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Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
See https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=363595
Hey guys, so with my issue trying to move the seek bar up when playing a movie, i believe the settings for it may be in the VideoOSD.xml in the skins settings.

Can anyone have a look and see if they can locate the actual setting so i can move it up a touch?

Thanks heaps.
Have you switched to pfp-az's MyScopeNox?  He's building off of Funkd's ScopeNox.  Really making fantastic progress.


This will probably be the last time I ever look in this thread as the action is over there now.

Show Zoom/Subtitle Buttons for Non-Scope

Can someone tell me if there is a possibility to activate the zoom button on Kodi (Nvidia Shield) or Kodi (Windows)?
On a cheap player from China I was able to activate the zoom button, on the other not.

Any suggestion?

I made also pictures but i'm not able ti add them in that post
Hi all!

I spent some time this weekend getting funkd’s ScopeNox skin working for Matrix. I made the necessary changes for it to work and have been testing it in my theater. I did not change much in the skin itself as I’m very new to the Kodi skinning game, but at the very least it seems to be working.

You will need to install the skin first, then install the tools that are included in the repo. Just save the tools zip separately.

Here’s a link to the forked repo release. https://github.com/LLuth0r/ScopeNox/arch...V1.0.0.zip
Wanted to add that the biggest reason I updated the original ScopeNox skin was for the zoom buttons.  I missed being able to click a button to zoom in/out for 16:9 / 2.35 material right within Kodi.  The MyScopeNox skin was great, but I was having a lot of weird issues with the GUI changing after watching content (image would shift down vertically) and the lack of the zoom buttons drove me back to getting it to work with ScopeNox.
Updated the ScopeNox skin some more:
  • Changed fonts and updated some of the menu items for better readability
  • Moved some of the menu bars
  • Fixed the subtitles OSD screen (changed from search to opening the OSD controls)
  • Added onload functions to autozoom the picture based on the aspect ratio of the video file being played.  
    • This may be a bit wonky based on the video file, how it was encoded and whether the encoder added black bars or changed the aspect ratio.
    • The zoom buttons still work so you can quickly correct if it's off
(2022-09-17, 00:41)snakpak Wrote:
  • Added onload functions to autozoom the picture based on the aspect ratio of the video file being played.  
    • This may be a bit wonky based on the video file, how it was encoded and whether the encoder added black bars or changed the aspect ratio.
    • The zoom buttons still work so you can quickly correct if it's off
Wow thank you, seems to work very well as far it is not letterboxed. But I can't find the zoom buttons. Where are they?
Unforunately it doesn't work in the "Pictures" section. (May not implemented in that section...?) Pictures are often cropped and I couldn't find a way to disable the scope mask bars or zoom down the pictures.
Quote:Changed fonts and updated some of the menu items for better readability
Is it possible to change the fonts back to the originals? I would like those much more better...
And I would also like to change the background pictures.
Hey!  Apologize, I never got the notification that there was a reply to this.

The buttons are missing because the script, scopenox tools, was missing.  I'm working on including that.

As for the fonts, I'll update as I'm not a huge fan either.  I'd have to see what font Funkd was using originally, or find something I find more aesthetically pleasing.

For Pictures, I would have to dive into it.  I personally don't use that section on my Kodi install, but I'm happy to take a look after I get the zoom buttons back in.  I'd also like to utilize something similar to the OSMC skin's background selection.  Might take me some time to incorporate that.  Skinning in Kodi isn't exactly intuitive or easy going.
New release: https://github.com/LLuth0r/ScopeNox-Upda...tag/V1.0.8
Just wanted to say thank you for keeping ScopeNox alive. I am not a fan of the font so back to Myscopenox I go but glad us scope users have options.
You’re welcome. I changed the font, though I can’t remember if I pushed those changes up to GitHub. I can revert to the old font though.
Hey buddy just wanted to chime in with the others and thank you for doing this. I was at my wits end on what to do with my new scope screen and the fact that I just cant ditch Kodi. Thanks a ton. I am using it on Nexus btw and seems to work fine so far.

While I can get the UI fullscreen, scope movies are much smaller than my screen. And when I enter the playback settings from the OSD, the zoom level shows 0.7 to 0.5 depending on the movie. If I manually set the zoom to 100% the video fits the screen perfectly. But if I set the "Set as default for all media" it does not remember this setting.

What am I doing wrong



Hey, apologize I didn't see this when you posted.  My notifications weren't turned on.  So that's the autozoom.  I got tired of manually zooming every single movie, so I wrote an autozoom feature that detects the media aspect ration, and sets the zoom level accordingly upon playback.  The only caveat to this is that if you repeat play an item it'll zoom again.  If there are hard-coded black bars in the media, the aspect ratio of the media won't be correct and it'll zoom wrong.  I'm working on a script to hopefully fix this, but the Kodi skinning manual & actions are sort of lacking when it comes to how to handle zooming. 

I just posted an updated skin, getting rid of the all caps fonts because it was misleading in some of the sub-menus.  I'll make sure I have notifications for the sub turned on, but in case you run across any other issues, best place for me to get notified is directly on the Github repository.  You can post an issue directly in there and I'll see that right away since development is part of my daily workflow. 


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I'll be more active in this sub as well.
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ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)3