Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved Possible to change CEC Kodi device name?
Not an issue by any means, just a minor thing. Am currently running Kodi on a RP4. I used to be able to edit the "rpi_2708_1001_CEC_Adapter.xml" file and rename the device; this allowed my TV to display the device name on its OSD screen. At some point, this doesn't work, any edits to the file do not survive a reboot. 

I imagine this is the intended behavior; we shouldn't be editing that file in the first place? In any event, is there a workaround to this? I'd like to be able to change the device name on the TV's OSD as I used to be able to.

Suggestions appreciated. 

Thank you!!
(2020-04-29, 13:03)Tripper Wrote: At some point, this doesn't work, any edits to the file do not survive a reboot. 

You'll need to stop Kodi first, make the edits, and then restart Kodi.
Or shutdown LibreELEC altogether so you can edit the file on a different computer.

systemctl stop kodi
<edit your text file>
systemctl start kodi
That seems to have worked.

Thank you! Smile
Thread marked solved.

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