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WIP Ember Media Manager 1.11.x - Download & Discussion Thread
Ember Media Manager 1.11.1 x64 - Build from 2021-07-18: Download

ATTENTION: After downloading these ZIP files you have to open the properties of these files and enable the checkbox "Allow" on the first tab. Otherwise Windows blocks it from load while Ember starts.
IMDb Hotfix (2023-0101) for 1.11.1 x64: Download
Videobuster.de Hotfix (2023-01-01) for 1.11.1 x64: Download

Installs the new version like any other version in the old directory so that files that are no longer required are deleted!

Ember Media Manager is portable. That means all settings and temporarly files will be stored in the installation directory. For this reason, the software should not be installed under "C: \ Programs", as admin rights are required in this directory so that files can be changed.

Known bugs in 1.11.1:
Some announced features has been postponed because of bigger chances in code than expected.
  • genre text is still missing in main window
  • runtime is still missing in main window
  • Kodi Interface logging/message needs some serious rework

Changelog 1.11.1:
  • fixed: Custom Scraper does not scrape episode data if tv show NFO is unchecked
  • fixed: "year" is empty if "premiered" is missing (added "year" as fallback value)
  • fixed: some lists in settings will be refilled with default values if the user removes all entries
  • fixed: datagridview is partially covered by the text box

Changelog 1.11.0:
  • added: season title blacklist for generic titles (default list contains all known generic season titles that TMDb uses). All generic season titles will be wiped from the database during database upgrade.
  • fixed: missing translations in all Edit dialogs, Custom Scraper and other places
  • fixed: issues with IMDB rating
  • fixed: "Exact matches" in IMDb search result dialog can't be selected
  • fixed: play video/trailer buttons do not work
  • fixed: inital directory for "Local Image" in Edit dialogs is not the video file containing directory
  • fixed: "Open in Explorer" in tv shows now open the tv show folder instead of the parent folder
  • fixed: invalid characters in movieset title are not replaced with "_" for Kodi Matrix file name defaults (requirement for Kodi Matrix build-in movieset image support)
  • fixed: TMDb season information is not scraped while tv show scraping
  • fixed: renamer does not replace "/" and "" in movieset title
  • fixed: database can't find existing moviesets by TMDb ID while adding new movies
  • fixed: Moviesets can't be edited (also added a better check and message if one ore more movies inside a movieset are offline)
  • changed: combined all "sort tokens" into one general setting
  • changed: default movieset fanart filename from "fanart1.jpg" to "fanart.jpg"
  • removed: "ListTitle" from database (will now be generated on-the-fly)
  • removed: XMLViewer (broken and no longer in use)
  • code: clsAPIDatabase.vb cleanup
  • code: renamed "SetTitle" to "Title" in table sets
  • code: renamed "ReleaseDate" to "premiered" in table movie
  • code: new type of List(Of String) for some settings

being waiting a while for new update...
good to see it is now released

what happen to the old bugtracker?
now we need to create new account.. 
does that mean all our reported bugs/feature request is now gone?
(2021-06-13, 09:29)madmax2 Wrote: what happen to the old bugtracker?
now we need to create new account.. 
does that mean all our reported bugs/feature request is now gone?

Just yesterday they updated the old bug tracker with a rewriten version. The old data and your accounts are still there but I'm not able to change the (new) permissions to give the users access to it.
Atm i have to wait for an update...

This is awesome
2021-06-13 18:51:19.9948;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.ScrapeTrailer_Movie;67;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [ScrapeTrailer_Movie] [Using] YouTube_Trailer;
2021-06-13 18:51:19.9948;ScraperModule.YouTube_Trailer;ScraperModule.YouTube_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[YouTube_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Start];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.0748;ScraperModule.YouTube_Trailer;ScraperModule.YouTube_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[YouTube_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Done];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.0748;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.ScrapeTrailer_Movie;67;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [ScrapeTrailer_Movie] [Using] TMDB_Trailer;
2021-06-13 18:51:23.0748;ScraperModule.TMDB_Trailer;ScraperModule.TMDB_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[TMDB_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Start];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8116;ScraperModule.TMDB_Trailer;ScraperModule.TMDB_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[TMDB_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Done];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8116;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.ScrapeTrailer_Movie;67;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [ScrapeTrailer_Movie] [Using] Apple_Trailer;
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8116;ScraperModule.Apple_Trailer;ScraperModule.Apple_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[Apple_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Start];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8357;ScraperModule.Apple_Trailer;ScraperModule.Apple_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[Apple_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Done];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8357;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.ScrapeTrailer_Movie;67;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [ScrapeTrailer_Movie] [Using] Davestrailerpage_Trailer;
2021-06-13 18:51:23.8357;ScraperModule.Davestrailerpage_Trailer;ScraperModule.Davestrailerpage_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[Davestrailerpage_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Start];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.9702;ScraperModule.Davestrailerpage_Trailer;ScraperModule.Davestrailerpage_Trailer.Scraper_Movie;67;TRACE;[Davestrailerpage_Trailer] [Scraper_Movie] [Done];
2021-06-13 18:51:23.9702;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.ScrapeTrailer_Movie;67;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [ScrapeTrailer_Movie] [Done] \\rs\pub\Videos\SAW.V.2008.German.DL.BluRay.720p.x264\SAW.V.2008.German.DL.BluRay.720p.x264.mkv;
2021-06-13 18:51:37.5049;EmberAPI.HTTP;EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile;6;ERROR;DownloadFile    <https://r4---sn-4g5e6nzl.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1623624680&ei=iDfGYL_NIJHjgAeh_4HIDw&ip=2a00%3A6020%3A50a1%3A9500%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A1413&id=o-AKZnF_tgjhf7wq65d-VjwjrA7zcFOMLkIgF7_HB9hoJG&itag=137&aitags=133%2C134%2C135%2C136%2C137%2C160%2C242%2C243%2C244%2C247%2C248%2C278&source=yt_otf&requiressl=yes&mh=o_&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-4g5e6nzl%2Csn-4g5edn7y&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=4&pl=36&initcwndbps=1743750&vprv=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&ns=LhA1JhTM_JkKAjgS_uYqRSMF&otf=1&otfp=1&dur=0.000&lmt=1620408928710847&mt=1623602678&fvip=4&keepalive=yes&fexp=24001373%2C24007246&c=WEB&n=Rw3Fr--q4q3MMgFT9Ap&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Caitags%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cotf%2Cotfp%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRgIhALNBFvWfROfK8Uvb2YSzlasDHMbPQa119rJzNbfQ_mYOAiEAp3Oj1x14LnlZgFBuz8B49gpvSM4eL9M2XLH8uVHG8Y4%3D&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhAKSzghLoUVlr31m_TAaBjnPpjng_1trD9qMuvpuZNfX3AiAbySJ4w4PUv-NTFpuz0hzDoBIbTsF2IHDXkJdlBU0DDQ%3D%3D>;"EXCEPTION OCCURRED:System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.
   bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   bei EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile(String URL, String LocalFile, Boolean ReportUpdate, String Type, String WebURL)*   bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   bei EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile(String URL, String LocalFile, Boolean ReportUpdate, String Type, String WebURL)"
2021-06-13 18:51:43.5005;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] [Start] <AfterEdit_Movie>;
2021-06-13 18:51:43.5005;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] Run generic module <Renamer>;
2021-06-13 18:51:43.5035;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] [Start] <OnNFOSave_Movie>;
2021-06-13 18:51:43.5035;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;WARN;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] No generic modules defined <OnNFOSave_Movie>;
2021-06-13 18:51:49.9417;EmberAPI.HTTP;EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile;1;ERROR;DownloadFile    <https://r4---sn-4g5e6nzl.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1623624680&ei=iDfGYL_NIJHjgAeh_4HIDw&ip=2a00%3A6020%3A50a1%3A9500%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A1413&id=o-AKZnF_tgjhf7wq65d-VjwjrA7zcFOMLkIgF7_HB9hoJG&itag=137&aitags=133%2C134%2C135%2C136%2C137%2C160%2C242%2C243%2C244%2C247%2C248%2C278&source=yt_otf&requiressl=yes&mh=o_&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-4g5e6nzl%2Csn-4g5edn7y&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=4&pl=36&initcwndbps=1743750&vprv=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&ns=LhA1JhTM_JkKAjgS_uYqRSMF&otf=1&otfp=1&dur=0.000&lmt=1620408928710847&mt=1623602678&fvip=4&keepalive=yes&fexp=24001373%2C24007246&c=WEB&n=Rw3Fr--q4q3MMgFT9Ap&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Caitags%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cotf%2Cotfp%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRgIhALNBFvWfROfK8Uvb2YSzlasDHMbPQa119rJzNbfQ_mYOAiEAp3Oj1x14LnlZgFBuz8B49gpvSM4eL9M2XLH8uVHG8Y4%3D&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhAKSzghLoUVlr31m_TAaBjnPpjng_1trD9qMuvpuZNfX3AiAbySJ4w4PUv-NTFpuz0hzDoBIbTsF2IHDXkJdlBU0DDQ%3D%3D>;"EXCEPTION OCCURRED:System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.
   bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   bei EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile(String URL, String LocalFile, Boolean ReportUpdate, String Type, String WebURL)*   bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   bei EmberAPI.HTTP.DownloadFile(String URL, String LocalFile, Boolean ReportUpdate, String Type, String WebURL)"
2021-06-13 18:51:50.6312;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] [Start] <Sync_Movie>;
2021-06-13 18:51:50.6312;EmberAPI.ModulesManager;EmberAPI.ModulesManager.RunGeneric;1;TRACE;[ModulesManager] [RunGeneric] Run generic module <Kodi>;
2021-06-13 18:51:50.6721;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi+VB$StateMachine_39_UpdateInfo_Movie.MoveNext;26;TRACE;"[APIKodi] [htpc] UpdateInfo_Movie: ""Saw V"" | Start syncing process...";
2021-06-13 18:51:50.6800;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi+VB$StateMachine_32_Search_Movie.MoveNext;37;TRACE;"[APIKodi] [htpc] [SearchMovie] ""\\rs\pub\Videos\SAW.V.2008.German.DL.BluRay.720p.x264\SAW.V.2008.German.DL.BluRay.720p.x264.mkv"" | OK, found in host database! [ID:834]";
2021-06-13 18:51:50.7249;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi;generic.Interface.Kodi.Kodi.APIKodi+VB$StateMachine_39_UpdateInfo_Movie.MoveNext;38;TRACE;"[APIKodi] [htpc] UpdateInfo_Movie: ""Saw V"" | Updated on host";

Getting this on youtube trailer search term 'Saw V "trailer" deutsch'

30 other did work!
"Ember Media Manager.exe" -nowindow -updatemovies -scrapemovies newask all -scrapemoviesets newauto all

the command line did work flawlessly now. many thanks again.

Do you think a command line option to get all output (stdout + stderr) to console in addition to the default logging to file? I like to watch EMM go at it ;-) Makes it much easier to check progress/spot errors/hangs.
IMDB ratings scraper seems to broken for me atm, can anybody else confirm this?

UPD: OMDb scraper doesn't load IMDB ratings too
(2021-06-13, 19:02)slowpard Wrote: IMDB ratings scraper seems to broken for me atm, can anybody else confirm this?

UPD: OMDb scraper doesn't load IMDB ratings too

Seems something is amiss. This should be 6.4:

(2021-06-13, 19:32)ralfonat Wrote:
(2021-06-13, 19:02)slowpard Wrote: IMDB ratings scraper seems to broken for me atm, can anybody else confirm this?

UPD: OMDb scraper doesn't load IMDB ratings too

Seems something is amiss. This should be 6.4:

Yep, I can confirm that too. If you change the 64 to 6.4 it works though.
(2021-06-13, 19:32)ralfonat Wrote: Seems something is amiss. This should be 6.4:
(2021-06-13, 20:57)Anomen Wrote: Yep, I can confirm that too. If you change the 64 to 6.4 it works though.
I try to find out what the problem is. What's the default delimiter for numbers in your country / Windows language settings?
In Switzerland it is a point and it works for me. Other german users reported the same issue and I can only guess it's because of that.

Edit: no answer needed, the country setting is the problem. Will be fixed in next release.
(2021-06-13, 19:02)slowpard Wrote: UPD: OMDb scraper doesn't load IMDB ratings too
Do you entered an API key? Also OMDb does not deliver an IMDb rating for all movies (I don't know why either).
(2021-06-13, 18:59)ralfonat Wrote: Do you think a command line option to get all output (stdout + stderr) to console in addition to the default logging to file? I like to watch EMM go at it ;-) Makes it much easier to check progress/spot errors/hangs.
I just implemented a new way to notify the user via the Windows Notification Center. I try to replace the current logging with a fully controllable system that allows to send all logged messages into the new notification system, but that has not the highest priority atm.
(2021-06-13, 19:02)slowpard Wrote: IMDB ratings scraper seems to broken for me atm, can anybody else confirm this?
(2021-06-13, 19:32)ralfonat Wrote: Seems something is amiss. This should be 6.4:
(2021-06-13, 20:57)Anomen Wrote: Yep, I can confirm that too. If you change the 64 to 6.4 it works though.
Hotfix is linked in the first post. Please report if that helps.
This has been working very well. Thanks, Dan!

I have a few questions more about the likes of "where are we" and "what's the intention here" type...

- What would you say is the parity with Kodi scrappers (Universal scraper) now? Can we get Audience Score from Rotten Tomatoes too?
- I know, if there would be 53 ratings scales we'd like to have them all, even if it's not clear what purpose that will serve Smile. That being said can we /will we be able to put these ratings to work in some creative manner? Right now EMM displays just the main/chosen one on the left side, as a column. Can we display them all, or use them in queries (i.e. make a view with all RT movies rated higher than)...? Generically operate with them in some manner?
- The Premiere Date (new info) <-> Year (old info) relationship is a bit funny. Year gets imported from the old database and is displayed as a column on left, but scraping any other single info field for a movie (say ratings) will wipe it clean until the premiere date info (or the whole movie) is (re)scraped too and Year gets computed from that. Not a big deal, just saying.
- That brings me to ask what new things does the new database have? The online description is for ver 4.3 and we are at 4.7. A billion years ago I believed I asked if EMM can store the resolution of the media art too. Cause that will lead to automatic views the likes of "show only movies with poster/fanart/whatever art size less than" so I'd know what media I have to work on to improve its art.
- Do you have any thoughts on switching to color media flags? Could you share some info/thoughts here as I'm not sure what's the intention is. The flags are not the size of what Kodi uses in (some of its) skins. They're smaller and then the size gets doubled up or something when displayed. Not sure if this is some mechanism meant to deal with the DPI settings of displays or something else. Anyways I custom made my own. Maybe the set of flags can be added to theming, so they would have a separate location and not be wiped out at every EMM update?
- Taking about rating/media flags... Now that EMM displays a lot more ratings, a very long movie name combined with showing a lot of columns on the left section, will push its allowed space into the flags area, cutting them out. (i.e. "Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" with cut into IMDB/Metacritic/TheMovieDB flag space). Maybe the movie name can be broken on multiple lines if it exceeds a certain length?

Thanks again, this has been one fab update!
(2021-06-13, 23:36)Daydream Wrote: What would you say is the parity with Kodi scrappers (Universal scraper) now? Can we get Audience Score from Rotten Tomatoes too?
That's planned. It is not yet integrated at the moment because the JSON API no longer provides these values for legal reasons. The "old" XML API still provides this, but I haven't found an already written API library for it. Means that I have to write it myself, which still takes a while. But it will definitely come.
(2021-06-13, 23:36)Daydream Wrote: I know, if there would be 53 ratings scales we'd like to have them all, even if it's not clear what purpose that will serve Smile. That being said can we /will we be able to put these ratings to work in some creative manner? Right now EMM displays just the main/chosen one on the left side, as a column. Can we display them all, or use them in queries (i.e. make a view with all RT movies rated higher than)...? Generically operate with them in some manner?
The rating that is currently marked as "Default" is displayed on the left. This is also the rating that is written to the <rating> / <votes> nodes if it is set this way. This is done for reasons of compatibility if a media center does not support multi-rating like Kodi. You can create your own queries, which can then be selected as a filter or as a separate tab. For all RT ratings over 80% the query would be, for example:
  LEFT OUTER JOIN rating ON (movielist.idMovie = rating.media_id)
  rating.media_type = movie AND
  rating.rating_type = tomatometerallcritics AND
  rating.rating > 80

To be honest, I only want to invest as much time in Ember 2.0 as is really necessary and finally continue with version 3.0.
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Ember Media Manager 1.11.x - Download & Discussion Thread0