Hello all,
I have just uploaded versions 3.2.82 (Leia) and 3.3.82 (Matrix) to GitHub and the Amber repos.
The main changes are:
1. I have made optional some settings that might be affecting the performance of the skin, either when showing random backgrounds for a main menu item, or when opening a media view when clicking (pressing Enter) on a menu item.
a. There is a new setting, "Use Embuary Helper for Statistics Line", which is set to No by default. If you set it to Yes and have Embuary Helper installed, Amber will use it for playlist/node statistics line. Using Embuary Helper might cause a delay in presenting the statistics line, but it is the only option in Amber right now to show statistics of playlists/nodes. You can find the new setting here:
b. There is a new setting, "Use Embuary Helper for Backgrounds", which is set to No by default. If you set it to Yes and have Embuary Helper installed, Amber will use it for random video/movie/tv show/music video/music backgrounds, as well as for playlist/node backgrounds. Using Embuary Helper might cause a slight delay on first use, but skips over missing fanarts, so no black backgrounds will be shown. You can find the new setting here:
c. There is a new setting "Show Movie Collection Count" which is set to No by default. If you set it to Yes, the number of movies in a collection will be shown in the media views. You can find the setting here:
d. From the screenshot above, you can see there is also a new setting "Show Fanart for Special Content", which is set to No by default. If you set it to Yes, content-specific fanart will be shown for Genres, Studios, Years, Countries, Actors, Directors and Tags. That means that if you highlight the Genre "Action", for example, fanart from movies that have that genre will be shown.
2. Added play count information to music items in media views. Some examples:
3. Some fixes for fanart view, so that the correct image aspect ratio is shown for music items in the Gallery mode.
4. More fixes to the French translation (thanks @cyberdom).
Please download, test, and let me know if you find any issues. Thanks.