osmosis. Instead of showing episodes tagged as 1x01, it just shows the name of the episode in no particular order, so it is impossible to add tvshows to library and scrap the content.
My question is: is this issue on your side? Or is it on Osmosis? Osmosis haven't updated for about a couple of months now, so I guess it has to be with changes made on recent versions.
Thank you so much for this addon and for your answer in advance.
Posts: 8
Joined: Jun 2017
First of all thank you very much for all your hard work
Add-on works fine here on my Minix Neo U1, via Coreelec, kodi leia, Watch list not working but i can see a lot of people have same issue.
My main concern is about 30-45 minutes after setting up the add-on (putting my credentials in etc) and trying few things, I had a text message from Amazon about a logging in from BNS.
And I had an email notifying me of a login in to my amazon account via Galaxy Note 3 from a location which is a bit far from where i live
Is this normal? As mentioned above i use a different device. has anyone else had any account security issue!?
My kodi install is fairly new with couple of addons that installed from kodi repos, like bbs iplayer, Nasa tv.
Posts: 46
Joined: Sep 2010
Junior Member
Posts: 46
Found an issue with some kids TV shows that is causing Kodi to lock up and become completely unresponsive.
This is reproducible playing the following episode: Fireman Sam, Season 8, Episode 3.
I’ve checked the same episode in the iOS app and it is showing some episodes in this season in the listing as “unavailable”, so assuming there is nothing to actually play which is leading to the lockup.
I don’t have any logs to hand, and may not be able to grab any for a few days.
Some details of my setup:
- LibreELEC 9.2
- latest versions of Amazon and Inputstream addons
- UK amazon account
Thanks for your work on the add on - has been working flawlessly until this issue.
Posts: 289
Joined: Jan 2015
Senior Member
Posts: 289
When I try to log in on the antiAutomation challenge when it says “we have detected higher than expected requests..” I can’t hit enter after typing in the code so I can’t log-in.
Posts: 35
Joined: Feb 2019
2020-05-15, 07:09
(This post was last modified: 2020-05-15, 08:51 by vikassm73.)
I have lost watchlist folder. What may be the reason.
See following error
ERROR: Control 55 in window 10025 has been asked to focus but it can't
Previous line repeats 1 times
Watchlist link not found
Posts: 294
Joined: Feb 2019
It's one of the most wanted features since forever, but Osmosis has been reportedly quite good for it. I've just got around pushing one of the major requests, it will come eventually, I'm just not ready for it.