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digital. Just to let you know I if I choose video calibration all I get is a blank square not the corners or text to adjust the screen size. Also weather shows ok in top right corner but if I choose weather it just gives me a black screen with one word with type of weather currently or my town (in this black screen and the word fair). Will this e like the other skins eventually and give you a forecast of a few days?

Also drop down on settings I can go into all of them but clicking on video takes me nowhere all other options take me to the relevant setting page.
deano72 Wrote:The tv episode info view is now perfect.

The movieview (with extra media turned on) I still don't get any text top or bottom of window only poster to right.

Don't quite get what you're saying...screenshot?

Quote:digital. Just to let you know I if I choose video calibration all I get is a blank square not the corners or text to adjust the screen size. Also weather shows ok in top right corner but if I choose weather it just gives me a black screen with one word with type of weather currently or my town (in this black screen and the word fair). Will this e like the other skins eventually and give you a forecast of a few days?

Also drop down on settings I can go into all of them but clicking on video takes me nowhere all other options take me to the relevant setting page.

Video Calibration window hasn't been added yet. I'm amazed anything shows up. Wink

Weather page isn't done yet either. I think what you see when you click on it was just an eaaaaaaarly test. Same with the supplemental...somewhere along the line, the script broke, and I've yet to fix it.

The end idea is that you don't have to click on the weather page, that it just displays right there on the homescreen when you highlight the button. This includes the radar info from supplemental.

And the video button in settings...just noticed that was not working myself yesterday.

I think I'm going out tonight, and we've got family stuff tomorrow, so I prolly won't get a chance to fix much till late saturday or sunday.
I don't have a picture to hand, but if you look at this
I don't get any of the plot info, or the director info at the bottom, I do get the poster to the left, enqueue play and trailer, but no text in the box above or below play
Don't worry about doing anything this weekend, family comes first mate.
deano72 Wrote:I don't have a picture to hand, but if you look at this
I don't get any of the plot info, or the director info at the bottom, I do get the poster to the left, enqueue play and trailer, but no text in the box above or below play

No plot info? For any movie? That just ain't right...you are in library mode, right?

deano72 Wrote:Don't worry about doing anything this weekend, family comes first mate.

I should have qualified that "family stuff" with "going to a baby shower for my gf's cousin who lives in another state". As you could probably imagine, going to a primarily woman-oriented event with a bunch of people I hardly know is not really my classic definition of fun...or cool...or...something I'd voluntarily do just for the hell of it.

Basically, I will sorely be awaiting the time I can go back to work. Wink
What the hell is a 'baby shower'?
Hitcher Wrote:What the hell is a 'baby shower'?


It's a party to celebrate somebody who's soon going to be having a baby. I think it was probably created so girls have an excuse to demand that their family give them shit. It's almost like a bachelorette party, except for having stupid games that are penis-themed, they have stupid games that are baby themed.

On a not-retarded note...I went to a guy's house last night who has the most ridiculous example of televisionic decadence I have ever seen. I'm talking 50" HD-flatscreens on EVERY effing wall. 8.1 surround, subs in the floor, and all of it controllable from one point. He literally had six TVs just in his living room. The basement with the stripper poles is another story.

Naturally, I proceeded to corner the guy and begin my sales pitch. So, hopefully, I may have actually found a way to make some cash off of my hobby. "Here dude...I'll build you the sweetest HTPC you've ever seen, and in return, you let me develop in super-tv land." Wink
I'm just throwing ths out there but maybe it might be time for us to be added to the skins above. We get a lot of attention and i know for a fact this thing will be released. Any chance this could happen?
keeganl Wrote:I'm just throwing ths out there but maybe it might be time for us to be added to the skins above. We get a lot of attention and i know for a fact this thing will be released. Any chance this could happen?

I can def. reinforce the statement of "this thing will be released". I don't have a three-page list of stuff that needs to be fixed/done/added before I can release it for nothing. Wink

I was just gonna wait until we had more than just the one thread going, but now that you've already asked...why not?
yep, no plot info for any movie. I am in library mode, and the tv shows show it all ok
I am scraping with themoviedb, could that be it?
deano72 Wrote:yep, no plot info for any movie. I am in library mode, and the tv shows show it all ok
I am scraping with themoviedb, could that be it?

That could be it. I *highly* recommend running your movies through Fekker's program MIP. In addition to ensuring that you get proper info for everything in your library, you get more options for posters/fanart, AND he's got functionality built in for the extra media images and (coming soon) TV network support so you get the nifty little icons.

It may take a bit of time to get everything straightened out in the begginning, but trust me, once you've set up your library with MIP once, you'll be incredibly glad you did. It takes away a lot of the headaches caused by movies being incorrectly scraped, and it also cuts the time it takes to scan everything dramatically.

I've updated the version on FTP to reflect the laundry-list of stuff I've been working at. Changes/fixes are as follows:

Fixed: Timing not quite right with startup anim
Fixed: Issues with fanart/thumbnails flickering or showing incorrectly in music library.
Added: Global fanart image to Music library.
Fixed: Video OSD open/close animation.
Fixed: Sluggish navigation when visualization overlay is on.
Added: Stop button to OSD common controls.
Fixed: Disable Tile View in Movie library.
Fixed: "Video Setting" button in home screen doesn't work.
Fixed: Supplemental Weather script doesn't work.
Added: Flag to control whether to display rating, or use rating field for Network Logo.
Added: Seek Bar on seeking in music OSD.
Added: Now Playing info in Music OSD.
Fixed: Ghost Playlist Position with Twoline Weather/date enabled
Fixed: Press "UP" to view ghost playlist on homescreen.
Fixed: Press "left" from "Movies" button on home takes you to the settings button.
Fixed: Seek Letter shouldn't display in playlists
Added: Rough Album/artist/song info window in music lib.

So, feel free to download the updates and see how it works for you.

Edit: "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 4 (1 members and 3 guests)"

Who are you ghost viewers? I've always wanted to know this...
where would i get fekker's program mip, and does it work on OSX?
Sorry. Movie info plus is not available for osx yet. Worn and horizons and other skins show movie info. If I use mip via so on my mac do I only have to run it once? Obviously again once I add more films.
It works under OSX using WINE, the windows environment emulator. I'm not familiar with the usage of Wine, so I would recommend checking in the discussion thread for MIP on info on where to get it and how to install it...

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Yep I will try wine.....cheers.
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