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Release Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]
np, sometimes amazon's servers tilt for no apparent reason, glad it works.
I'm using Prime (nl) and tried different locations. I can login, but cant update my tv series list.

2020-10-17 12:53:41.255 T:139999445919488 WARNING: [Amazon VOD] Unable to parse month "mrt 29, 2019 01:00 CET" with any known language combination
2020-10-17 12:53:42.324 T:139999445919488 WARNING: [Amazon VOD] Unable to parse month "mrt 22, 2019 01:00 CET" with any known language combination
2020-10-17 12:53:44.590 T:139999445919488 WARNING: [Amazon VOD] Unable to parse month "mrt 06, 2020 01:00 CET" with any known language combination
2020-10-17 12:53:45.907 T:139999445919488   ERROR: [Amazon VOD] Error reason: 404 error (NoRetries)
2020-10-17 12:53:45.909 T:139999445919488   ERROR: [Amazon VOD] Unable to fetch the url: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0TRCXH...c_unkc_1_9
2020-10-17 12:53:45.911 T:139999445919488   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: u'0TRCXHG7QQ1HWBQKJPZOS32GDM'
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py", line 5, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/startup.py", line 64, in EntryPoint
                                                elif 'browse' == verb: g.pv.Browse(path)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/primevideo.py", line 460, in Browse
                                                node, breadcrumb = self._TraverseCatalog(path)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/primevideo.py", line 249, in _TraverseCatalog
                                                self._LazyLoad(node[nodeName], pathList[0:1 + i])
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/primevideo.py", line 1196, in _LazyLoad
                                                bUpdatedVideoData |= AddSeason(breadcrumb[-1], o, bCacheRefresh, title, iu)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/primevideo.py", line 766, in AddSeason
                                                seasonGTI = self._videodata['urn2gti'][urn]
                                            KeyError: u'0TRCXHG7QQ1HWBQKJPZOS32GDM'
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
2020-10-17 12:53:46.237 T:139999445919488 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(36, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE,N14PythonBindings31XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_DirectorE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui6DialogE
2020-10-17 12:53:46.239 T:139999416551168   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/Watchlist/TV
2020-10-17 12:53:46.257 T:140002188676800   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/Watchlist/TV) failed
Well, that's a 404 error. I never saw it happen before, it might explain why. Can you enable debug options and upload the full log? It can give me a better idea on where's the problem.
On a fresh installation of stable CoreELEC with Amazon VOD stable 0.8.9 from the Leia respository I can not log in, it either keeps showing me the following error after entering the password or after going through two captchas and one mobile phone link authorization:
Quote:Login Error

Unknown Error, please enable advanced debugging in settings and check avod-login.log/avod-login-si.log/avod-login.mfa.log
I can not find "advanced debugging in settings" or any avod-* logs.

The following is in the kodi.log when the error comes after entering the password:
Quote:2020-10-18 11:56:13.613 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Login
2020-10-18 11:56:13.635 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Retrieve territoral config
2020-10-18 11:56:13.649 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: https://na.api.amazonvideo.com/cdp/usage...ormat=json
2020-10-18 11:56:26.965 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 5 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:56:27.625 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Switching UserAgent
2020-10-18 11:56:27.628 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Loading list of common UserAgents
2020-10-18 11:56:27.630 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json
2020-10-18 11:56:27.732 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Using UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36
2020-10-18 11:56:28.607 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 4 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:56:28.820 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Switching UserAgent
2020-10-18 11:56:28.824 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] UA: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36 blacklisted
2020-10-18 11:56:28.825 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Loading list of common UserAgents
2020-10-18 11:56:28.826 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json
2020-10-18 11:56:28.897 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Using UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_1) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Safari/605.1.15
2020-10-18 11:56:30.134 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 3 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:56:30.317 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Switching UserAgent
2020-10-18 11:56:30.319 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Loading list of common UserAgents
2020-10-18 11:56:30.320 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json
2020-10-18 11:56:30.394 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Using UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36
2020-10-18 11:56:31.197 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 2 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:56:31.387 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Switching UserAgent
2020-10-18 11:56:31.389 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Loading list of common UserAgents
2020-10-18 11:56:31.390 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json
2020-10-18 11:56:31.447 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Using UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36
2020-10-18 11:56:32.930 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 1 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:56:33.105 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Switching UserAgent
2020-10-18 11:56:33.110 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] UA: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36 blacklisted
2020-10-18 11:56:33.111 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Loading list of common UserAgents
2020-10-18 11:56:33.112 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json
2020-10-18 11:56:33.188 T:3570459520  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Using UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36
2020-10-18 11:56:40.561 T:3570459520 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(40, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N14PythonBindings31XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_DirectorE,N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui6DialogE
2020-10-18 11:56:40.561 T:3491971968   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/
2020-10-18 11:56:40.569 T:4064555024   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/) failed
The following is in the kodi.log when the error comes after entering the password + another screen with entering the password again and a captcha + authentification on the mobile phone + another captcha:
2020-10-18 11:46:03.671 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Login
2020-10-18 11:46:03.691 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Retrieve territoral config
2020-10-18 11:46:03.705 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: https://na.api.amazonvideo.com/cdp/usage...ormat=json
2020-10-18 11:46:19.240 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Connect to SignIn Page 5 attempts left
2020-10-18 11:46:28.901 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] MFA, DCQ or Captcha form
2020-10-18 11:46:54.308 T:3527406464  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2020-10-18 11:46:54.308 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] TransactionPending
2020-10-18 11:47:04.960 T:3527406464  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2020-10-18 11:47:04.960 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] TransactionCompleted
2020-10-18 11:47:05.781 T:3527406464  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] MFA, DCQ or Captcha form
2020-10-18 11:47:35.864 T:3527406464 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(39, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui12ControlLabelE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui14ControlTextBoxE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui13ControlButtonE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui12ControlImageE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui13ControlButtonE,N14PythonBindings39XBMCAddon_xbmcgui_WindowDialog_DirectorE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui12ControlImageE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui13ControlSliderE,N14PythonBindings31XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_DirectorE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui6DialogE,N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
2020-10-18 11:47:35.867 T:3615486848   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/
2020-10-18 11:47:35.874 T:4064555024   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/) failed
Checking access by logging in at https://www.primevideo.com / https://www.amazon.de shows no problems. I have tried with region setting "Auto" and "Germany" in the Amazon VOD connection screen, both with the same result.

Any idea what could be wrong here?
I'm not entirely sure, it seems to have problems with multi factor authentication, but the last login problems have been ironed out in the latest stable. We know Amazon's working on something for (at least) US, they might be doing something more than expected.

In order to help you I need you to follow instructions here, that helps you enable debug logging, then from Amazon VOD connection settings set region to Germany, clear cookies and then try to sign in again. When it fails you should have both kodi logs and avod specific login forms (avod-*). Open an Issue on GitHub and post all the logs there.

This type of login issue is quite tricky to debug, so without proper logs and data I can't guess more.
Chromcast with google tv ( Widevine L1 certifcated ) ,  I've access to 1080p only . Disney+ work well in 4K Dolby Vision . Do anyone have access to 4K ?
Is there any way to see which audio languages are available for a particular film/series without having to play it first and go into the audio settings? On amazon Prime for my location for instance, the available languages are shown next to the title of the video in brackets, since not all videos are available in the original langues here.
Yes, in theory, but there is no way to easily show it inside Kodi.

Edit: wait, I just realised, why do you need such thing? I mean, just set the correct language inside "Kodi > Player > Language setting" to select the correct language automatically and then just close it if it doesn't match? It's still a bother though, yeah.

We could try to develop some sort of flags, but the reality is that Kodi interfaces/skins don't really support useful tags/metadata embedding, so I don't have many options to work with for this kind of stuff.
It would pretty much just be a quality of life thing, not having to start the video, wait for the first audio, and then realise it is not available in the original language. Could also just check in the Amazon app on the phone before I start a video, so not an insurmountable problem, just a nice to have.

I have obviously no idea how Kodi functions internally, so im taking your word for it. Thanks for the response though!
We could maybe add a function that checks for a language and then adds a tag in the synopsis of the movie/season if present. I'll open an issue enhancement on GitHub, I might come up with a solution, eventually.
Alright, sounds good to me, my thanks! Will keep an eye on that.
(2020-10-24, 17:55)Varstahl Wrote: Yes, in theory, but there is no way to easily show it inside Kodi.

Edit: wait, I just realised, why do you need such thing? I mean, just set the correct language inside "Kodi > Player > Language setting" to select the correct language automatically and then just close it if it doesn't match? It's still a bother though, yeah.

We could try to develop some sort of flags, but the reality is that Kodi interfaces/skins don't really support useful tags/metadata embedding, so I don't have many options to work with for this kind of stuff.

I really tried to follow instructions, but I think I've reached and dead end. I use:
  • "Portuguese (Brazil)" in Kodi's settings, Interface, Regional, Language
  • "Original language" in Kodi's settings, Player, Language, Audio, Preferred audio language
  • "off" in Kodi's settings, Player, Language, Audio, Prefer default audio track
  • "Portuguese (Brazil)" in Kodi's settings, Player, Language, Subtitles, Preferred subtitle language
  • "Português (Brasil)" in Addon settings, Language, PrimeVideo, Change text language
But my videos still play in "German" (the first language available in alphabetical order) and selected subtitle is also "German" and subtitles are always off. For all and each video, I must pause and change settings manually. What are the correct settings so every video is always played in ORIGINAL version (preference for the most number of channels, if possible) and always turning on subtitles in specific language (Brazilian Portuguese, in my case). Thanks, if someone has that figured that out.
Well, some of the settings (like Original) don't quite work, and even if they do they wouldn't play back in the language you may suppose. You need to specify pt_BR in Kodi Player Audio Language. As for subtitles, there are different settings, for example you might use off to enable Forced Subs which only shows subs when they're talking in a different language from the main audio language, or to translate text shown on a wall, and similar things. In order to always show subtitles, while playing a video, you must enable them and then go to "use these settings as default".

That's all Kodi standard behaviour.
Can anyone confirm that they have gotten this add-on to work in India? I've been trying unsuccessfully!
@vivek_suraiya there have been mixed reports, but some indians have been rather uncooperative so far. The ones claiming "it doesn't work" seldom (never?) actually helped me identify problems. In your case, what exactly is not working?
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Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]2