Posts: 209
Joined: Oct 2015
I think he is asking can it trigger DoVi from a file that contains both video streams as separate tracks DTDL, the HDR10 layer and the Enhancement layer, the answer no, is these need to be muxed in to a single track Dual Layer file STDL with Makemkv.
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Posts: 289
I just tried Vimu on my Shield. While it is a very basic player it does play Dolby Vision back on the Shield properly with no stuttering whatsoever. It also will auto-switch refresh rates and resolutions, and bitstream.
Kodi on the Shield (even 2015 and 2017 models) have almost always stuttered. There was a point on my 2015, maybe before the nougat upgrade, where it didn’t, but after it was never the same.
Now if I want stutter-free playback I use Nova for HDR10/HD/SD playback, and Vimu for DV. If and when Nova adds DV support I’ll almost certainly rely upon that exclusively.
Not sure what Kodi is doing differently, it’s too bad I could never get it working right on any of my Shields (works great on my Coreelec boxes).
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Joined: Jul 2021
I tried Kodi, Vimu and Emby on a Shiled 2019 (Tube). They all stutter to the point where DV is unplayable. Is there any way to play DV mkvs without stutter. I am regretting my decision to buy the Shield as I already have an Odroid N2 Coreelec which works perfectly for regular HDR.
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Joined: Jul 2021
Thanks for the tip. Just player works great. The only issue is that the subtitles are eye searingly bright.
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Joined: Jul 2021
Scratch that. Just Player does not stutter, but blacks about out every minute and redisplays the Dolby Vision badge. I have LG B9.
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Resolved the black flickering. It was due to my AVR.
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Joined: Jan 2014
One day, after testing a ton of different players you will come to the conclusion of what was said months ago.
The problem is the Nvidia Shield firmware not the video players.