Is Kodi writing to external drives with movies?

I have my whole library of movies on my NAS where I manage it with tinyMediaManager.
From time to time I sync this library with an external drive which I am using with a Pi 4 with libreELEC installation of Kodi.
There I let Kodi scan for new movies (scraper is set to only local data because everything is there!).

Yesterday I did the sync with my NAS and then scanned the drive in my Kodi installation and then shut down the Pi.
Today I did this again and the sync is taking really long time as many of the movie files are copied again to the external drive. The files have the same size and the same date, but my sync Application is looking also for changes inside the files.

So my question is: Is Kodi changing something inside the movie files as nothing on my NAS has changed the files?

Is it possible to mount an external drive as read only to not let Kodi write anything on it, as it is not necessary.
(2021-06-03, 13:11)carsten_h Wrote: So my question is: Is Kodi changing something inside the movie files as nothing on my NAS has changed the files?

No. The only things that Kodi does write are nfo and fanart files during the Video Library Export, and subtitle files by a subtitle scraper.
(2021-06-03, 14:31)Klojum Wrote:
(2021-06-03, 13:11)carsten_h Wrote: So my question is: Is Kodi changing something inside the movie files as nothing on my NAS has changed the files?

No. The only things that Kodi does write are nfo and fanart files during the Video Library Export, and subtitle files by a subtitle scraper.
These things are not running here. And it is the movie file itself that has changed.
Very strange. I will see if it happens the next syncs also.
Are you 100% sure the NAS is not doing something, as many of them include DLNA/UPnP services, so have you made sure all media related services are turned off.
(2021-06-03, 15:35)jjd-uk Wrote: Are you 100% sure the NAS is not doing something, as many of them include DLNA/UPnP services, so have you made sure all media related services are turned off.

Yes, this is all switched off, I simply use it as a fileshare.

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Is Kodi writing to external drives with movies?0