3d Cover question...

I will give it a test later when I get a free moment.

Thanks again for your efforts on this.
Worked great Rocky. Thanks for your help on this.

Maybe you could help out with one last thing. When the left panel has focus I have my header rejoin the it so it covers up the album panel. I have been trying to get the album panel to slide back down to its original position only when the focus is on the left panel (id900).

I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work

<animation effect="slide" start="0,175" end="0,0" delay="1500" time="310" condition="[Control.IsVisible(500) | !Control.HasFocus(9000)]">conditional</animation>

Any suggestions?
ekim232 Wrote:Worked great Rocky. Thanks for your help on this.

Maybe you could help out with one last thing. When the left panel has focus I have my header rejoin the it so it covers up the album panel. I have been trying to get the album panel to slide back down to its original position only when the focus is on the left panel (id900).

I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work

<animation effect="slide" start="0,175" end="0,0" delay="1500" time="310" condition="[Control.IsVisible(500) | !Control.HasFocus(9000)]">conditional</animation>

Any suggestions?

Ok to get that effect change all the new animations
to this
condition="[Control.HasFocus(500) | Control.HasFocus(61)]"

now for the header change the same thing.

what this will do is when you highlight the left panel everything will go down and when you highlight the covers everything will go back up also the scrollbar will not effect the animation. Smile
Thanks again Rocky. This should be the final portion.

I really appreciate your time & patience!

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