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Release TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version
(2020-12-04, 18:26)teriyaki Wrote: and didn't notice the option to create tags from keywords.
It is in the addon settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page. It is off the screen
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(2020-12-04, 20:17)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-12-04, 18:26)teriyaki Wrote: and didn't notice the option to create tags from keywords.
It is in the addon settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page. It is off the screen

That strengthens the case that it should not be enabled by default - it can be easily missed or overlooked and can quickly have significant (negative) impact on the tag list.
I switched from the old scraper to the new Python version with Kodi 18.9 on a Raspberry Pi3.

I removed my source folder and cleaned the library.
Then I activated "The Movie Database Python". Language setting is "de_de".

Afterwards I got nearly every title and description in german language. This is pretty fine.

Unfortunable most covers are in the English version now, not German.
Only excetions are three swedish movies. They show the correct german cover.
(2020-12-18, 11:08)pilian Wrote: Unfortunable most covers are in the English version now, not German.
Did you set the artwork language to German also?

See 4.2.1... https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:The_Movie_...v18_-_Leia
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(2020-12-18, 11:35)Karellen Wrote: Did you set the artwork language to German also?
Possibly not. I willl check at home.

But I surely don't have activated any 'fanart.tv' options.
(2020-12-18, 11:59)pilian Wrote: Possibly not. I willl check at home.
If that does not help, then provide the links to three movies that are causing you problems.
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(2020-12-18, 12:03)Karellen Wrote: If that does not help, then provide the links to three movies that are causing you problems.
I removed my source and started a new scaning.
Language setting is 'de_de'.
Language for fanart.tv artwork is 'de'.
fanart.tv is disabled.

The german titles and descriptions are well.
The posters of many movies are now in German. Unfortunately not all movies.

Here are some examples with English movie posters.

So it seems the language setting for fanart.tv refers also to the fanart of TMDB?
I discovered some other unexpected correlations with the python scraper.

Normally I name my movies with the original title on my HD disc. This is mostly English. Perhaps I will switch to an all english interface sometime.

The problem with the german descriction and english poster occurs when the name of the movie folder is in english.

I changed the three Jason Bourne movies to the german title. After a new scan the posters changed to the german version.
But I don't like to change all my titles to german. Afterwards I will have problems to switch to english.

There is still a problem with movies where the german title is identical with the english title. Here I got still the english poster.
and many others.

The scraper should provide title, description, poster, fanart in the setting language. This should not refer to the language of the movie folder.
(2020-12-19, 08:08)pilian Wrote: There is still a problem with movies where the german title is identical with the english title. Here I got still the english poster.
and many others.
Sorry but I cannot replicate this. I have set the scraper language to de-DE and the artwork language to de and I scrape German posters.

You best provide a Debug Log which captures these errors of yours and we might spot the problem.
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(2020-12-19, 10:39)Karellen Wrote: Sorry but I cannot replicate this. I have set the scraper language to de-DE and the artwork language to de and I scrape German posters.

You best provide a Debug Log which captures these errors of yours and we might spot the problem.

Do you use Kodi 18.9?
Did you disable fanart.tv?
I will only fetch from TMDb.

Debug log follows.
That's really strange.
Every time I did a new scan I got other results, without changing my database.
After a complete new scan I now got the correct German posters for all movies.
But some movies are missing, which had been okay before.
Is there something changing with TMDb the last days?

No debug logging needed, because the correct german posters have been found.
(2020-12-19, 23:33)pilian Wrote: No debug logging needed, because the correct german posters have been found.
Yes a Debug Log is needed as you keep asking questions that cannot possibly be answered without a Debug Log.
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Finally I could repeat some strange behaviour.

The poster of 'Everest' and 'The Martian' are still in English version. Title and description are in German.

"The Andromeda Strain (2008)" is missing completly.
(2020-12-20, 12:11)pilian Wrote: "The Andromeda Strain (2008)" is missing completly.
That is a TV Show. (yes it is)

(2020-12-20, 12:11)pilian Wrote: The poster of 'Everest' and 'The Martian' are still in English version. Title and description are in German.
We will look into it. I cannot replicate, but there seems to be an indication in your log that maybe things are not working as they should. Not sure why it affects you, but not me. Anyway it may take a little bit of time.
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(2020-12-20, 12:46)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-12-20, 12:11)pilian Wrote: "The Andromeda Strain (2008)" is missing completly.
That is a TV Show. (yes it is)
(2020-12-20, 12:11)pilian Wrote: The poster of 'Everest' and 'The Martian' are still in English version. Title and description are in German.
We will look into it. I cannot replicate, but there seems to be an indication in your log that maybe things are not working as they should. Not sure why it affects you, but not me. Anyway it may take a little bit of time.
The old scraper have found "The Andromeda Strain (2008)". But surely you are right.

If this problem with german posters only occur two times I don't mind. Especially if it depends on my installation.
I think you have enough other work to do.
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TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version0